
dà xué shēng
  • college student;university student;undergraduate
大学生 [dà xué shēng]
  • (1) [college student]∶在大专院校注册入学的人

  • (2) [undergraduate]∶一个受过高等教育但尚未获得任何学位的人

大学生[dà xué shēng]
  1. 消极的激情是消极情绪的积累,是形成大学生激情犯罪行为的催化剂。

    The negative intense emotion is the University student 's catalyst of the intense emotional criminal offence .

  2. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕一位大学生那天因违章驾车被拦住。

    A university student in nairobi , kenya , was stopped for a traffic violation the other day .

  3. 有些大学生将不得不住在校外。

    Some college students will have to live out .

  4. 这学期你想加入大学生联谊会吗?

    Do you think you 'll pledge this semester ?

  5. 我考试考得一塌糊涂,这就断送了我的大学生涯。

    My disastrous exam results dealt the coup de gr â ce to my university career .

  6. 密歇根大学获得了1933年全国大学生橄榄球赛的冠军。

    The 1933 national collegiate football championship was won by Michigan .

  7. 我们把工人和大学生安排在一起工作,对他们一视同仁。

    We had proles working alongside university types as equals .

  8. 那些参与者的所作所为有失大学生的体面。

    Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students .

  9. 面对动物实验,哪怕是生物专业的大学生也会畏缩。

    Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments

  10. 大学生已经上了当,但他们或许还没有意识到。

    College students already are being nicked , but probably don 't realize it .

  11. 他的模样就像个大学生。

    He had the appearance of a college student

  12. 她把房间租给了大学生。

    She rented rooms to university students .

  13. 明年选修物理的大学生仅占大学生总数的2%。

    Next year 's crop of undergraduates opting to take physics represents just 2 per cent of all undergraduates .

  14. 亨利不具备教大学生的资格。

    Henry has no qualifications to teach college students .

  15. 如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。

    Now our mountain village has its own college students .

  16. 大学生大部分在校住宿。

    Most college students are boarders .

  17. 他一向主张大学生的知识面要宽一些。

    He has always been of the opinion that university students ought to have a wider range of knowledge .

  18. 大学生们暑假里在森林里伐木。

    The college students spent their summer logging in the wood .

  19. 影片生动地反映了当代大学生的生活。

    The film vividly reflects the life of the present-day college students .

  20. 大学生住在家里并不少见。

    It is not uncommon for college students to live at home .

  21. 我们坚持认为每位大学生必须掌握一门外语。

    We contended that every college student must have a command of a foreign language .

  22. 山区避暑旅馆有时在夏季雇用大学生充当旅馆房间服务员。

    Sometimes resort hotels in the mountains hire college students as desk clerks during the summer .

  23. 小学生、中学生以至大学生都来看这个展览。

    Elementary school students , middle school students and even college students came to see the exhibition .

  24. 可惜很多大学生找工作不能归口。

    It is pity that many of the college and university graduates can 't find a job down their alley .

  25. 切尔西·琼斯是霍华德大学的第一代大学生,现在在I'mFirst组织指导学生编程。

    Chelsea Jones , who now directs student programming at I 'm First , was a first-generation college student at Howard .

  26. Nijay代表了一个不断壮大的庞大美国群体:第一代大学生。他们在入学时没有做好准备或落后于其他人。

    Nijay represents a large and growing group of Americans : first-generation college students who enter school unprepared or behind .

  27. 我们真正应该讨论问题是谁应该为大学生支付学费。

    The actual question we debate is who should pay for people to go to college .

  28. 大学生培养了提问能力,提问是批判性思维的基石。

    The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions , the cornerstone of critical thinking .

  29. 他希望传播这些信息,帮助潜在的大学生在上完中学后找到最佳的教育课程。

    He hopes to distribute this information and help prospective college - goers find the best post-secondary fit .

  30. 但许多大学生将课外活动、运动、聚会和社交放在首位。

    But the priorities of many undergraduates are with extracurricular activities , playing sports , and partying and socializing .