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  • Soybean milk;soya-bean milk;soya milk
豆浆 [dòu jiāng]
  • [soya-bean milk;soya milk] 用水冲的大豆粉或磨得很细的大豆浆

豆浆[dòu jiāng]
  1. 香蕉汁与豆浆混合能清除肠胃垃圾有否根据?

    Can banana juice and soya-bean milk commixture eliminate the belly rubbish having or not basis ?

  2. “五”:即每天五份蛋白质:一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶或豆浆、一碟鱼或虾类、贝类、一碟肉,一碟黄豆芽或豆腐。

    " Five ": every five protein : an egg , milk or soya-bean milk , a fish or shrimp , shellfish , a dish of meat , a yellow card or tofu .

  3. 有些孩子会对豆浆过敏。

    Soya milk can cause allergic reactions in some children .

  4. 卖豆浆的小店冒着热气

    The soybean milk diner was steaming with heat .

  5. 研究了温度、水分含量以及pH值对豆浆中坚强芽孢杆菌的生长的影响。

    The effects of temperature , water content and pH on growth kinetics of B. firm us in soymilk were studied .

  6. 肯德基(KFC)因为销售用黄豆粉兑水制成的豆浆而饱受指责。

    Kentucky Fried Chicken has been criticized for selling soybean milk made from soybean powder mixed with water .

  7. 通过实际案例的调查研究,运用R统计分析中的聚类分析、主成分分析,以及spss的因子分析法对概念豆浆机产品的造型意象进行定量分析,并建立其造型感性意象的因子分析模型。

    Using the cluster analysis , principal component analysis from R Statistical analysis and factor analysis from SPSS to create the quantitative analysis of the perceptive imago got from the soymilk product .

  8. 氨基酸分(AAS)和化学分(CS),鲜牛奶为0.95和0.54,豆浆为0.86和0.49。

    Their amino acid score ( AAS ) and chemical score ( CS ) are 0.95 and 0.54 for fresh milk , 0.89 and 0.49 for soybean milk .

  9. 结果表明,酶B为酶解蛋白最充分的酶,其最佳酶解条件为:55℃,0.1mg/ml(豆浆中酶的浓度),水解4h。

    The result showed that Enzyme B had the best enzymolysis effect . The optimum conditions of enzymolysis was : 55 ℃, 0.1mg/ml and 4h .

  10. CNN主播:目前市面上有许多咖啡可供选择,有意式浓缩、豆浆拿铁、法布奇诺。

    CNNANCHOR : Now there are a lot of different coffee choices out there . You 've got your espresso , your soy latte , your Frappuccino .

  11. 豆浆的贮藏模量G′在≤200MPa压力处理后增加,而压力>200MPa时又下降;

    The storage modulus G ' increased after the ≤ 200MPa pressure treatment , and decreased when the pressure > 200MPa .

  12. 中国最高法院裁定迈克尔.乔丹(MichaelJordan)对其姓氏的中文译名拥有权利,撤销了中国一家体育公司的注册商标,这些商标被用于销售各种产品,从泳装到豆浆。

    China 's top court has ruled that Michael Jordan has rights over the Chinese translation of his surname , cancelling several trademarks that a local sports company registered to market products from swimsuits to soy milk .

  13. 固定加热温度和热处理时间不变(95℃,5min),豆浆的最佳加热速率为6.3℃/min;

    Fixed heat temperature and time ( 95 ℃, 5min ), heat rate being 6.3 ℃ / min was the best ;

  14. 结果表明,100mg/ml豆浆和0.1mg/ml大豆异黄酮体外能明显抑制非酶糖化反应,且随浓度升高,抑制作用明显增强;

    The results showed that 100mg / ml vegetative soy milk or 0.1mg/ml soybean isoflavone could inhibit BSA non - enzyme glycolysis .

  15. 中国新出现的其他约会应用包括:站台(Zhantai),它将沿同一条地铁线路通勤或居住的用户配对起来;以及豆浆油条(DouJiangYouTiao),该应用得到了爱尔兰风险投资集团SOSventures的支持。

    Other new Chinese dating apps include Zhantai , which matches users who live by or commute through the same subway stations , and Dou Jiang You Tiao , a launch with backing from Irish venture capital group SOSventures .

  16. 结果表明:经本文方法制备的豆浆,样品体积为10ml时,其最佳微波杀菌条件为微波功率560W、加热时间22s,使豆浆温度达到75℃;

    The results showed that 10ml soya milk the best conditions for microwave power 560W microwave heating , heating time for 22s and temperature reachs to 75 ℃;

  17. 揭皮时的豆浆深度对腐竹的色泽有一定的影响,当豆浆深度始终保持为2.0cm时,腐竹呈现良好的色泽。

    The depth of soybean milk during picking membrane process affected the color of bean curd stick . The product exhibited favorable color when keep a certain depth of soybean milk of 2 cm .

  18. 压力所导致的凝胶效果随压力的增大而增加,当压力≥300MPa时即可使点浆后的豆浆形成质地细腻,持水性良好的豆腐凝胶。

    The gelatination induced by pressure increased as the pressure increased . The pressure of ≥ 300MPa made the soybean milk added with 0.25 % gluconolactone forming fine gel ( tofu ) with a high water holding capacity .

  19. 本文研究了木瓜蛋白酶对豆浆的凝固机理。

    The mechanism of soymilk coagulation made with papain was studied .

  20. 豆浆凝固过程中大豆蛋白质二级结构的研究

    Study on the Protein Secondary Structure in the Soymilk Coagulation Process

  21. 还有大豆蛋白的配方奶和传统的豆浆是不一样的。

    There are soy protein formula milk and traditions are different .

  22. 微波处理豆浆对馒头面团发酵特性影响的研究

    Effects of microwave-treated soymilk on Fermentation Properties of dough of Mantou

  23. 做豆浆之前,要先把黄豆碾碎。

    We have to mill the soybeans first to make soymilk .

  24. 对了,你们那的人喜欢喝豆浆吗?

    Right , you that person likes drinking the soybean milk ?

  25. 油条和豆浆是绝配。

    Fried bread sticks and soybean milk are a perfect match .

  26. 豆浆热处理过程中3种大豆异黄酮苷原的热降解比较

    Comparison Study on Heat-induced Degradation of Aglycones of Soy Isoflavones in Soymilk

  27. 结论豆浆中的大豆异黄酮糖甙在双歧杆菌的β葡萄糖苷酶作用下水解为异黄酮甙元,异常酮甙元的浓度显著增加。

    The content of soybean isoflavones aglycon was significantly increased .

  28. 肯德基公司从未提及豆浆是用大豆现磨的。

    The company never said the soybeans were freshly ground .

  29. 鲜牛奶与豆浆的氨基酸营养比较

    Amino acid nutrition comparison between fresh milk and soybean milk

  30. 统计分析方法在姜汁豆浆风味调配中的应用

    Application of statistical analysis method in the flavor adjustment of ginger soymilk