
dòu fu zhā ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • jerry-built projects;shoddy projects
  1. 而我希望最后不要搞个什么豆腐渣工程就好了。

    And I hope there will be no jerry-built constructions at the end .

  2. 我宣誓透露所有负面信息,无论是豆腐渣工程,凶案,或是灵异事件…

    To disclose all illegal additions , shoddy construction , murders , and ghosts ...

  3. 人们将那些孩子的遇难,归咎于当地学校的豆腐渣工程。

    These deaths are blamed on the shoddy construction of the schools in the region .

  4. 一直以来,偷工减料、降低质量标准和豆腐渣工程都与腐败现象相伴而生。

    Using inferior materials , lowering quality standards and the bean curd projects has always been accompanied with corruption .

  5. 与此形成鲜明对比的是国家大剧院等奢侈工程和豆腐渣工程

    Forms the sharp contrast with this is the State Theater and such the luxurious project and the jerry-built projects

  6. 大地震伤亡枕藉,特别是不少学校粉碎性般倒塌,酿成以千计学生惨死,豆腐渣工程的质疑,一直挥之不去。

    The authorities have gone to great lengths to stop people whose children died during the quake from pinning the blame for tofu schools .

  7. 佩特拉菲迪斯迪肯在1985年是这个国家最受欢迎的电台主持人,他只不过是另一个豆腐渣工程的受害者。

    Petra Feddis decon live to become the most popular radio host in the nation , in 1985 , he was just another victim of bad engineering .

  8. 建设工程采用招标方式择优选择施工单位,是从根本上杜绝豆腐渣工程的有效途径。

    Public bidding which is employed for engineering projects to select construction firms is the effective way to fundamentally get rid of the " tofukasu " projects .

  9. 但是,一些家长指责官员腐败导致的豆腐渣工程导致了孩子的死亡,也指出在许多倒塌的校舍周围,其他建筑物却完好无损,逃过一劫。

    But some parents blame shoddy construction linked to corruption for their children 's deaths , pointing out that many school buildings collapsed while surrounding structures withstood the shock .

  10. 纽约人向专栏提出的问题,不仅取决于他们的个人情况,还取决于当今的重大问题,比如住房成本上升、士绅化、豆腐渣工程。

    The questions New Yorkers ask the column are dictated not only by their individual circumstances but also by the larger issues of the day , like rising housing costs , gentrification and shoddy construction .

  11. 可以说,在这两起事故中,内马尔椎骨骨裂在媒体上引发的痛苦之情,远甚于夺走两名巴西人生命的豆腐渣工程。

    It is fair to say that , of the two incidents , Neymar 's fractured vertebrae has attracted far more media anguish than the shoddy workmanship that cost the lives of two of his fellow-citizens .

  12. 那一定是你们学校的宿舍楼太老旧了,再不然就是豆腐渣工程,包工头在施工时偷工减料所致。

    The dormitory building that is your school certainly then is too old old , or else is project of bean curd broken bits like that , the labor contractor is Jerry when construction be caused by .

  13. 另一个如今显而易见的问题则是:如果一座与你的设备相隔万里、但设计相同的反应堆,因操作人员错误操作或豆腐渣工程而发生事故的话,那么你所拥有的反应堆可能也将被关闭。

    Another problem now made manifest is that if operator error or shoddy construction causes a reactor of the same design as yours halfway round the world to go wrong , yours may be shut down too .

  14. 中国网友把这样的房子叫做“豆腐渣工程”从而来讽刺那些偷工减料建筑,这些房屋夺走了许多学生的生命,人们用了许多不合格的建筑材料,这给生命造成了严重的威胁。

    Chinese netizens have since invented a catchphrase " tofu-dreg schoolhouses to mock both the quality and the quantity of these inferior constructions that killed so many school children , Substandard building materials were used in some constructions , constituting a great potential danger to people 's lives .

  15. 我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉。告别豆腐渣工程打造精品建筑

    I 'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd . Take Leave of Awful Engineering and Create First-Class Buildings