
  • 网络Commercial agriculture;cash farming
  1. 到了清朝,商品性农业在明代原有基础上得到了进一步发展,至乾隆时期,农业的商品性生产更是达到鼎盛阶段。

    Until the Qing Dynasty , cash farming has been further developed on the basis of the original of the Ming Dynasty .

  2. 早在宋朝,河南的经济水平就居于全国前列,商品性农业的发展亦是如此。

    As early as the Song Dynasty , the economic level of Henan is among the highest in China and so is cash farming .

  3. 我国古代商品性农业发展的研究。

    ⅳ The study of commercial agricultural development of ancient China .

  4. 其次,兴艺植之利&发展商品性农业;

    Promoting the benefit of technical farming & to develop commodity agriculture .

  5. 鼓励私人创办农垦公司。与此同时,他在实践中大力发展商品性农业,并对农产品进行机器加工;

    Meanwhile , he developed commercial agriculture and processed agricultural product by machine in practice ;

  6. 通过对各阶层的分析,可以清晰地看到太湖流域高度发达的商品性农业背后的人文因素。

    Through analyzing all social ranks and classes , humanities ' factors causing highly developed commercial agriculture are revealed clearly .

  7. 唐代商品性农业的发展和农产品的商品化其次,兴艺植之利&发展商品性农业;

    The Tendency of Agricultural Commercialization and the Commercialized Produce in the Tang Dynasty 2.Promoting the benefit of technical farming & to develop commodity agriculture .

  8. 商品性农业作为社会商品经济的一个重要组成部分,它的发展影响着商品经济的发展,它的繁荣也必将对社会经济产生重要影响。

    As an important component of social commodity economy , the development of cash farming has an effect on commodity economy and its prosperity will have a major impact on the socio-economic .

  9. 要实现传统自给性农业向现代商品性农业的转变,实现农业现代化和农村可持续发展,必须要有发达和完善的现代农业基础设施与之相配套。

    In order to convert traditional agriculture into modern commodity agriculture and realize Agriculture modernization and sustainable development in rural areas , it is necessary to Establish advanced and perfect modern agriculture infrastructure to match it .

  10. 经过一段时间的恢复,河南区域内的人口以及耕地面积有所增加、生产技术和生产工具得到进一步提高与改进,商品性农业便在这个背景下逐渐发展起来。

    After a period of restoration , the population of Henan has increased as well as the cultivated area and the production technology and tools enhanced and improved further . The cash farming developed gradually in this background .

  11. 与此同时,城市周边农村地区逐渐融入城市经济圈,带动了商品性农业的发展和农产品的商品化。第二,全面梳理了唐代农产品价格变迁的历史过程。

    Meanwhile , the periphery of cities gradually integrated into the urban economy laps , and led the commercial agricultural development and the commercialization of agricultural products . Secondly , this paper has summed up the process of changes in the price of agricultural products .