
  • 网络Ziyuan;ziyuan county
  1. 资源县368例儿童手足口病流行病学特征分析

    Clinical epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in 368 children in Ziyuan county

  2. 资源县7.20山洪泥石流爆发特点及成因分析

    The characteristic and genesis analysis of 7.20 mud-rock flow and torrents of water rushed down the mountain in Ziyuan County

  3. 山区资源县的经济发展战略

    Strategies of Economic Development of Resources Counties in Mountain Areas

  4. 广西资源县车田湾热泉水化学和同位素特征研究

    A study on hydrochemistry and isotope of the geothermic springs in Ziyuan county , guangxi

  5. 资源县生态旅游县建设研究

    A Study on the Construction of Ecotourism County in ZiYuan County , GuiLin , Guangxi

  6. 广西旅游新热点资源县

    Ziyuan : New Spot in Guangxi Tour

  7. 土地利用总体规划耕地保有量预测方法研究&以桂林市资源县为例

    The Study of the Predictive Method about the Quantity of Cultivated Land Reserved in General Land Use Plan

  8. 通过绳索取心钻进金刚石钻头选型试验,介绍了广西资源县向阳坪铀矿区打滑地层中绳索取心钻进存在的问题及采取的技术措施。

    Problems and countermeasures of wireline coring drilling in " walk " formation in a uranium mine in Guangxi are introduced with type selection test for diamond drilling bit .

  9. 其生态优越,茶生产、茶文化历史悠久,茶品质优异,是湖南产茶和旅游资源大县。

    For its advantageous enviroment , long history of tea production and tea culture , high-quality tea , it is the big county of tea production and tourism .

  10. 本文在大量收集数据资料的基础上,根据国土资源部《县(市)级土地利用数据库标准(试行)》利用GIS技术分别建立研究区1992和2003年土地利用现状空间数据库。

    According to " Land Use Database Criteria for Country Area ", the land use spatial databases of this research area of 1992 and 2003 were set up based on massive datum by GIS technology .

  11. 鸭绿江流域森林资源与安东县木材中心市场的形成(1876&1928)

    The Yalu River Basin Forest Resources and the Formation of Wood Central Market of Anton ;

  12. 矿产资源:修水县矿藏资源丰富,品位极高。

    Mineral Resources : Rich in mineral resources , Xiushui County has high grade of mineral resources .

  13. 依托当地的石灰石资源,该县基本形成了以水泥工业为基础的建材工业体系。

    Depending on local limestone resources , it has formed building material industry system on the basis of cement industry .

  14. 地下水资源在清徐县的国民经济、社会发展以及环境建设等方面占有十分重要的地位,边山洪积扇区地下水是清徐县县城及周边地区的主要供水水源。

    Groundwater resources play an important role in economic , social development and environmental construction in Qingxu county . Groundwater in torrent alluvial fan edge is main water supply sources in Qingxu county and surrounding areas .

  15. 地下水资源是大同县城市和农村居民生活饮用水以及工业、农业供水的重要取水水源,是实现大同县经济社会可持续发展的重要支撑和保障。

    The groundwater resources play an important role in water supply for industry , agriculture , urban and rural residents living and drinking in Datong County . The sustainable utilization of groundwater resources has related to the sustainable development of society and economy can be realized in Datong County .

  16. 人才资源开发对利津县的发展起着特殊的作用。

    Development of human resources plays a special role in the development of Lijin County .

  17. 温州有很好的茶资源,几乎一县一名品。

    One county have one good product .

  18. 发展循环经济,提高资源利用&会昌县打造九二工业基地循环经济

    Developing Recycle Economy by Improving Resources Utilization & Creating Recycle Economy in the Industrial Base of Huichang County

  19. 为开发方城县药用植物资源,对该县境内的野生和人工栽培药用植物进行了全面调查。

    In this paper , the authors entirely investigated the wild and cultivated medicinal plant in Fangcheng county in order to well empolder resources of medicinal plants in this district .

  20. 综合应用这5种方式,充分利用现有光缆资源和载波路由资源,为射阳县供电公司无人值班变电站搭建了经济、实用、独立的备用数据通道。

    Employing these five ways synthetically and fully utilizing existing optical cable resources and carrier wave route resources , an economical , practical , independent backup data channel for unattended transformer substation of Sheyang power-supply company has been built .

  21. 并以新疆国土资源环境遥感综合调查项目的土地资源遥感调查重点县尉犁县为例,利用2000年4~9月中巴资源卫星遥感资料,计算了遥感资料在土地调查中的分类精度。

    Based on CBERS-1 data from April to September in 2000 . A case in Yuli given the classify precision of remote sensing data in the investigation of glebe resource .

  22. 应用此模型对满城县6个旅游资源实体的开发模式进行了模糊决策,并结合各景区旅游资源特色对满城县旅游资源开发模式进行了适宜性分析。

    Fuzzy decisions are made for the development pattern of five tourism sceneries in Mancheng county , and fit analysis is also carried out according to the features of tourism resource of the various sceneries .