
  • 网络legume crop;pulse crop
  1. 催化光度法测定粮食和豆类作物中的痕量锰

    Determination of trace manganese in grain and legume crops by catalytic photometry

  2. 本文收集了62个豆类作物的古汉名并进行了考证,它们隶属7属11个种。

    In this paper , we collect the ancient Chinese name 62 legume crops and have a textual research . It is found that they fall into 7 genera and 11 species .

  3. 我7月份开始收割豆类作物。

    I started cropping my beans in July .

  4. 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就必须把地整成交替的垄和沟。

    If low lands must be used for the bean crop , they should be ridged .

  5. 三种土壤中VA菌根真菌对豆类作物侵染率的研究

    A study of the infection of legume crop by mycorrhizal fungi in three different soils

  6. 蚕豆(ViciafabaLinn,broadbean)是世界重要的食用豆类作物之一,可入药,具有较高的经济价值,且具有很强的固氮能力。

    Broad bean ( Vicia faba Linn ) is a important edible bean and also can be used as medicine . It has a high economic value and the strong ability of nitrogen fixation .

  7. 大部分作物会将土壤中的氮元素消耗殆尽,豆类作物可以将氮返还到土壤中。

    Most plants nitrogen . Legumes put nitrogen back into the soil .

  8. 凉山州豆类作物生产现状及发展对策

    Status Quo of Leguminous Crops Production in Liangshan Prefecture and Development Measures

  9. 在很多情况下,豆类作物生产的增加反映了畜牧生产的变化。

    In many cases increased legume production mirrors changes in animal production .

  10. 鹰嘴豆是一种营养价值丰富的豆类作物。

    Chickpea is a kind of bean crops with rich nutritional value .

  11. 一年生豆类作物固氮力及后效的研究

    N fixing Capacity and After effects of Annual Pulse Crops

  12. 黑龙江省东部豆类作物田节肢动物种类构成调查

    Investigation on Arthropod Species From Beans Crop Field in East of Heilongjiang Province

  13. 豆类作物有利于土壤肥力的均衡发展。

    The intercropping of black straw crop favorites the balanced development of soil fertility .

  14. 密山地区豆类作物田害虫及天敌种类调查

    Investigation on Species of Insect Pest and Predator In Bean Fields in Mishan area

  15. 豆类作物中的大豆皂甙研究概况

    Study survey Soyasaponin in bean crop design

  16. 本实用新型涉及一种可粉碎谷物、豆类作物秸秆及杂草物料的粉碎机。

    The utility model involving a crushing grain , legumes straw and weeds material shredder .

  17. 西宁地区豆类作物害虫种类及发生危害初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation on Pest Varieties and Its Occurrence and Harm in Bean Crops in XiNing Regions

  18. 最近报纸报道了许多饲类和豆类作物抗虫的情况。

    Recently many cases of host resistance to insects have been reported in papers for forage and legume species .

  19. 其次是粮食作物共有54个,主要包括谷类作物和豆类作物。

    The following were food crop , and there were 54 , which mainly includes cereal crop and pulses crop .

  20. 消费者在取得更高收入的同时,其消费类型也正在从谷类和豆类作物转向肉类和其他动物蛋白。

    Consumers are earning higher incomes and shifting consumption away from grains and legumes towards meat and other animal proteins .

  21. 豆类作物最擅长这种作用。在根系分解的过程中,享用相同空间的任何作物都可以获得这些氮素。豆类作物和马铃薯也可以享用相同的领土,因为它们的根在不同的土壤深度生长。

    Crops like beans and potatoes can also share territory well because their roots reach different levels in the soil .

  22. 由于人类生产的植物蛋白主要来源于禾谷类和豆类作物的种子,故种子蛋白质的改良极为重要。

    Crop seeds are the main source of plant protein for mankind , so improving the seed protein is very important .

  23. 通过多熟立体栽培,增加黄豆、花生、花芸豆等豆类作物茬口,实现既培养地力又增加经济收入双赢目标。

    More leguminous plants will be added as stubble crops with the aim to improve the fertility soil and increase the economical income .

  24. 这些豆类作物可以为食草动物提供高蛋白的食物,同时也可以改善土壤质量。

    These members of the legume family provide high protein food for grazing animals . They also improve the quality of the soil .

  25. 但是他们确信这是种植豆类作物最好的方法,因为这样采摘起来比较方便,而且生长的质量也比较好。

    And they 're convinced that it 's the best way to grow beans , and they 're easier to pick and better quality .

  26. 谷类作物和豆科植物发芽率对化感作用的响应不同,谷类作物响比豆类作物受化感作用影响小,尤其是蚕豆。

    Germination responses were generally different between cereals and legumes where cereals tend to be less affected by allelopathic influences than legumes , especially faba bean .

  27. 从微量元素角度分析,卡布里类型鹰嘴豆是极具开发推广价值的药食两用豆类作物。

    To determine and analyze the contents of trace elements in Kabuli chickpea , trace elements in Kabuli chickpea were determined with inductive coupled plasma emission spectrometer .

  28. 蚕豆营养丰富,是豆类作物中仅次于大豆的一种植物蛋白资源,也是重要的粮食、蔬菜、副食、绿肥作物。

    Faba bean is a nutrient-rich plant protein resource next to soybean , which is also an important food , vegetable , subsidiary food and green manure .

  29. 3.为了获得最佳效果,制定以三年为期限的轮作计划,例如第一年种植蚕豆,四季豆和花生等豆类作物。

    Step 3 For the best results , develop a three-year rotation plan , such as legumes like peas , beans , and peanuts the first year ;

  30. 在瘠薄的土壤上,一年生豆类作物植株总氮量约1/3来自土壤,2/3来自空气;

    In the poor soil , 1 / 3 of total amount of N in annual pulse crops comes from it and 2 / 3 from the air .