
dòu shā
  • Red bean paste;sweetened bean paste;puree;purée
豆沙 [dòu shā]
  • [puree;sweetened bean paste] 用红小豆、红豇豆或云豆煮烂捣成泥或干磨成粉加糖而成的食品,用做点心的馅儿

豆沙[dòu shā]
  1. 它是由糯米粉和绿艾蒿(有些时候还加入雀麦草汁)混合在一起,然后再装入甜豆沙做成的。

    It is made of a mixture of glutinous rice powder and green mugworts ( bromegrass juice in some cases ) and stuffed with sweetened bean paste .

  2. 厌氧好氧法处理豆沙馅废水试验研究

    Study on Biodegradation of Sweetened Bean Paste Wastewater under Anaerobic Acidification and Aerobic Biooxidation Condition

  3. 用质构仪对豆沙进行了穿刺、剪切、质地剖面分析(TPA)以研究其质地特性。

    By puncture test , shear test and texture profile analysis ( TPA ), we study the texture characteristics of red bean paste with a texture analyzer .

  4. ·健康的蘸酱例如鹰嘴豆沙或辣番茄酱

    A healthy dip such as hummus or salsa

  5. 也许我还能卖豆沙包,不然都要发霉了。

    Could also sell the bean buns . They 're about to go bad .

  6. 把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。

    Stir in the sugar and maple syrup .

  7. 试试这个鹰嘴豆沙吧?

    Why don 't you try the hummus ?

  8. 豆沙月饼炒西红柿

    Mooncakes with bean-taste filling fried with tomatoes

  9. 糯米一般先用肉、坚果或者豆沙馅填充起来,然后再用竹叶包裹起来。

    Glutinous rice filled with meat , nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves .

  10. 莲蓉,枣泥,豆沙,鳯梨各三个小月饼。

    Three small mooncakes of each flavor : Lotus , Date , Red Bean , and Pineapple .

  11. 组织者声称对大小的菜和所生产的豆沙数量的世界纪录。

    The organisers claimed world records for both the size of the dish and the quantity of hummus produced .

  12. 老子决定了,也要看看豆沙吞是怎么终结的。

    Shit , so I decide , that I 'd wait to see how the bean-paste Tun meets his end .

  13. 枣粽子和豆沙粽子放冰箱可保存3&5天,如果是肉馅,3天内吃完为好。

    Jujube and bean paste in refrigerator can store 3-5 days , if it is meat , ate within 3 days as well .

  14. 现在,我们可以开始吃汤圆了,我最喜欢吃豆沙馅的汤圆,吃起来甜甜的,粘粘的味道好极了。

    Now , we can begin to eat dumpling , I like to eat the dumpling , bean paste , eat sweet sticky tastes good .

  15. 不过别担心,粽子里面没什么特别的东西,只是米饭包着肉或豆沙而已。

    Dont worry though ; there are no surprises in Zongzi . They are just rice with either meat or sweet red bean paste wrapped inside .

  16. 这个可以根据个人的喜好来决定,豆沙、莲蓉、蛋黄等等。

    It 's totally up to you what filling to add , such as sweetened lotus seed paste , bean paste , egg yolk , you name it .

  17. 粽子的主要成分是糯米,加上红枣、豆沙或者肉,因此在初夏炎热的天气里很容易变质。

    The main ingredient of glutinous rice dumplings are red jujube and bean paste or meat , so in the early summer hot weather is easy to spoil .

  18. 在南方,人们喜欢莲蓉这种传统馅料;而在北方,各种馅料&从豆沙、枣泥到火腿、果仁,无不受到人们的喜爱。

    In the south , the favorite traditional filling is lotus seed paste , while northerners like everything from red bean and date paste to ham and nuts .

  19. 月饼是一种厚厚的糕点,形状像打了皱摺的圆鼓,里面有甜豆沙或者莲蓉馅。在每个馅的最中间还有一个熟蛋黄,象征月亮。

    The cakes are filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed , and at the very heart of each is a boiled egg yolk to symbolize the moon .

  20. 枣粽子和豆沙粽子放冰箱可保存3—5天,如果是肉馅,3天内吃完为好。

    Jujube and bean paste in refrigerator can store 3-5 days , if it is meat , ate within 3 days as well . 2.Dumplings should heat through before eating

  21. 江苏苏州和浙江江苏、嘉兴的粽子以其里面包着红枣、豆沙、火腿,熏肉而闻名。

    Suzhou in Jiangsu province and Ningbo and Jiaxin in Zhejiang province are known for their zongzi with date and sweet bean paste , ham , or bacon filling .

  22. 中国民航大学食堂推出一款新菜:豆沙月饼炒西红柿,出国前还撒上香菜装饰。

    The canteen of Civil Aviation University of China had put forward a dish which fried mooncakepieces stuffed with sweet bean taste and tomatoes before decorating them with caraway .

  23. 这份地中海特色菜谱包括了一款意大利腌肉南瓜甘蓝豆沙烩饭和一套名为“让你的孩子吃蔬菜”的服装。

    The Mediterranean-inspired recipes include risotto with pancetta , squash , and kale , zucchini hummus , and the irresistibly named " get your kids to eat their vegetables " dressing .

  24. 经过这么多年,我已经习惯了北方人做粽子时加入大量的豆类、谷物、莲子、大枣和豆沙。

    After all these years , I have gotten used to the northern dumplings that use a lot of beans , cereals , lotus nuts , dates and sweetened bean pastes as filling .

  25. 从原料的配料至装箱入库各个环节的生产工艺进行了分析,提出了豆沙饮料的配方。

    All the links of this technology , from the miking of raw material to the boxing and storing of product are analysed . Also , the compsition of this drink is introduced .

  26. 圆形的月饼是苹果味的、心形是桔子味的、方形是豆沙味的、还有三角形的火腿月饼是斑斑最爱吃的。

    The moon cake of circular is apple flavor , the heart form be an orange flavor , the square be a bean paste flavor , still have triangle of the ham moon cake be what spot spot 's favourite eat .

  27. 汤圆通常由白糖、玫瑰花、芝麻、豆沙、果仁和枣泥制作,因其形状圆满,在中国文化中,汤圆常寓意团圆。

    Sweet dumplings are often made of white sugar , rose , sesame , sweetened bean paste , nuts and date paste . Because of their round shape , sweet dumplings are always considered a symbol of a good reunion in Chinese culture

  28. 本文研究了四种中性食品防腐保鲜剂在甜牛乳饮料和豆沙月饼中的防腐效果,考察了添加防腐保鲜剂后产品的菌落总数、酸度及感官变化情况。

    This paper studied the antiseptic effect of four kinds of neutral food preserve antistaling agents on sweet milk drink and bean paste moon cake . The changes of bacterial colony count , acidity and sense were seen about after being used preservative antistaling agent .