
shānɡ yè shuì
  • business tax;tax on commerce
  1. 需要用减少商业税的办法刺激工业投资

    A Business tax cut is needed to spur industrial investment

  2. 我希望削减商业税。

    I want to cut that business tax .

  3. 我们不会逃避商业税的。

    We won 't escape paying the commercial rate .

  4. 厘金是清后期产生的一种内地商业税。

    Likin was a kind of local business tax , which levied in late Qing dynasty .

  5. 由于地区关税、商业税、汇率及手续费原因,国际报价可能不同。

    International prices may differ due to local duties , taxes , fees and exchange rates .

  6. 而中国农业税占财政收入的主体,商业税占次要部分,国债没有发行。

    However in China the agricultural tax accounted for the main part with business tax being second to it .

  7. 主要分析了厘金产生的原因、推广过程,以及厘金作为一种极不规范的商业税所具有的特点。

    Including the reason it emerged , the process it spread and its characters as so irregular a commercial tax .

  8. 目前,在美利坚合众国的生意缴纳着世界第二高的商业税,百分之35。

    Right now , the United States of American business pays the second-highest business taxes in the world , 35 percent .

  9. 现在,约翰(麦凯恩)提到这个国家的商业税在纸面上很高的这个事实,他完全正确。

    Now , John mentioned the fact that business taxes on paper are high in this country , and he 's absolutely right .

  10. 麦凯恩:这个&这个,让我给你们一个被奥巴马议员找出来反对的例子,商业税。

    MCCAIN : Well & well , let me give you an example of what Senator Obama finds objectionable , the business tax .

  11. 对内融资的手段主要有整顿传统税收和征收新式商业税两类。

    The measure of inner financing mostly included two kinds , neatening the traditional agriculture tax and collecting new type of commercial tax .

  12. 为了解决这个问题,他在第一财政预算案中尽可能加速削减了商业税。

    To address this , he used what little money he could find to accelerate the cuts in business taxes announced in his first budget .

  13. 同时,政府还宣布暂停商业税,帮助低收入家庭,增加政府在住房,学校和道路方面的支出。

    The government has also announced tax breaks for businesses and help for low income families along with higher government spending on housing , schools and roads .

  14. 智利最主要的公会联盟开展大罢工,要求提高养老金,修改劳动法,增加商业税。

    Chile 's main trade-union confederation held a general strike , calling for a bigger state pension , changes to labour laws and higher taxes on business .

  15. 按照明太祖朱元璋所制定的制度,明代的商业税税率为三十税一,显然属于征收过低,这是让人无法理解的。

    The system in accordance with specified Zhu Yuanzhang , Ming dynasty business tax rates by about 30 % , apparently too low , it belongs to levy is incomprehensible .

  16. 然而这份宣言的语调却是雄心勃勃,它称,只要精简政府机构,降低商业税,宽松就业政策,少一些官方的繁文缛节,那么就会刺激经济的发展,使得雇员们重新走上工作岗位。

    But the manifesto is ambitious in tone : a slimmer state , with lower business taxes , looser employment laws and less red tape would , it claims , spur growth and get employers hiring again .

  17. 而海外征收的商业税,不同国家地区,不同时期,则有不同的税制,主要实行比例税率或定额税率两类,总的发展趋势表现为税率不断提高。

    The tax systems abroad were different in different countries or regions during different periods , two main forms of which were proportional duty and duty quota . The general trend was that the duty-rate rose constantly .

  18. 因此,笔者将选取其中几个有代表性的榷关进行研究,力图说明明代竹木抽分的方式及其税率,进而对明代商业税的征收进行研究。

    Therefore , the author will select one of several typical tax research in Ming dynasty , bamboo - wood to tax levied on the way , that in Ming dynasty , and business tax collection for research .

  19. 浅谈加强商业增值税征收管理

    On Strengthening the Collection and Management in the Commercial AVT

  20. 修改的法律通过商业附加税每年20多亿美元的方式再提高25亿美元;你们知道征收关税法中作了修订吗?

    The revised law was expected to raise $ 2.5 billion through a surtax on businesses with annual incomes over $ 2 million ; Have you studied the alterations to the taxation law ?

  21. 商业银行所得税会计初探信息化会计与电子凭证业务

    A Preliminary Research on the Income Tax-related Accounting in Commercial Banks Information-based accountant and electronic bill business

  22. 而且,他意图将商业最高所得税从35%降低到25%。

    And he would aim to lower the top rate of income tax for businesses , from thirty-five percent to twenty-five percent .

  23. 他们对基督徒的商业交易征收宗教税。

    They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions

  24. 契约的演进:以个体商业代扣代缴营业税为例的分析

    The Evolution of Contract : A Case Study

  25. 对商业库存无财产税;

    Property tax on business inventories ;

  26. 7世纪中叶至11世纪初,该帝国控制着东西方重要的交通枢纽,商业贸易活动尤为繁荣,海关税和商业什一税就是其国库收入最重要的来源。

    From the middle of the 7th century to the beginning of 11 centuries , the empire controled the important transportation pivot between East and West , which commercial trade activity was especially prospering , and the tithe and customs duties were important sources of revenue for its national treasury .