
  • 网络subjects;subject groupings;the humanities;disciplinary group
  1. 特定的办学宗旨、独特的学科群、多元的民族文化背景和特殊的政治象征意义,是民族院校的民族性在办学中的集中体现。

    Special aim , unique disciplinary group , multicultural backgrounds and special political significance are the embodiment of nationality-based feature in these institutions .

  2. 主诉辨治法与微观辨证及其学科群的和谐发展

    On the Dialectical Relation Between Rule by Law and Rule by Feeling in Library ; Simultaneous Development of Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Based on Chief Complaint and Microscopic Syndrome Differentiation Together with Its Disciplinary Group

  3. STS学科群的本体是人作为科学技术之本体的终极关怀。

    The Philosophical ontology of STS show the utmost solicitude for human as the subject of science and technology .

  4. 一流的医院要有一流的学科群

    First Class Hospital Need First Class Scientific Technology Theory on Disciplines

  5. 切实抓好环境工程博士点建设积极创建一流学科群

    On the construction of doctoral programs and first-class group of subjects

  6. 学术团队与学科群系统核心竞争力的关系研究

    Research on the Relation between Academic Team and Subject Cluster Core Competence

  7. 科学技术学:正在兴起的学科群

    Science and Technology Studies : A New Group of Disciplines

  8. 教学医院优势学科群建设

    Construction of the Groups of Major Subjects in Teaching Hospitals

  9. 医院重点学科群在地震伤员救治中的作用

    To Treat Earthquake Injured with Advantage of Key Disciplines in A Hospital

  10. 试论大型综合性医院优势学科群建设

    Construction of groups of superior specialties in large general hospitals

  11. 微观辨证学及其学科群的和谐发展

    Harmonized Development of the Microcosmic Differentiation Theroy and Its Branch of Learning

  12. 技术进步与信息管理学科群的形成

    Technological Progress & Formation of Information Management Discipline Group

  13. 以高校图书馆为依托的院学科群专业文献建设的探讨

    Probe into the Speciality Information Building in Discipline Groups Based on College Libraries

  14. 交叉学科群中一门新型综合学科:包装学科

    A New Integrated Discipline in Interdisciplinarities : Packaging Discipline

  15. 构建优势学科群,促进高等中医药院校学科发展

    Constructing Superior Subject-groups and Promoting the Development of Subjects in Advanced TCM Universities

  16. 留学生与中国现代学科群的构建

    Returned Students and the Establishment of Modern Subject Groups

  17. 多科性大学优势学科群开放平台的构建策略

    Strategies for constructing open platforms for superior disciplines in universities with multiple disciplines

  18. 北京林业大学林学学科群数字图书情报的研究

    Information of the Digital Libraries in Forest Science

  19. 基于泛学科群的高等数学课程分类教学

    Research and Practice of Classified Teaching for Advanced Mathematics Based on Extensive Subject Group

  20. 以四重为基础,促进农业学科群建设

    Base on " the four points " to improve the construction of agricultural disciplines group

  21. 接下来,笔者对刑事学科群(要素论)及其结构的问题进行了一次系统的全局性梳理。

    Another problem comes , that is the infrastructure of the whole criminal related disciplines .

  22. 对构建护理学学科群的思考

    Thinking of constructing nursing subjects group

  23. 论医院学科群建设

    Construction of subject group in hospital

  24. 弘扬自然辩证法传统建设科学技术学学科群

    Carrying forward Traditions of Dialectics of Nature to Construct Disciplinary Group of Science and Technology Studies

  25. 在中国传统文化尤其是学术文化的现代转型过程中,现代学科群的构建起了关键的作用。

    Returned students played a key role in the modern transformation of China 's traditional culture .

  26. 前沿学科群的整体生发:以中国-东盟比较学科群为例

    Holistic Development of Cutting-edge Discipline Groups & Case Analysis on the Discipline Group of China-ASEAN Comparative Study

  27. 阐述了医院重点学科群建设的步骤、方法及应注意的问题。

    The article made an explanation on the process , method and problem of key subject construction in hospital .

  28. 领导科学是一个新型而又蓬勃发展的学科群,是一个完整的学科理论体系,在这个体系中包含了许多分支学科。

    Police leading science is an important branch of leading science which is a new and vigorous systematic theory .

  29. 从研究生招生方向看我国英语学科群的发展趋势

    On Academic Trends of Related English Subjects in China Through Analysis of the 1999 Enrollment Catalogue of English Postgraduates

  30. 生态文化学科群的建设,将对我国高等林业教育的跨越式发展起到决定性作用。

    The establishment of subjects cluster of ecological culture will decide the leap development of higher forestry education of China .