
  1. 继续教育可以提高图书馆员的学识水平和理论层次;

    Second , can improve the librarians knowledge and theory .

  2. 教师是高校教学活动的主导,教师的素质直接影响其教育对象的学识水平、思想意识以及人生观和价值观的取向。

    Teachers ' qualities may have great effect on students ' knowledge , thoughts and concepts .

  3. 毕业生个人综合素质维度主要包含学识水平、社会实践经验、综合能力等;

    The qualities of the graduates include knowledge level , social practical experience , integration capability , etc.

  4. 但是由于受本人学识水平及研究能力所限,本文仍存在很多不足。

    However , due to the limitations of academic level and research capacity , the paper still has many deficiencies .

  5. 对于宏观因素,由于作者的学识水平的限制,没有予以考虑,这也是本文结论可能会受限的一个因素。

    For the macro-factors , due to restrictions on the level of the author , it is beyond my consideration .

  6. 其思想素质、道德品质、学识水平、业务能力、职业道德等将对大学生的各个方面产生潜移默化的影响,将直接影响着“两课”教学的质量和实效。

    These teachers ' moral quality , knowledge level , professional level and dedication the career have direct influence on students and on the teaching effect of the courses .

  7. 另外,牙医的学识水平、个人卫生生活习惯、家庭经济状况等因素对氟斑牙的发病也有一定的影响。

    Besides , the knowledge of dentists , the health habits of individual , the condition of economic , and so on is somehow the risk factor of dental fluorosis .

  8. 一些发展中国家也相继开始提高小学教师的学历学识水平,小学教师本科化逐渐成为世界教师教育改革的共同趋势。

    So , some developing countries begin to improve the level of the teachers'knowledge and ability . And the bachelor of the elementary school gradually becomes the common trend of the worldwide educational reformation .

  9. 由于笔者学识水平和经验有限,在文章中存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,恳请各位专家学者和同仁提出意见和建议。

    As the level of knowledge and experience of the author is limited , there are many unsatisfying parts in the article , experts , scholars and colleagues are sincerely urged to give comments and suggestions .

  10. 本文旨在探讨以新课标为依据,以测试理论为指导,并结合初中生实际能力和学识水平的初中汉语口语测试模式的构建。

    This thesis is aimed at constructing a Oral Chinese testing mode for junior high school , based on the new curriculum standard , some testing theories and the actual ability and knowledge of junior high school students .

  11. 但受本人的学识水平局限,本文存在着以下不足之处:一是鉴于数据资料收集方面的问题,对于绿色贸易壁垒的影响只是从定性方面进行而没有进行定量比较。

    However , limited by my knowledge , there are some shortcomings as following . First , in view of the data collection issues , the impact of green trade barriers is analyzed on only qualitative aspect rather than quantitative aspect .

  12. 在写作行为涉及到的多方面因素中,写作主体的基本建构,包括观察感知、生活体验、学识水平、思想品位和审美修养等诸方面的因素,是写作产品成败得失的根本性、决定性因素。

    Among the many factors concerning writing , the author 's essential qualities , such as observing sense , life experience , the range of knowledge , thought grade , aesthetic ability and so on , are the foundational and decisive ones .

  13. 他们的仕宦经历和学识水平使其对于世事变迁有着更为敏感的观察力和深刻的解析力,晚明社会和历史的变迁在他们的记忆中由此显得格外生动。

    Their experiences as officials and high-level knowledge make them more sensitive to the changes of the world and also enable them to make profound analysis . The late Ming society and historical changes hence find themselves extraordinarily vivid in the memories of squires .

  14. 面向知识经济的新时期,文献分类人员的素养要素,包括熟练的业务技能、合理的知识结构和学识水平、较高的计算机应用和外语水平及高尚的职业道德,它们是工作质量保证的基础。

    Stepping into the 21st century , document classification staffs must have such qualities as perfect skill , rational knowledge structure , experienced computer application and a good command of foreign languages especially that of English , and gracious professional morality , which are the basis for good work .

  15. 笔者认为提升班主任的素质,着重要从思想解放,提升自身学识素养和管理水平;

    The writer think the character which promote form master , emphasize to want from the thought liberation and promote oneself scholarship cultivated manners and management level ;