
  • 网络school health
  1. 目的:探讨学校卫生与学生健康。

    Objective : To study the school health and students health .

  2. 地震灾后绵阳市学校卫生工作的做法与效果

    Practices and Effect Analysis of Post-earthquake School Health in Mianyang City

  3. 目的掌握青少年学生多发性硬化(MultipleSclerosis,MS)的流行病学特征及疲劳睡眠状况,为制订MS防治计划和学校卫生工作规划提供重要依据。

    Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of multiple sclerosis and the status of fatigue and sleep in adolescent students in order to provide the basis for decision making of MS control and school sanitary work .

  4. 浙江省中小学校卫生状况调查

    Status of Public Health in Primary and Secondary School in Zhejiang

  5. 焦作市1998&2007年学校卫生行政处罚案卷分析

    Analysis of Administrative Penalty for School in Jiaozuo City during 1998-2007

  6. 2008年泰州市学校卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Status in Schools in Taizhou City in 2008

  7. 要大力加强学校卫生与健康教育各方面的工作。

    Every aspect of the work has to be strengthened .

  8. 学校卫生调查统计分析中的多元线性回归方程

    Multiple Linear Regression in Statistical Analysis for School Health Survey

  9. 此外,学校卫生督察定期到学校视察,就环境卫生问题向校方提供意见。

    School health inspectors visit schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation .

  10. 池州市城区学校卫生情况调查报告

    An investigation of hygiene status in urban schools in Chizhou

  11. 中国学校卫生杂志社产业化之路

    Industrialization road of journal office of Chinese School Health

  12. 结论大多数学校卫生人员对学校预防儿童性侵犯教育持支持态度;

    Conclusions Most of school health personnel approved of school CSA prevention education .

  13. 《中国学校卫生》杂志简介


  14. 学校卫生厕所和洗手设施的使用以师生共用为主。

    Toilets and hand washing facilities of schools were shared by teachers and students .

  15. 本调查为增进学生健康、改进学校卫生保健工作提供了科学依据。

    This investigation provides the scientific base for improving students ' health and school health care .

  16. 请问学校卫生所在哪?

    Where is the University clinic ?

  17. 学校卫生教育资助计划公民教育活动资助计划

    Health Activities in Schools Funding Scheme

  18. 需加强学校卫生及儿童保健工作以促进儿童少年健康成长。

    It is necessary to strengthen school health work in order to promote healthy growth of pupils .

  19. 上海市华界中小学学校卫生研究(1929-1937)

    The School Health Study of Primary and Secondary Schools in Chinese Sections of Shanghai ( 1929-1937 );

  20. 这项禁令也是对包括食堂卫生在内的学校卫生规定的部分修改。

    The ban is part of a revision to a decree on school sanitation that covers canteens .

  21. 也为高原小学校实施学校卫生的监督管理提供了参考数据。

    This paper also provided reference material for school health inspection and administration in elementary schools on the plateau .

  22. 其二,学校卫生三个维度发展不平衡,健康环境明显落后于健康服务和健康教育。

    Uneopuilibrium of the three dimensions of school health , health conditions is evidently behind of health service and health education .

  23. 结论:积极做好中小学生预防视力低下工作是学校卫生工作的重点。

    Conclusion : Focal point of school hygiene is the prevention and control of low vision in primary school and middle school .

  24. 目的了解湖南省儿童青少年生长发育长期变化趋势,为开展学校卫生保健工作提供资料。

    Objective To understand growth and development long term trend of students in Hunan , to provide basis for implementing school health .

  25. 目的进一步开展学校卫生保健工作,提高大学生对乙肝传染病的自我保健意识。

    Objective To heighten health care work in universities and raise the consciousness of self health care against hepatitis B among university students .

  26. 台湾地区立法机构周一通过了一项学校卫生管理条例修正案,其中明确禁止学校餐厅使用转基因食材,比如转基因蔬菜和转基因豆腐。

    Taiwan 's legislature on Monday banned school canteens from using genetically modified ( GM ) food , such as vegetables or tofu .

  27. 结论《学校卫生工作条例》需要配套的实施细则,以规范学校卫生监督工作,提高监督成效;

    Conclusions The detailed rules should be made according to School Health Work Bylaws to strengthen and improve school health supervision and surveillance .

  28. 1990年,国务院颁布了《学校卫生工作条例》,明确提出了对学校健康教育的要求。

    In 1990 , the State Council issued " the regulations of school hygiene " to clarify the requests of the school health education .

  29. 结论:视力低下的防治仍然是今后若干年学校卫生工作的重点。

    Conclusions : The prevention and treatment of poor eyesight will still be the focal point of school health work in the coming years .

  30. 目的了解土家族、苗族女生的体格发育水平及其体型特征,并指导学校卫生保健工作。

    Objective To explore the physical growth lever and figure characteristics of female of Tujia and Miao nationalities , and to instruct development on school hygienic .