
  1. 引大济湟工程是解决青海东部资源性缺水的根本措施

    A Fundamental Measures against Water Resources Shortage in East Qinghai

  2. 保定市是资源性缺水城市。

    Baoding is water shortage city .

  3. 南水西调根本解决河西走廊资源性缺水的战略对策&阻止民勤成为第二个罗布泊

    Water Transfer From South to West : Strategic Countermeasure for Water Shortage of the Hexi Corridor

  4. 示范区不存在资源性缺水,主要存在工程性缺水和管理性缺水。

    What the demonstration plot lacks is not resource water , but mainly engineering and management .

  5. 断流现象虽然有所缓解,黄河流域属资源性缺水地区的特征仍不改变。

    Although the phenomenon of dried-up relieved , the water resource characteristics of Yellow River Basin does not change .

  6. 对于资源性缺水地区,水资源是社会经济发展的主要制约因素。

    Especially , in the areas of water scarcity , water resources are the major control parameter for the socio-economic development .

  7. 提出了解决资源性缺水的问题,除进行跨地区、跨流域引水外,还要进行水资源涵养。

    The article puts forward solving the water shortage problem and carrying out water resource conservation , besides water transfering across region .

  8. 资源性缺水和水质性缺水是我国两大水资源问题,南部地区水资源相对充沛,面临的最突出问题是水质性缺水。

    Water resource is relatively abundant in south China , the most prominent problem of water resources in the region is the pollution-induced water shortage .

  9. 西安市属于资源性缺水地区,西安市区缺水尤为严重,需要继续做好区外调水的准备。

    Xian city is short of water resource , so its very necessary to prepare for further water transfer from other regions to Xian city .

  10. 但是我们面临的现实是&干旱、沙漠化、盐渍化、资源性缺水等极为脆弱的生态环境对社会经济发展的制约。

    But the reality we face is an arid , desert , saline ecosystem with shortage of water resources , which is so fragile that it limits the social and economic development .

  11. 全球经济发展的资源性缺水以及地下水污染越来越受到各国政府的高度重视,我国地下水污染的危害不仅造成了巨大的经济损失也影响到居民的健康与生命安全。

    The governments of the all countries around the world have paid more and more attention to the shortage of groundwater resources due to the rapid economic development and the pollution of groundwater .

  12. 伴随着城市的发展,资源性缺水问题越来越严重,同时水质型缺水问题也逐渐突出。

    With the development of city , water resources is becoming more and more shorten , at the same time the problem of shortage of water resulted by pollution is becoming more and more seriously .

  13. 山东省总体上属于资源性缺水省份,合理配置水资源已成为解决水资源供需矛盾、保障经济社会可持续发展的关键问题之一。

    Generally speaking , Shandong Province is regarded as water scarcity . Rational allocation of water resources has become a key issue in alleviating contradiction of water demand over supply and ensuring sustainable development of its economy and society .

  14. 为了彻底有效地解决湟水流域的资源性缺水问题,必须兴建引大济湟工程,通过跨流域调水实现流域社会经济的持续发展。

    In order to solve the problem of water shortage thoroughly for Huang river basin , the diversion project from Datong river to Huang River must be built , which will be a guarantee of sustained development for Huang river basin .

  15. 新疆位于我国西北地区,属典型干旱区;干旱、荒漠化、资源性缺水等现状已成为新疆社会经济发展的障碍因素,严重制约着工农业生产发展和人民生活水平的提高。

    Xinjiang is in the northwest of China , which is a typical arid region . Drought , desertification and water scarcity have become obstacle factors to the socio-economic development of Xinjiang , which seriously restrict the development of industrial and agricultural production and the improvement of living standards .

  16. 乌鲁木齐市是资源性缺水和水质性缺水的典型城市之一,污水回用对于缓解乌市用水危机、减少环境污染、创建节水城市和促进水资源持续利用等具有十分重要的作用和现实意义。

    Urumqi is one of the typical cities which lack of water resource because of amount insufficiency and quality problems . And sewage reuse in Urumqi plays a very important role in relieving water crisis , reducing environment pollution , building water-saving city and advancing sustainable use of water .

  17. 沿海平原地区人口密集,经济发达,但水资源往往并不充沛,资源性缺水伴随着水质性缺水,成为制约当地经济社会发展的主要因素之一。

    Coastal plain areas always possess of large population and developed economy but lack for local water resources , which has becoming a bottleneck of economic and social development .

  18. 河北省位于水资源短缺的华北地区,属资源性缺水和水质性缺水并重的省份,水环境安全问题十分突出。

    Hebei , located in North China , is shortage both in water resource and quality and its problem of water environment security is very serious .

  19. 济南市水资源匮乏,是我国重要的资源性缺水地区之一,严重制约着当地经济社会的发展。

    Contradictions between water supply and demand are increasing . Jinan , water scarcity , is one of the most important water resources shortage regions , which is seriously restricting the local economic and social development .

  20. 为了保证松辽流域水资源安全应明确缺水类型,对资源性缺水地区努力做到以供定需,实现需水量零增长,并满足生态用水需求;

    Based on the problems above , here comes some countermeasure for water safety : ascertain the type of water want , should measure the demand before supply , and to satisfy the ecological demand of water ;

  21. 水资源的不合理配置和使用,造成资源性缺水和水质性缺水;

    Non-scientifical utilization and management of the lake resources has resulted in water shortage and water quality degradation .

  22. 山东省水资源具有总量少、全社会用水量大、资源性缺水明显及配置难度大的特点。

    Water resources in Shandong province is very special : the total quantity of the resources is small but the quantity of water used by the whole society is large .

  23. 在自然因素中区域的水资源来量最为重要,研究区的缺水是资源性缺水。2、建立了水资源优化配置模型和承载力模型。

    The optimize distribution model of bearing capacity of water resources were established and forecast the bearing capacity of water resources in research areas .

  24. 水资源是人类社会发展须臾不可缺少的重要资源,西安是一个资源性缺水的城市,随着经济社会的发展,水资源的供需矛盾将更加突出。

    Water resources is a kind of indispensably important resources for human society , Xi ' an is the city short of water resources With the economic and social development , the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources will become more intense .

  25. 而旱季时降雨减少,水资源量较少,加之高原湿地上城市发展远远超过了高原湖泊的生态承载力,导致高原断陷湖区域内出现严重资源性缺水问题。

    As the reduction of rainfall in the dry season , water resources was relatively low . As the development of the city on the Plateau wetlands has far exceeded the ecological carrying capacity of the plateau lake , it makes the seriousness of water scarcity of resources .