
  • 网络curse of resources;The Resource Curse
  1. 第二,实现经济现代化并破解资源诅咒。

    Second , modernise the economy and neutralise the resource curse .

  2. 这个动议是朝着扭转资源诅咒迈出的重要一步。

    This initiative is an important step toward reversing the resource curse .

  3. 西部开发必须警惕资源诅咒

    Guard Against " Curse of Resources " in the Western Development

  4. 很多国家都曾因“资源诅咒”饱受折磨。

    MANY countries have been afflicted by a " resource curse " .

  5. 资源诅咒与资源型地区可持续发展

    " Resource Curse " and Sustainable Development of Resource-based Region

  6. 摆脱资源诅咒,实现资源型经济的转型已经迫在眉睫。

    Get rid of the resource curse , resource-based economic transition is imminent .

  7. 广义资源诅咒的理论内涵与实证检验

    Generalized " Resource Curse " Theory and Empirical Test

  8. 不过,在其他地方已经有迹象显示,这种资源诅咒能够破解。

    Yet there are signs elsewhere that this resource curse can be defeated .

  9. 资源诅咒与富资源地区产业结构转型问题

    Resource Curse and Industrial Restructuring of the Resources-rich Regions

  10. 论城市化进程中的自然资源诅咒效应及其机制

    " Curse of Natural Resources " in the Process of Urbanization and Its Mechanism

  11. 填补国内以至于新疆从金融视角研究资源诅咒的空白。

    Fills domestic the blank of " resource curse " based on financial perspective .

  12. 基于集聚优势视角的资源诅咒现象分析

    Analysis on the Phenomenon of Resource Curse Based on the Theories of Advantage Integration

  13. 自然禀赋与经济增长:对资源诅咒命题的再检验

    Natural Resources Abundance and Economic Growth : A Re-examination of the Resource Curse Hypothesis

  14. 中国区域经济的资源诅咒效应:地区差距的另一种解释

    Resource Curse Effect on Regional Economy in China : Another Explanation to Regional Discrepancy

  15. 资源诅咒论:一个颇具争议的命题

    " Resources Curse ": A Controversial Proposition

  16. 煤炭开发与欠发达地区经济增长&对资源诅咒的再考察

    Coal Exploitation and Development of Underdeveloped Coal & Rich Regions-Restudy On " Resource Curse "

  17. 关于资源诅咒的文献综述

    Resource curse : a literature review

  18. 资源诅咒的警示与西部资源开发难题的破解

    Caution of Resource Curse and Solution of Thorny Problem of Development of Resources in Western China

  19. 在第二章中,主要是对资源诅咒的国外以及国内研究现状的一个综述。

    In the second chapter , an overview of the resource curse of foreign and domestic research .

  20. 本文在对资源诅咒进行理论分析的基础上,建立了相关计量模型。

    This paper establishes an econometric model based on analyzing the " the curse of resource " theory .

  21. 也就是说在相同其他条件下,宝鸡地区存在明显的资源诅咒。

    That is to say , the phenomenon of resource curse is apparent in Baoji , ceteris paribus .

  22. 根据实际情况来看,中国省际层面上存在着资源诅咒现象。

    According to the actual situation , the Chinese provincial level there is a " resource curse " phenomenon .

  23. 在资源诅咒制造了广泛灾难的两个大陆,智利与博茨瓦纳的成功故事引人注目。

    Chile and Botswana stand out as success stories on continents where the resource curse has otherwise wrought havoc .

  24. 资源诅咒假说认为,丰富的自然资源趋于阻碍而非促讲经济发展。

    " resource curse " hypothesis means that rich nature resource tend to hinder rather than to promote economic development .

  25. 资源诅咒假说说明丰富的自然资源反而阻碍了当地经济的发展。

    The hypothesis of " resource curse " mainly illustrate the rich natural resources has hindered the development of local economy .

  26. 这已超出了所谓“资源诅咒”的范畴,即所谓的自然资源丰富的国家会在其它方面失去竞争力。

    This goes beyond the so-called resource curse , whereby countries with plentiful natural resources are said to lose competitiveness elsewhere .

  27. 避免资源诅咒是优先任务:定期的考察对象包括海湾、智利、挪威和加拿大。

    Warding off the resource curse is a priority : regular study trips include the Gulf , Chile , Norway and Canada .

  28. 准确地说,做空脆弱的石油出口国,尤其是那些腐败横行和遭受资源诅咒的国家,买入石油巨头公司的股票。

    To be exact , short fragile oil exporters , particularly those suffering from corruption and the resource curse , and buy the oil majors .

  29. 前言:“资源诅咒”是资源富集地区经济发展过程中必须要解决的难题。

    " Resources Curses " is a difficult problem that must be solved during the economic developing progress of the regions richly endowed with resources .

  30. 本研究不仅发展了资源诅咒理论,而且对我国政府制定可行的政策有重要的参考价值。

    This research is not only develops the resources curse theory , but also has the important reference significance to formulate viable policy to our government .