
  • 网络Bourgeois morality;morality of bourgeoisie
  1. 而苔丝自身的资产阶级道德与宗教道德意识也在一定程度上造成了自己的悲剧。

    Still her tragedy comes from her own bourgeois ethics and religion to a certain extent .

  2. 虽然舍勒和麦金太尔立足于保守主义立场,但他们所作的历史分析却又与马克思对资产阶级道德的批判有某种暗合之处。

    Macintyre took their stands of conservatism , but their historical analysis of Kant 's ethics happened to coincide with the critiques to the bourgeois morality by K. Marx .

  3. 14至19世纪,德国道德发生了从以基督教道德为主要内容的封建传统道德向以理性、自由平等为主要内容的资产阶级道德的转化。

    From 14th to 19th century , German morality underwent a transformation from traditional feudal morality which centered on Christian morality to capitalist morality which focused on rationality , freedom and equality ;

  4. 19世纪英国小说家是资产阶级的道德家。

    The 19th century British novelists are moralists .

  5. 资产阶级的道德与本性

    The Morality and Nature of the Bourgeoisie

  6. 与此有关的规定,具有非常轻佻的性质,同资产阶级的道德完全不符。

    The provisions in this respect are of an extremely frivolous character and not at all in keeping with bourgeois morality .

  7. 苔丝的灵魂是纯洁的,道德是高尚的,但是在资产阶级的道德面前,却被看成是伤风败俗的典型。

    The spirit of Tess was pure and she was a noble-minded person , but she was considered as a woman offending public decency .

  8. 摘要恩格斯《英国工人阶级状况》一文揭示了英国工人阶级和资产阶级的道德面貌及其产生的原因和发展的基本规律。

    Engels 's ethical thought in his works of British working class brings to light the moral outlook of British working class , the reason for its emergence and the basic laws of development .

  9. 苔丝的经济地位和阶级地位决定了她在为资产阶级服务的道德、宗教、法律面前必然处于被压迫的地位。

    Her economic and class position determines her being oppressed by bourgeois ethics , religion and law .

  10. 作为农民阶级代表的苔丝,她的悲剧命运的根源在于资产阶级的伦理道德和社会制度。

    Tess is a representative of the peasantry and the root of her tragedy lies in capitalist 's moral principles and social system .

  11. 王尔德的《道连。格雷画像》既揭露和批判了英国维多利亚时代资产阶级上流社会道德的堕落,又对人们进行了严肃的道德教育;

    Oscar Wilde 's The Picture of Dorian Gray not only exposes and criticizes the moral corruption of the bourgeois upper class in the Victorian England but also advocates serious moral education .

  12. 他的意识形态理论是建构在马克思主义历史观的基础上的,对宗教本质和作用的阐述,对资产阶级宗教和道德的批判,无不折射出他的机敏和睿智。

    His ideological theories are based on the historical conception of Marxism . His explanation about the essence and function of the religion and criticism on bourgeois religion and morals refract his adroit and sagaciousness .

  13. 三是资产阶级国民经济学的道德缺损;

    Thirdly , the moral defects of capitalist national economics ;

  14. 是对贵族资产阶级上流社会虚伪道德和沙皇专制制度的愤怒控诉。

    It was the cute to the hypocritical morality of nobal bourgeoisie in polite society .

  15. 在她与克莱的关系上,也暴露出资产阶级婚姻制度和道德观念的虚伪和残暴。

    In her relationship with Klein , has also revealed that bourgeois marriage and the moral values of hypocrisy and brutality .

  16. 苔丝的悲剧是一个纯洁、善良的女子被资产阶级腐朽的伦理道德、伪善的宗教以及不公正的法律制度所毁灭的悲剧;

    As a pure and kind girl , Tess was destroyed by bourgeois decayed ethics , hypocritical religion and unfair law ;

  17. 狄更斯是一位伟大的作家,他出身于维多利亚时期英国的下层资产阶级,其作品被认为鲜活的反映了当时资产阶级的道德风尚。

    Charles Dickens is a great writer emerging from the lower middle class in Victorian England . His novels are believed to present a vivid picture of the morality of the Victorian middle class .

  18. 安娜悲剧的本质根源,是新兴资产阶级个性解放的要求,与充满着封建农奴制痕迹的俄国贵族资产阶级社会思想道德的尖锐冲突。

    The essential cause of her tragedy is the intense conflict between the rising bourgeoisie , claiming for individuality , and the ideology of the Russian aristocratic-capitalism imbued with the vestiges of feudal serfdom .