
  1. 民族地区资教教师的现状与对策研究&以湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州为例

    The Current Situation and Countermeasures for the Grant-aided Teachers in Ethnic Minority Regions

  2. 资教生参与农村教师资助行动的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Thoughts on University Students ' Participating in Rural Teachers ' Aiding Actions

  3. 湖北省资教生情况的调查分析与思考

    Investigation , Analysis and Thinking of the Education Funded Students ' Situation in Hubei Province

  4. 显示如果只是学校指派接任资教小组执秘,而本身对此一业务不但没兴趣,又无足够专业能力,其工作满意度必然不高;

    It showed that MIS Members , who were assigned by the school and that had no interest in and professionalism on the job , would have lower job satisfaction .

  5. 第三章从教育行政部门和资教生两个视角认真阐述了农村教师行动计划在促进农村教育发展中的效果。

    The third chapter from the Education administrative department and the capital to live two angles of view elaborates earnestly the rural teacher planning for action in promoted in the rural education development effect .

  6. 为提高护理临床带教老师对教学能力观的认识水平,应注重发挥高年资护理临床带教老师的经验效应。

    In order to improve the understanding of teaching competence of clinical nursing teachers , we should make full use of the experience of elder teachers .