
shānɡ yè xìn dài
  • commercial credit;trade credit
  1. 我们当然是利用各种银行信贷和商业信贷。

    Naturally we make use of various bank credit and commercial credit .

  2. 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)

    Commercial credit company ( discount company )

  3. 那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。

    The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market .

  4. 熟悉个人及商业信贷的政策及步骤。

    Sound knowledge of credit polices and procedures for individual and commercial loans .

  5. 商业信贷条件下库存控制的优化策略

    Optimal Policies of Inventory Control System Under trade Credit

  6. 通过国际商业信贷银行倒闭的实例,说明加强跨国银行监管的必要性和紧迫性。

    Through the collapse of Bank of Credit and Commercial International , the thesis introduces necessity and urgency of strengthening the transnational bank supervision .

  7. 进而,我们又讨论了商业信贷条件下受流动资金、仓库容量等约束的一类库存控制问题。

    Furthermore , the control policy is discussed in the presence of the trade credit with the constraints on budget and volume of warehouse etc.

  8. 商业信贷资料服务机构可提供有关中小企的整体负债及信贷记录的可靠及可予查证资料,让银行可以更有效地进行信贷评估。

    It can provide an auditable source of information about the overall indebtedness and credit history of SMEs to allow better credit assessment by banks .

  9. 很多海外研究都显示,由于商业信贷资料库可提高市场透明度,因此有助减少银行坏帐及方便贷款申请者获得融资。

    Many research studies indicate that by enhancing market transparency , commercial credit reference agencies outside Hong Kong have helped to reduce banks bad debts and increase credit availability .

  10. 我国中小企业的自身产业特性和技术能力,决定了其在交易市场上的弱势地位,进而决定了其2/3商业信贷净借出者身份;

    The industrial characteristics and technical competence of these enterprises predetermines their weak positions in trading market . As a result , 2 / 3 of them are forced to become pure lenders of commercial credit .

  11. 鉴于此,本文选用了传统的商业信贷决策模型并做了适当修正,计算出了一个供求双方都能接受的均衡利率区间,以供小额信贷机构参考。

    In view of this , the paper used the traditional commercial credit decision model and made appropriate amendments to calculate an acceptable to both the supply and demand equilibrium interest rate range for MFIs reference .

  12. 接着,作者在WTO背景下对我国商业银行信贷定位了再思考;

    Thirdly , further consideration of the credit positioning of China is taken under the background of joining the WTO ;

  13. 商业银行信贷违约风险测度的SBP模型研究

    On the Loan Default Risk of Commercial Banks Based on SBP Model

  14. 伴随我国加入WTO,国外资本迅速涌入国内,新世纪下我国金融业正在大规模的进行体制改革,国内商业银行信贷管理的信息化要求越来越强烈。

    With the joining of WTO and the inrush of foreign capitals , the system reformation of finance business is carrying out massively , so credit management information system is required by more and more commercial banks .

  15. 国有商业银行信贷资产状况一直是社会关注的热门话题,尤其是加入WTO后,外资银行的进入加剧了竞争。

    The situation of state-owned commercial banks ' credit assets is a hot topic of public concern , especially after accession to WTO and enter of foreign banks as a result competition is becoming more and more tough .

  16. 在分析商业银行信贷风险管理现状的基础上,结合G银行的实际,阐述了知识管理在信贷风险管理中的应用;

    Based on the analyzing the current status of the banks ' credit risk management , and linked with the practice of the G bank , the paper discusses the application of the knowledge management in the credit risk management .

  17. 面对加入WTO后国内外激烈的竞争态势,如何健全商业银行信贷资产风险管理体系已是摆在我们面前迫切需要解决的一个重大课题,文章对此作了初步的探讨。

    When facing with the fierce competitin at home and abroad after joining the WTO , we are pressed to solve the big problem of improving the credit asset risk management system for commercial bank This article thus makes a discussion this question .

  18. 通过实证分析证明,KMV模型能够比较准确的反映上市公司的真实经营状况,将KMV模型应用于我国商业银行信贷风险管理是可行的。

    The empirical analysis shows that KMV model can reflect real operation of listed companies accurately and this model can be used in China 's commercial banks .

  19. 关系型融资、意会信息生产与商业银行信贷决策

    Relational Financing , Tacit Information Production and Commercial Bank Credit Decision

  20. 第六章为信息不对称与商业银行信贷资产安全性分析。

    Chapter 6 is commercial credit assets security and information asymmetric .

  21. 另外,产业政策变更也会影响我国商业银行信贷的系统性风险。

    Changes in industrial policy also can affect systemic credit risks .

  22. 国有商业银行信贷资产流失的现状、成因与对策

    Drain of Credit Funds of State-owed Commercial Banks and Its Solutions

  23. 辨证看待近期商业银行信贷高速增长

    A Dialectical View on Recent Rapid Credit Growth of Commercial Banks

  24. 商业银行信贷操作风险研究

    A Study on the Credit Operational Risk of the Commercial Bank

  25. 国有商业银行信贷管理体制的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Credit Management System of the State-owned Commercial Bank

  26. 浅谈商业银行信贷风险防范

    An Analysis of Risk and Precaution in Commercial Banking Credit

  27. 商业银行信贷信息数据仓库的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Credit Information Data Warehouse for Commercial Bank

  28. 中国商业银行信贷营销与退出

    Credit Marketing and Its Withdraw of Commercial Banks in China

  29. 商业银行信贷管理问题及对策研究&以重庆某银行为案例

    Problems of credit management in commercial banks and Countermeasures for their solution

  30. 国有商业银行信贷评级模型的构建及实证检验

    On Credit Rating Model of State-Owned Commercial Banks and an Empirical Test