
lǜ shī xié huì
  • bar association;lawyers' association
  1. 去年,美国律师协会(theAmericanBarAssociation)认为:利用犯罪嫌疑人的资料来建立数据库的作法应该被禁止,犯罪实验室检测数据库中DNA的行为应当被起诉。

    Last year , the American Bar Association recommended that suspect databases be banned and that labs that use them be prosecuted .

  2. 美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)表示,在房地产交易中,肯定应该对马尔金这样的政府官员给予更密切的关注,但该机构的指导方针是自愿执行的。

    The American Bar Association suggests that government officials like Mr. Malkin warrant enhanced scrutiny in real estate deals , but its guidelines are voluntary .

  3. 求职申请中可能会提到求职者与"威斯康星州非裔美国律师协会"或"全国黑人雇员协会"等团体的关系,这显然会产生超出其成员控制范围的影响。

    A job application might mention affiliations with groups such as the " Wisconsin Association of African-American Lawyers " or the " National Black Employees Association , " the names of which apparently have consequences , and are also beyond their members ' control .

  4. 协会主席WilliamWeisenberg称,律师协会是为了更充分得利用价值取向的选举。

    Committee chairman William Weisenberg says the lawyers group is for greater use of merit-based selections .

  5. 提案的反对压力来自美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)、美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),以及一个较不知名但颇具影响力的游说团体:全美州务卿协会(NationalAssociationofSecretariesofState)。

    Opposition comes from the American Bar Association , the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a less-known but powerful lobby , the National Association of Secretaries of State .

  6. 随着免费法律援助时间减少,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)和其他团体正在探所新的方式招募律师志愿者来帮助有需要的人们处理复杂的法律事务。

    As free legal hours fall , the American Bar Association and other groups are trying to come up with new ways to enlist lawyers to assist in navigating the court system .

  7. 为此,上个月美国律师协会举办了首个全美法律援助峰会(NationalProBonoSummit),探索提高律师参与度的新方式。

    In response , the ABA held its first national pro bono summit last month to explore new ways to ramp up lawyer participation .

  8. 在一些幻灭的毕业生和一些教授的施压下,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)首次公布了上一年度找到全职永久律师职位的毕业生数量。

    Under pressure from disillusioned graduates and some professors , the American Bar Association for the first time released a tally of the previous year 's graduates who have secured full-time , permanent jobs as lawyers .

  9. 塔玛纳哈认为,美国律师协会(AmericanBarAssociation)的评审机制过度鼓励了法学院的“学术模式”。在这种模式下,薪水可观的教授很少带课,从而可以腾出时间撰写法律学术文章或者开展研究。

    Tamanaha says that the American Bar Association accreditation system has excessively encouraged a " scholarly model " where handsomely paid professors teach few courses so they have time to write law journal articles or conduct research .

  10. 刑事律师协会主席弗朗西斯·菲茨吉本在BBC的采访中表示,这起案件很不寻常。

    Francis FitzGibbon , the chair of the Criminal Bar Association , told the BBC 's Today programme the case was " unusual . "

  11. 即便如此,美国律师协会仍然暂时批准了更多法学院的设立。该协会的官方网站显示,其中包括加利福尼亚大学欧文分校法学院(UniversityofCalifornia-IrvineSchoolofLaw)和麻省大学法学院达特茅斯分院(UniversityofMassachusettsLawSchool-Dartmouth)。

    Even so , the ABA has provisionally approved the creation of even more law schools , including the University of California-Irvine School of Law and the University of Massachusetts Law School-Dartmouth , according to the bar association 's website .

  12. 在美国ABA和几个律师协会已经探讨了法律流程外包的做法,和英国相比提供了更多具体的指导(尽管仍然有限)。

    In the U.S.the ABA and several Bar Associations have discussed the practice of legal outsourcing , providing more detailed guidance ( albeit still limited ) than that which is available in the U.

  13. 挪威律师协会领导人FrodeSulland,称这一禁令有违欧洲人权准则。

    Frode Sul land , the head of defense group at the Norwegian Bar Association , said that the ban could counter European human rights rules .

  14. 秘书处的国际传媒律师协会(IMLA)也设在PCMLP。

    The Secretariat of the International Media Lawyers Association ( IMLA ) is also based at PCMLP .

  15. 刑事检控专员KeirStarmer和刑事律师协会认为放松禁令原则上会有利于公平地进行刑事审判。

    Keir Starmer , the director of public prosecutions , and the Criminal Bar Association believe that relaxing the ban would be good in principle .

  16. 但在参议院要想获得大多数的认可将是一场斗争,尽管美国律师协会(依据NRA的主张)已经证实了该条约不违反宪法中的枪支保有制。

    But getting the two-thirds majority in the Senate needed for ratification will be a struggle , even though the American Bar Association has confirmed the treaty does not infringe any constitutional right to bear arms ( as the NRA claims ) .

  17. 充实律师协会行业管理职能,发挥行业管理优势;

    Enrichment Bar Association industry management functions , a trade management advantages ;

  18. 因为没支付律师协会费用被暂停执照。

    Suspended for failure to pay her bar association dues .

  19. 举行地点为上海市律师协会。

    This forum is held in Shanghai Lawyers Association .

  20. 这些数据涵盖了美国律师协会认可的201所法学院中的198所。

    The data cover 198 of 201 ABA-accredited schools .

  21. 美国律师协会则表示,学校从遭受严重的缺陷。

    The ABA said the school suffered from a number of gross deficiencies .

  22. 不,先生,我是加州律师协会的一员。

    No , sir , I 'm a member of the California bar .

  23. 第二条中华全国律师协会会员向本协会交纳会费。

    The members of All China Lawyers'Association shall pay membership fees to this Association .

  24. 律师协会谴责了这个律师的行为,但没有取消他的律师资格。

    The bar association condemned the lawyer 's actions but did not disbar him .

  25. 广西律师协会日常的议事机构是会长办公会。

    The routine proceeding organ of Guangxi Lawyers Association is the chairmen 's meeting .

  26. 此后几年中,全国各地相继成立地方律师协会。

    In the following years , local lawyers associations were established in various localities .

  27. 在美国开业的律师协会。

    Association of lawyer practise in the usa.

  28. 美国律师协会则是意识到这一点。

    The ABA is aware of this .

  29. 埃里克史密斯还是一名美国律师协会、国际科技法律顾问。

    He is a member of the American Bar Association and the International Technology Law Association .

  30. 参议员,我们可以结束这个话题吗?我们知道他是律师协会的。

    Senator , may we not drop this ? We know he belonged to the Lawyers'Guild .