
shānɡ pǐn jiāo yì suǒ
  • commodity exchange
  1. 大连商品交易所(DalianCommodityExchange)的铁矿石期货交易量位列第三。

    Iron ore futures on the Dalian Commodity exchange came in third .

  2. 周四,芝加哥商品交易所(ChicagoMercantileExchange)提高了美国国债作为抵押品的折价率。

    On Thursday the Chicago Mercantile Exchange raised collateral haircuts for clearing Treasuries .

  3. 东京商品交易所(TokyoCommodityExchange)以日圆计价的基准黄金合约价格高于国际市场上以美元计价的黄金价格。

    Japan 's benchmark Tokyo Commodity Exchange yen-denominated gold contract has outperformed the dollar-denominated gold price that is used in the international market .

  4. 5年前,洲际交易所和现为cme拥有的纽约商品交易所(newyorkmercantileexchange)也无法为它们的基准合约获取充足的流动性。

    Five years ago ice and the New York Mercantile Exchange now owned by CME were also unable to garner sufficient liquidity to their benchmarks .

  5. 中国国内的交易员们则一直忙于关闭在郑州商品交易所(ZhengzhouCommodityExchange)的棉花头寸,因预计棉花储备入市将导致国内棉花期货价格大幅下跌。

    Chinese traders have been closing out cotton positions on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on expectations a release from the reserves will send domestic futures tumbling .

  6. ICE原计划在2013年收购的新加坡商品交易所(SingaporeMercantileExchange)的基础上于本月推出其新加坡交易所。

    ICE had planned to launch its Singapore exchange , based on the Singapore Mercantile Exchange which it bought in 2013 , this month .

  7. 上周二,在纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileExchange),天然气期货价格连续第三天反弹,上涨了1.2%,达到3.959美元/百万英热单位。

    On Tuesday , natural gas futures rallied for a third day , gaining 1.2 % in the New York Mercantile Exchange to $ 3.959 a million British thermal units .

  8. 各交易所(例如芝加哥商品交易所)希望在庞大的otc市场发挥更大作用。

    Exchanges , such as the CME , are seeking a greater role in the vast OTC markets .

  9. 洲际交易所计划斥资10亿美元,收购软性大宗商品交易所&纽约期货交易所(NewYorkBoardofTrade),但目前仍在等待批准。预计该交易将于明年年初完成。

    However , ICE will have to wait on the approval for its planned $ 1bn takeover of the soft commodities exchange New York Board of Trade , which is expected to be completed early next year .

  10. 代表交易员和气象学家集体智慧的芝加哥商品交易所(cme)的“冷度日”(coolingdegreedays)期货价格表明,8月份也会很热。

    Futures prices of " cooling degree days " traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , representing the collective wisdom of traders and meteorologists , suggest August will be hot too .

  11. 你是否担心芝加哥商品交易所(cme)会成为推动衍生产品领域整合的力量?

    Are you worried about CME emerging as the driving force behind consolidation in the derivatives area ?

  12. 运营全球最大期货交易所的芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup),从2012年1月起将允许国际投资者把人民币用作所有期货产品交易的抵押品。

    CME Group , the largest futures exchange , will allow international investors to use the Chinese currency as collateral for trading in all its futures products from January 2012 .

  13. 在美国,芝加哥商品交易所和洲际交易所(ICE)等交易所正在拓展新的业务,以响应监管机构关于将更多的场外(OTC)衍生品转入场内结算的要求。

    Exchanges such as CME and ICE in the US are building new businesses in response to regulators ' demands that more over-the-counter derivatives be cleared .

  14. 在纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileExchange)Comex分部,三月铜期货周日晚上涨15.95美分至每磅3.4280美元,涨幅4.9%。

    Sunday evening , nearby March copper was up15.95 cents , or4.9 % , to $ 3.4280 a pound on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  15. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)表示:随着美国逼近债务上限,我们将继续监视流动性环境和适当的抵押品折价。该集团接受美国国债作为期货头寸担保

    We will continue to monitor the liquidity environment and appropriate collateral haircuts as the US approaches the debt ceiling , said the CME Group , which accepts US Treasuries against futures positions

  16. 芝加哥商品交易所表示,已同意与纽约商交所进行为期30天的独家谈判。不到一年前,这家全球最大的期货交易所同意收购了芝加哥期货交易所(ChicagoBoardofTrade)。

    Less than a year after the CME agreed to acquire the Chicago Board of Trade , the world 's largest futures exchange said it had agreed to a 30-day exclusive negotiating period with Nymex .

  17. 本文使用Granger协整检验方法对DCE(大连商品交易所)和CBOT(芝加哥商品交易所)大豆期货价格的平稳过程作了比较研究。

    This paper studies stable process of soybean futures prices between DCE and CBOT by Granger co-integration test .

  18. 芝加哥商品交易所集团(CMEGroup)正在调查本月的一起案例,迷你标普指数期货合约的一名交易员因疏忽大意,同时以买家和卖家的身份交易了近20万份合约。

    CME Group , the Chicago-based futures exchange , is investigating a case this month where a trader in mini SP Index futures contracts inadvertently traded approximately 200,000 contracts as both buyer and seller .

  19. 芝加哥商品交易所的运营商CME集团是全球最大的衍生品交易商之一。

    The CME Group , operator of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , is one of the world 's largest traders of derivatives .

  20. 位于美国的洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)决定,将开始在伦敦从事原油期货交易,与纽约商品交易所展开直接竞争,并击败对手,这一决定可以说也面临同样的难题。

    The same can be said of the decision by the US-based InterContinental Exchange to start trading crude oil futures in London , in direct and successful competition with Nymex in New York .

  21. 这是因为,liffe的欧洲同业拆借利率期货和期权、或是芝加哥商品交易所(chicagomercantileexchange)的欧洲美元期货等金融产品,是利润的来源。

    This is because financial products such as Euribor futures and options on LIFFE or Eurodollar Futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange are where the money is .

  22. 据德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,美国大宗商品交易所交易基金(ETF)管理下的资产接近80亿美元,高于去年的峰值水平。交易所交易基金是用于追踪某种基础资产的投资工具。

    Deutsche Bank estimates that assets under management in US commodity exchange traded funds investment vehicles which track an underlying asset are close to $ 8bn , above last year 's peak .

  23. 纽约商品交易所(newyorkmercantileexchange)的数据显示,提供针对油价在今年年底前跌破每桶100美元的看跌期权合约数量,在过去6周内增长了1倍以上。

    The number of financial bets providing insurance against a fall in prices below $ 100 a barrel before the end of the year has more than doubled in the past six weeks , according to the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  24. 围绕其他潜在兼并的传闻还有芝加哥商品交易所、纳斯达克(NASDAQ)的母公司和其他交易所抢购规模较小的交易所。

    Rumors abound of other potential tie-ups that could see the CME , the parent of the NASDAQ ( NDAQ ), and other exchanges snap up smaller exchanges .

  25. 今天,金价又创下了新高,纽约商品交易所(Comex)的黄金结算价格涨到了每盎司1439.90美元。

    Old Yeller clipped a fresh record today , settling at $ 1439.90/oz on Comex .

  26. 今年以来,芝加哥商品交易所(chicagomercantileexchange)未履行的生牛与生猪期货与期权合约已激增近三分之一。

    The number of outstanding contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for live cattle and lean hogs futures and options both benchmark derivatives has jumped by nearly a third since the start of the year .

  27. 中国企业越来越成为中东原油市场的价格决定者,迪拜商品交易所(DubaiMercantileExchange)的产品与服务主管欧文约翰逊(OwainJohnson)表示。

    Chinese firms are increasingly the price makers in the regional crude oil markets , said Owain Johnson , chief of products and services at the Dubai Mercantile Exchange .

  28. 香港政府去年建立了一个戒备森严的金库,使得海外投资者可以在港储存黄金,同时一家称为香港商品交易所(hongkongmercantileexchange)的公司正准备推出黄金期货。

    The Hong Kong government last year set up a high-security gold vault , allowing overseas investors to store their gold in the city , while a company called the Hong Kong mercantile exchange is preparing to launch gold futures .

  29. CME集团旗下的芝加哥商品交易所(ChicagoMercantileExchange)是全球最大的期货市场和明富环球金融集团的自我监管机构,该交易所表示这种做法违反了规定。

    According to the CME Group 's ( CME ) Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the world 's dominant futures market and the designated " self-regulatory organization " of MF Global , those rules were violated .

  30. 1978年,纽约商品交易所(nymex)推出了世界上第一个成功的石油期货合约&纽约取暖油期货合约。

    In1978 , nymexpresented the first successful oil futures contract in the world , i.e. , New York heatingoil futures contract .