
xué lǐ
  • academic theory;scientific principle or law
学理 [xué lǐ]
  • [scientific principle or law;academic theory] 科学上的法则、原理

学理[xué lǐ]
  1. PSC说话测试的学理依据与界域定位

    The Theoretical Basis and Restriction of Scope in the Test of PSC " Speech "

  2. 本文以该两条法律条文为基础,结合WTO争端解决机构的司法解释和有关国内立法,对实施条件的规范意义和实际运用进行详尽的学理阐释和价值评判。

    Based on these two articles , and combined with the judicial interpretation of DSB and related domestic legislations , this paper offers detailed academic interpretation and merit review over the rules ' content and practices of application prerequisites .

  3. 此传统至今仍有重要的学理和现实意义。

    This tradition still has much theoretical and practical significance today .

  4. 巨额财产来源不明罪的学理探析

    Crime of Holding A Huge Amount of Property with Unidentified Sources

  5. 存在抑或虚无:网络文学研究的学理悖论

    Exist or Nihility : Schoolship Paradox of Studies in Online Literature

  6. 社会公正及其学理定位分析

    Social Justice and An Analysis of Its Scientific Principle Orientation

  7. 这个学理无疑会导致严重的后果。

    That doctrine will no doubt lead to serious consequences .

  8. 图书馆学理范式的转变与服务的转型研究

    Exploration on Paradigm Shift and Service Transition in Academic Libraries

  9. 一是概念上的学理质疑。

    The first one is theoretical suspicion on its concept .

  10. 新时期的文学现代性学理研究

    Philosophical Studies on Modernity of the New Era 's Literature

  11. 高校图书馆核心价值的学理思辨及实践研究

    Academic Thinking and Practice on Core Value of University Library

  12. 保险诈骗罪的学理研究

    Study on theory of the swindle offence in the insurance

  13. 医疗护理学理学硕士&职业治疗学专业

    Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy

  14. 和学理世界相对的真实世界。

    The practical world as opposed to the academic world .

  15. 从学理上讲,现代广告应与社会主义核心价值体系相适应。

    Theoretically , modern advertising adapts itself to socialist nucleus value system .

  16. 高校公共体育教学质量管理创新的学理思考

    On the Management Innovation of College Public PE Teaching Quality

  17. 第二章介绍了社区新闻的学理建构。

    The second chapter of the Community News of the academic building .

  18. 文化交流中的心理、学理与伦理问题

    The Psychological , Theoretical and Ethical Issues in Cultural Exchange

  19. 事实·学理·洞察力&对外国文学传记式研究模式的质疑

    The Problem of Biographic - Paradigm in the Study of Foreign Literature

  20. 比较文学的学理基础与学科建设

    A Further Study of Some Basic Theories of Comparative Literature

  21. 叙述化审美生存境界的学理描述

    Description of the School for Aesthetic Survival Realm Described

  22. 音乐体裁的学理探究论纲&以西方音乐的体裁现象为例

    Outlined Studies of the Laws in Musical Genres with Cases in Western Music

  23. 从学理上说,它是围绕文学进行的知识生产和再生产。

    It is production and re production around literature .

  24. 道德法律化的学理基础及其限度

    The Theoretic-Logical Basis of the Legalization of Morals and the Limitation of It

  25. 最后,对本论文的学理依据与结构作了说明。

    Finally , it also illustrates the Academic theory ground and the structure .

  26. 第二,体育发展权的学理基础。

    The doctrinal basis of development right for sports .

  27. 人文社会科学研究的问题意识、学理意识和方法意识

    Consciousness of Problem , Principle and Methodology in Humanity and Social Sciences Research

  28. 在学理上,休闲有自己特殊的定义、条件和意义。

    In theory , leisure has its special definition , conditions and meaning .

  29. 刑事诉讼基本原则的学理分类

    Theoretic Classification of the Principle of Criminal Procedure

  30. 身份犯类型的学理探讨

    The Criminal Patterns Forum Types of Status Crime