
  • 网络big idea
  1. 大力发展多种办学模式是WTO中国高职教育发展的大思路,加强特色建设是中国高职教育发展的道路。

    The main thinking and the main road of developing China 's higher vocational education should be to develop multiple school running mode and to construct its own characteristics .

  2. 现代医疗设备检修中的大思路与小手法

    Big mentality and small technique in modern medical equipment maintenance

  3. 跨世纪高校现代汉语课教学改革大思路

    Reform of Modern Chinese Linguistics Course in Colleges

  4. 西部大开发已被确定为中国下个世纪经济发展的大战略、大思路。

    Western development has been defined to be great strategy and thought of economic development next century in China .

  5. 敢修为先,即大思路,会修为后,即小手法。

    " Dares to repair " for first , namely " the big mentality "," can repair " for after , namely " small technique " .

  6. 《资本论》是哲学批判与政治经济学批判双向建构的结晶,集中体现了马克思在哲学与经济学的结合中研究人类社会和人类解放的大思路。

    As a quintessence of bi-construction of critique of philosophy and critique of economy , The Capital reflects Marx 's train of thought in studying human society and the emancipation of human race .

  7. 这里的大思路之一是,在未来,在这星期内,铁路系统将暂停将在主要城市大多数市民使用。

    One of the big ideas here is that in the future , during the week , suspended rail systems will be used by the majority of the citizens of the major cities .

  8. 本文从国内外事故灾害频发的特点出发,探讨国内提出安全防灾文化建设的概念,并着重分析了拓展安全防灾文化建设的大思路。

    In the view of frequent occurrences of accidents and disasters both in China and other countries , the concept for constituting the safety culture of disaster prevention in China is discussed and grand view on development of safety culture of disaster prevention is analyzed .

  9. 面对21世纪城市建设的新形势,作者遵照党和政府对各项工作的总体要求,结合自己的工作实践,总结提出了指导本省城乡规划建设,推动全省经济实现跨越式发展的大思路。

    Given the new situations of urban construction in 21st century , the author puts forward the general idea of guiding Hebei provincial urban & rural planning and construction to promote a leap-forward development of provincial economy by combining the general requirements of CPC and governments with his own experiences .