
  • 网络Complementary resources;resource complementarity
  1. 结果表明:物流企业的物流能力、资源互补性、信息化水平落差、文化相容性对物流企业联盟关系有着显著的正向影响。

    It is found that the logistics capacity , resource complementarity , informatization level , and cultural compatibility can strengthen the relationship in a logistics company alliance .

  2. 第二,贵广快速通道所产生的时空收缩、区域联动、资源互补等效应将极大改善贵州产业政策运行的行政体制环境、地理区位环境和区域经济环境。

    Secondly , under the influence of space-time contraction , regional interaction and resource complementarity produced by the " rapid transport from Guiyang to Guangzhou ", it would drastically change the administrative environment , location environment and regional economic environment in Guizhou .

  3. 拓展帮扶领域,健全帮扶机制,优化帮扶方式,加强产业合作、资源互补、劳务对接、人才交流,动员全社会参与,形成区域协调发展、协同发展、共同发展的良好局面。

    We should expand the fields for paired assistance , improve related mechanisms and common regional development .

  4. 由于高校网络教学课件发布在功能的实现上还不够完善,不能充分地对现有课程进行资源互补、信息共享,因此提出了课程群这样一个新的基于Web的教学模式,以方便教师协作教学。

    As the release of college network teaching software can not be realized fully in terms of its function , current course information resources cannot be sufficiently complemented and shared . This article puts forward a new web-based course teaching mode to facilitate coordinated teaching .

  5. 亚太地区各国经济资源互补性是地缘经济产生的内在原因;

    Secondly , complementary economy resources are the intrinsic reason ;

  6. 文化差异度因素主要包括战略资源互补因子和价值观因子。

    Cultural differences mainly include complementation of strategic resources and values administration .

  7. 广西与邻省矿产资源互补性研究

    Complementarity of Mineral Resources Between Guangxi and Its Neighboring Provinces

  8. 试论闽台高等教育资源互补的现实性和可行性

    On the Reality and Feasibility of the Complementarity of Higher Education Resources between Fujian and Taiwan

  9. 体育旅游需求市场有一定的吻合性,资源互补性强,外部机遇好,具有体育旅游深度合作发展的巨大潜力。

    Sports tourism demand market has certain anastomosis , strong resources complementary , good external opportunities .

  10. 体育旅游资源互补就是指相邻地区的体育旅游资源形成正的近邻效应。

    Complementation of Sports tourism resources refers to form the neighbor effect in the adjacent area .

  11. 这种模式以技术创新为载体,通过民营资本与知识资本相结合,从而达到资源互补、以小博大的效应;

    The model takes technological innovation as the carrier to combine civil operated capital and knowledge together closely .

  12. 文本和网络资源互补拓展语文阅读教学对文字标志符号只允许采用深压浅补漏白

    Enhancing Chinese Reading Teaching with Mutual Complement of Text and Web Information ; Only allow spread traps on text glyphs

  13. 第三,加强教师之间的通力合作、资源互补,采取小队教学策略;

    The third , enforce the corporation among the teachers , share the resources and adopt the small instruction team strategy ;

  14. 高校和企业作为两个重要的技术创新主体,他们在创新过程中的资源互补性使校企合作创新成为必然选择。

    High school and enterprise , as two bodies of innovation , their complementarity in innovation resourses makes them work together .

  15. 中国和俄罗斯均为世界上重要的经济体,两国贸易往来源远流长,资源互补优势明显。

    China and Russia are the most important economies of the world ; trade between the two countries has a long history .

  16. 战略资源互补因子包括同属性、同一控制性、行业相关性、企业性质等四个亚因子。

    Complementation of strategic resources consists of four sub-factors , namely , same ascription , same control , industry relevance , and enterprise nature .

  17. 要想生存,企业必须进行专业分工、资源互补的合作行为,企业间网络也因此日益增多,企业网络对企业创新绩效的作用日益增强。

    The firm that wants to live need for a specialized division of labor and resources cooperation , and thus the enterprise network has increased .

  18. 鉴于良好的地缘政治基础和明显的资源互补性,中俄两国的石油合作颇具前景。

    In view of favorable geopolitical basis and obvious resource complementarities of the two countries , there will be a bright prospect of oil cooperation .

  19. 在第2章,探讨了生产外包的概念,特点,类型和现实动因,并从交易费用,资源互补,价值链和关系/网络等四个方面做了机理分析。

    Chapter 2 describes the basic concept , characteristics , forms and fundamental reasons of the outsourcing , based on the theoretical and practical analysis .

  20. 可以分为形态规模互补、时间序列互补、自然与人文体育旅游资源互补、体育旅游资源地域差异性互补四种互补形式。

    It can be dividing into four complementary form of form scale complementarity , time sequence complementarity , natural and humanistic complementarity , regional difference complementarity .

  21. 大学城区域优势体育资源互补与共享的研究&以广州大学城为例

    Research on the Complementary and Shared of Preponderant Sports Resource at the University Towns in Guangzhou & Taking the University Towns in Guangzhou as an Example

  22. 简单地说,虚拟企业就是由盟主企业联合其他资源互补的合作伙伴,为及时适应市场机遇而组建成的动态联盟。

    In fact , virtual enterprise is that the predominant corporation associates with other mutually beneficial partners in order to take hold of market opportunities in time .

  23. 精英之间的资源互补有助于加大社区建设的合力,同时这种精英之间互助、互补的模式将持续。

    Complementary resources between elites is helpful to increase the force of community construction , and the mutual model between elites will last for a long time .

  24. 本文试图从资源互补性的视角出发,研究信息技术实施后与其互补企业资源之间的互补作用对业务流程绩效的影响,并深入分析信息技术实现其价值的途径和影响因素。

    From the perspective of complementarity of resources , this research provides an investigation on the interaction between information technologies and complementary resources to affect business process performance .

  25. 同时,在这一过程中,中国应如何结合自身发展需要和次区域五国的资源互补性制定相应的政策,这同时也是本文需要研究的重点和目的。

    Meanwhile , in the process , how to combine their development China should develop appropriate policies need to also focus on this need and purpose of the study .

  26. 资源互补路径主要表现为派遣与正式员工在相关组织流程上的相互合作,能够有效调节或丰富产出结构。

    For the resource complementation , the contractors and the regular employees at the client company will together form a cooperative working relationship , enriching the structure of the economic outcome .

  27. 承接台湾产业外移实现两岸资源互补与共赢&台湾产业外移动因与福建的承接

    Assuming the Emigration of the Industry in Taiwan , Realizing the Complementation and Win-win of both of the Strait : the Motive of this Emigration and the Assuming of Fujian Province

  28. 旅游增长集群是由若干个地理位置邻近的增长极,通过资源互补、市场共享、协同发展等构建的区域旅游整合体。

    Tourism growing cluster is a regional integration of tourism composed of various adjacent growing poles in location through the way of mutual complementation of resources , markets ' sharing and cooperating development .

  29. 得出结论:中外办展企业应发挥资源互补效应,互相学习,不断强化各自的优势,在竞合中走向共赢;

    Finally it comes to the conclusion : All kinds of exhibition organizing enterprises should learn from each other , strengthen their own advantages and achieve win-win situation in the " Co-opetition " era .

  30. 近年来,供应链由于具有资源互补、合作共赢、共同对抗竞争的优点成为极为重要的一种组织形式和市场竞争的主要力量。

    In recent years , supply chain resources as a complementary , win-win cooperation and jointly fight against the competitive advantages of becoming a very important organizational form of market competition and the main force .