
  • 网络annual conference
  1. 城市现代化进程赋予建筑师新的使命和责任:中国建筑学会建筑理论与创作委员会2006年学术年会侧记

    Architects'New Mission and Responsibility Charged by the Urban Modernization Progress : Annual Conference 2006 of the Division of Architectural Theories and Creation of Architectural Society of China

  2. 2003中国生物医学电子学学术年会综述

    The Summary of the Annual Conference on Biomedical Electronics 2003

  3. 研究成果分别发表于第18届国际真空学术年会以及SCI期刊。

    The research result is published at the 18th International Vacuum Conference and indexed by SCI journal . 2 .

  4. 不过,在周四于北京举行的全国高性能计算学术年会(HPCChina)上,专家们表示,天河-1A系统的知识产权是中国自主开发和拥有的。

    However , experts at HPC China , a supercomputing conference in Beijing , said on Thursday that intellectual property rights in the new Chinese system were developed and held domestically .

  5. 第12届国际Cochrane协作网学术年会召开

    The 12th Cochrane Colloquium Was held

  6. 综述了第74届AHA学术年会会议期间有关冠心病、心衰和心律失常方面的报告。

    The reports about coronary heart disease , heart failure and arrhythmia during the74th AHA academic annual meeting are reviewed .

  7. AOGS第六届学术年会气象学研究报告综述

    A Review of the Meteorological Research at the AOGS 6th Annual Meeting

  8. 第四届焊管学术年会征文通知

    A notice of soliciting papers for the 4th welded pipe Symposium

  9. 和谐与节约:2006年人居环境专业学术年会侧记

    Harmony and Saving : Residential Environment Conference 2006 Held in Xinjiang

  10. 第五届轴承钢学术年会在湖南省召开

    The 5th Annual Conference on bearing steels held in Hunan Province

  11. 首届福建省艺术科学研究学术年会综述

    A Summary of the First Annual Conference on Fujian Art Research

  12. 中国海洋湖沼学会水文气象学会第五次学术年会在无锡召开

    The Fifth Symposium of Chinese society of Hydrometeorology held at Wuxi

  13. 第三届全国冶金轧辊学术年会

    The 3rd National Symposium on rolling rollers for metallurgical use

  14. 高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革&中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会综述

    Multiple Perspectives of Higher Education Quality and Reform of Evaluation on Higher Education

  15. 中国海洋地质学会第二届学术年会在沪召开

    The second annual symposium of Marine Geology Society of China held in Shanghai

  16. 中国金属学会动力学会1988年学术年会会议纪要

    Summary of academic annual meeting held by power society of CSM in 1988

  17. 中国金属学会炼铁学术年会在武汉召开

    A 1986 Annual Conference on science and technology of ironmaking held in Wuhan

  18. 昨日上午,第五届沈阳科学学术年会隆重开幕。

    The5th Shenyang Annual Science Scholar Conference opened yesterday .

  19. 中国农业机械学会第二次代表大会及1980年学术年会

    The 2nd Congress and 1980 Annual Meeting of Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery

  20. 地方行政管理创新与发展研究&贵州省行政学会2006年学术年会会议综述

    Creation of Local Administration Management and Research of Development

  21. 中国金属学会冶金能源学会1990年学术年会论文目录

    Index of the proceeding of 1990 academic meeting , metallurgical energy society of CSM

  22. 中国地球物理学会第20届学术年会(2004)

    The 20 ~ ( th ) annual meeting of the Chinese Geophysical society ( 2004 )

  23. 第一届轧辊学术年会

    The first symposium on rolls

  24. 贵州省古生物学会成立大会暨第一届学术年会在贵阳召开

    An inaugural meeting of the Palaeontological Society of Guizhou Province and the 1st PSG symposium held in Guiyang

  25. 中国教育学会教育史分会第十一届学术年会综述

    A Summary of the 11th Annual Conference of the Educational History Sub-commission of the Chinese Society of Education

  26. 进一步认识软科学,推动软科学应用&在第七届中国软科学学术年会上的讲话

    Further Understanding Soft Science and Promoting Its Application & Speech at the 7th Annual Academic Conference of Soft Science

  27. 本文介绍了2003年中国生物医学电子学学术年会(CBME`03)会议的概况,并根据学术年会上的大会报告和分组报告,以及论文集内容,对我国生物医学工程学学科发展动向作了分析。

    This paper introduces the Annual Conference on Biomedical Electronics 2003 , analysing the development trend of China Biomedical engineering .

  28. 中国建筑学会建筑师分会第四届会员代表大会暨2005年学术年会侧记

    Representative ' conference and the Year ' Conference 2005 of the Architects ' Branch of the Architectural Society of China

  29. 近20年来台港澳及海外华文文学研究述评&以历届学术年会及其论文集为例

    A critical account of researches on Chinese literature created at Taiwan , Hong Kong , Macao and overseas over two decades

  30. 该文对过去4年来中国农业资源与区划学会工作进行了回顾。提出认真组织学术年会,提高学术交流水平;

    This paper reviews the work fulfilled by the Chinese Agricultural Resources & Regional Planning Society in the past 4 years ;