
  1. 目的以骨组织形态计量学为指标,观察复合脉冲电磁场(PEMFs)对骨质疏松大鼠骨代谢的影响,以探讨PEMFs防治骨质疏松的机制。

    Objective The influence of pulsing electromagnetic fields ( PEMFs ) on ovariectomized ( OVX ) rats was investigated .

  2. 本文以GIS和分形学为工具,采用宏观、微观相结合的方法,宏观采用数字高程模型模拟分析,微观采用微形态观察为主结合理化性状分析。

    The study adopts the combination of macroscopical and microcosmic methods by using GIS and fractal theory . Macroscopical method is simulative analysis of digital elevation model and microcosmic method adopts observation of micro-morphology with the help of analysis of physical and chemical characteristics .

  3. 以软件编译式系统设计方法学为基础,提出了片上系统(SoC)的原型验证流程,并用Handel-C描述SoC原型,直接实现在原型硬件上。

    With Software-Compiled System Design ( SCSD ) Methodology as the foundation , an SoC prototype verification flow is presented , which describes the SoC prototype in Handel-C and implements it directly into prototype hardware .

  4. 以计算流体力学和传热学为基础,利用FLUENT软件建立了四种典型气流组织形式的物理及数学模型,运用Κ-ε模型对室内气流组织进行了三维数值模拟。

    Based on the computational fluid dynamics and numerical heat transfer theory , the physical and mathematical models of four typical ventilation forms are set up with Fluent software . The indoor air distribution is simulated with equation turbulence model and simple method .

  5. 以学为中心的教学设计(ID3)是现代教育技术学中一个活跃的领域,许多专家已将更多的精力从支持教的系统设计转移到支持学的系统和环境设计上来。

    Learning-focused instruction design ( ID3 ) is an active field in modern educational technology . Many ex-perts have transferred more efforts from designing ″ teaching ″ support system to ″ learning ″ support system and its environment .

  6. 会计专业贯彻实施学为主体教育观念的思考

    Thinking of Educational Idea ─" Study as Centerpiece " in Accounting

  7. 学科知识地图的构建&以图书、情报学为例

    Constructing of Specialty K-Map & Library and Information Science as Example

  8. 二是传统教育学为它奠定了学术基础;

    Second , China 's traditional pedagogics laid academic base for it .

  9. 以中小学为基地:英国教师培训模式及其启示

    The Pattern of Teacher-training in England and Its Enlightenment

  10. 现代混沌学为本体非决定论提供了科学证据吗?

    Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism ?

  11. 把脉以学为中心的教学设计

    On Teaching Design Centering on Students ' Learning

  12. 应用经济学面临的挑战及其变革&以国际贸易学为例

    Challenge Faced by Applied Economics and Its Innovation

  13. 语言风格学为本文的研究提供了角度和思路。

    We can study this problem through " the theory of language style " .

  14. 第二部分内容进行了以学为本的理论分析。

    In the second chapter , the thesis conducts theoretical analysis about basing on learning .

  15. 科学研究以一定的方法学为基础。

    Based on the structural styles classification of J. Methodology is part of scientific research .

  16. 量子信息学为未来信息科学的发展提供了新的原理和方法。

    Quantum information theory provides with new principles and methods for future revolution of information theory .

  17. 超声影像学为乳腺癌的临床诊断、治疗、预后提供更多依据。

    Ultrasound imaging study for breast cancer may provide more in diagnosis , treatment and prognosis .

  18. 学为人师行为世范&对加强教师职业道德建设的思考

    Setting a Typical Example of Teacher with Profound Learning and Proper Behavior : Strengthening Teachers Professional Moral Construction

  19. 儒家经学为科技培养了人才,提供了知识基础,影响了科学研究的动机。

    Confucianism trained talents for science and technology , provided knowledge foundation and influenced the motive of scientific research .

  20. 论经济学课程的研究性学习模式&以财政学为例

    On the Mode and Practice of " Research Learning " in Economics Discipline : A Case Study on Finance

  21. 教为主导,学为主体,教与学是矛盾的统一体。

    Teaching and learning is the unity of the two-opposites , for teaching is leading while learning is the central .

  22. 这便使得许多以学为中心的教学模式在教学中得到了采用,其中,协作学习受到了广泛的关注。

    So many learning-centered teaching model has been used in teaching , and the collaborative learning has been widely concerned .

  23. 形成了以经学为政治资本的世袭化利益集团。

    It formed an interest group of hereditary system which took the study of Confucian classics as their political capital .

  24. 以文献计量学为方法,对于这种影响的绩效进行了初步的经验检验和估计。

    It regards metrology of the document as method go on preliminary experience examine and estimate as to the performance that influence .

  25. 本研究以解释现象学为基础,通过研究者在幼儿园的亲身体验,对课程发展中幼儿教师角色之实然状态进行了描述,并探讨了影响课程发展中教师角色的部分因素。

    This study , based on hermeneutic phenomenology , was intended to explore the actual roles of kindergarten teachers involved in kindergarten curriculum development .

  26. 首先,以认知学为理论基础,阐明了认知与文化的关系,揭示了认知模式的文化特征。

    With cognitive science as the theoretical foundation , the relation is pinpointed between cognition and culture , revealing the culture-specific feature of cognitive patterns .

  27. 纳博科夫颠覆了以往的小说创作美学原则,他的文学世界,消解了传统理论性质的价值取向,汇入以审丑学为人本关怀的现代主义潮流。

    Now overturned the aesthetic principle of creation used in the previous novels , in his literature , the traditional value orientation has been eliminated .

  28. 这种儒学是以古文经学为主体的,与前此的儒学相比,表现出适应时代之要求的新特质。

    And the Confucian ideology in that period took classical ancient Chinese prose as its main body to better adapt to the demand of the times .

  29. 在人类基因组计划完成以及新的生物技术推动下,传统的药物发现模式正在向基因组学为基础的现代药物发现模式转变。

    Due to the completion of human genome project and the advent of new technologies , the traditional drug discovery is shifting to genomics-based drug discovery .

  30. 而作为一门跨学科的语言学,语用学为文学分析提供了强大的理论工具,它将文学语篇看成是动态的,是作者、读者和语境互动的产物。

    It regards the literary text reception as a dynamic process , and as the product of the interaction among the writer , reader and context .