
dòu miàn
  • bean flour
豆面 [dòu miàn]
  • [bean flour] 用两种以上豆子磨成的面粉,俗称杂面

豆面[dòu miàn]
  1. 驴打滚:又称豆面糕。是北京小吃中的古老品种之一。

    Lvdagunr ( Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour ): also called Pastry Made of Soybean Flour , is an old Beijing snack .

  2. 我要一份龙虾豆面酱。

    Spike : I 'll have the boiled lobster miso .

  3. 这种预糊化面粉有时也混合以瓜尔豆面粉或褐藻酸盐。

    Such pregelatinized flours are sometimes blended with guar flour or alginates .

  4. 她是以从超市里买来转基因豆面食喂养那些怀孕的母鼠。

    She had fed the mothers GM soy flour purchased at a supermarket .

  5. 豆面糕原来以黄米面为其主要原料,现在大多改用江米面。

    It used to be made of millet flour , but now the material is mainly rice flour .

  6. 正宗的瓦达汉堡做法如下:先将五香土豆泥滚成球,外面再滚上一层鹰嘴豆面粉糊,入锅炸成金黄色。

    An authentic vada pav starts with balls of spiced mashed potato dipped in a chickpea flour batter and deep-fried until golden .

  7. 唐牛先生说他祖母和其它许多长寿的老人一样,喝豆面酱汤,吃米饭和蔬菜。

    Mr Karauchi said his grandmother , like a lot of other elderly people , ate miso soup , rice and vegetables .

  8. 山西面食用料多样,有小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、乔面等;品种繁多,有刀削面、猫耳朵、推窝窝等。面食融入了山西人对生活简单而丰富的理解。

    Take Shanxi Province as an example , the flour food is made of many kinds of material including wheat flour , sorghum flour and bean flour etc.

  9. 因为制成后放在黄豆面中滚一下,如郊野真驴打滚,扬起灰尘似的,故而得名。

    Because the soybean flour on the surface looks like the dust a donkey raises when it rolls in the wild , hence the name Lvdagunr ( rolling donkeys ) .