
dòu kē
  • Leguminosae;bean or pea family;bean family
豆科 [dòu kē]
  • [Leguminosae;bean family] 双子叶植物蔷薇目中一个十分大的科,其中包括草本、灌木、乔木和藤本植物,通常,花高度不规则,果为荚果或节荚,根常具根瘤,内含有固氮细菌。本科被分成几个亚科,但在某些分类中认为是独立的科

豆科[dòu kē]
  1. 29种固氮树种生长量与固氮效率相关性研究豆科及非豆科固氮树种是重要的生物固N资源。

    Analysis of Correlation between Growth Quantity and N-Fixation Efficiency of 29 N-fixing Trees Nitrogen fixation trees of Leguminosae and non-Leguminosae are important biological nitrogen fixation resources .

  2. 内蒙古五种豆科(Leguminosae)植物花粉形态

    Pollen Morphology of Five Species of Leguminosae in Nei Mongol

  3. 组织者威廉姆斯先生为生长最快、最高的豆科植物颁发了奖牌。

    The organizer , Mr.Williams , handed out medals for the fastest-growing and the tallest bean plants .

  4. 虽然卡西的豆科植物看起来很健康,开着漂亮的紫色花朵,但它们的生长速度和攀爬高度都不如她邻居种的植物。

    Although Cassie 's bean plants looked healthy with beautiful purple flowers , they did not grow as fast or climb as high as any of her neighbors ' .

  5. 病毒B-2分离物可以侵染14种豆科植物。

    The isolate could infect 14 species of legumes .

  6. 利用同位素~(15)N对豆科作物固氮量测定的研究

    Determination of nitrogen fixation of legume crops using isotope ~ ( 15 ) N

  7. 豆科固氮植物对CO2加富的生理响应

    Effect of elevated co_2 on legume plants with nitrogen fixation

  8. ~(15)N天然丰度法测量豆科牧草共生固氮的评估

    Evaluation of natural ~ ( 15 ) n abundance method in estimating symbiotic dinitrogen fixation by leguminous grasses

  9. 高CO2浓度下4种豆科乔木种子萌发和幼苗生长

    Physio ecological study on the seed germination and seedling growth in four legume tree species under elevated CO 2 concentration

  10. 一年生黑麦草的有机C含量比豆科牧草高,而全N含量比豆科牧草低。

    The organic carbon content of annual ryegrass was obviously greater than those in the legumes , and the total nitrogen content was lower . 3 .

  11. 豆科植物上分离的黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)五个分离物的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Five CMV Isolates from Leguminous Crops

  12. 罗望子多糖(TSP)是从豆科植物罗望子种子中提取的一种天然物质。

    Tamarind seed polysaccharide is a kind of natural substance extracted from the seed of Tamarindus indica .

  13. 福建省主要非豆科固氮树木VA菌根真菌鉴定

    The Isolation and Identification of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi of Nonleguminous Tree of Nitrogen Fixation in Fujian

  14. 系豆科锦鸡儿属(CaraganaFabr.)

    Belongs to the leguminosae , family of Caragana Fabr .

  15. 豆科牧草与铁杆蒿的CP以现蕾期为转折点,禾本科牧草则开花初期CP含量较高。

    The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage . It happened in grasses at early blooming stage .

  16. 根瘤菌(Rhizobium)对非豆科作物的侵染及侵染条件的研究

    A study on invasion of Rhizobium against the nonlegumes and its invasive conditions

  17. 豆科三属八种植物的核型及rDNA定位研究

    Karyotype Analysis and Physical Mapping of 45S rDNA in Eight Species of Sophora , Robinia and Amorpha

  18. 不同种、不同品种豆科牧草茎叶的δ~(15)N值相差甚大,表明了它们的固氮能力的明显不同。

    There exist different δ ~ ( 15 ) N values in shoots of different species and varieties of leguminous grasses , showing that the potentialities of their dinitrogen fixation were apparently different .

  19. 苦参碱(Mat)是豆科槐属植物苦豆子的主要生物碱,是一种新型的抗肿瘤药物。

    Matrine ( Mat ) is the main alkaloid of foxtail-like sophora herb and seed and one of newfashioned antitumor drugs .

  20. 总之,葡萄园行间生草覆盖禾本科多年生黑麦草有利于土壤有机质的提高,豆科植物白三叶草和紫花苜蓿有利于N的积累。

    In short , among the treatments of 3 kinds of grass , the vineyard was benefited from covering with Alfalfa and White Clover cover in N accumulating and Perennial Ryegrass in organic matter increasing .

  21. 5个功能群中C3豆科植物的生物量增加最为显著,其次为C4禾本科和C3非禾本科(P<0.01)。

    C3 legumes had the greatest biomass enhancement - among the 5 functional groups , followed by C4 grasses and C3 forbs ( P0.01 ) .

  22. 胡枝子(Lespedeza)属于豆科植物,是一种多年生落叶灌木。

    Lespedeza is a kind of rosebushes of Leguminosae .

  23. 菽麻(crotalariajunceaLinn·)为豆科猪屎豆属的一年生草本植物。

    Crotalaria juncea Linn . is an annual herbaceous plant of Crotalaria Linn .

  24. 地上部与地下部比较,豆科牧草的P、K、Ca、Mn、Zn、Na含量前者显著高于后者;

    Compared aboveground with underground portion , the P , K , Ca , Mg , Zn and Na contents of the former are notably larger than those the latter in leguminous grasses ;

  25. Frankia引起的非豆科共生固氮研究进展

    Developments in actinorhizal symbiosis induced by Frankia

  26. 白三叶草(Trifoliumrepens)是重要的豆科牧草之一。

    White clover ( Trifolium repens ) is one of the most important legume forage plants .

  27. 几种野生豆科锦鸡儿属(CaraganaFabr.)植物离体培养过程中器官分化和内源植物激素含量的关系

    Relationship between Organogenesis and Endogenous Hormone Contents of Some Wild Legume Plants from Genus Caragana Fabr . Cultured in Vitro

  28. 目前,一系列令人兴奋的实验结果表明:LCOs不仅可促进豆科作物的生物固氮作用,对一些非豆科作物的细胞分裂作用等同样具有刺激作用。

    There are promising results that suggest the application of LCOs in leguminous and non leguminous plants can control cell division .

  29. 苜蓿花叶病毒(Alfalfamosaicvirus,AMV)是侵染苜蓿和三叶草等豆科植物的主要植物病毒,能引起花叶,斑纹,皱缩等症状。

    Alfalfa mosaic virus ( AMV ) is a main plant virus in alfalfa , clover and other legumes , causing mosaic , mottles , malformations and other symptoms .

  30. 豆科植物与根瘤菌之间的根瘤共生(RNS,rootnodulesymbiosis)固氮系统是自然界中氮素最直接和经济的来源,在农业生产中具有十分重要的意义。

    The root nodule symbiosis ( RNS ) between legume plants and rhizobia is the most efficient and productive source of fixed nitrogen , and has critical importance in agriculture .