
  • 网络Association;Society;student society
  1. 实验室向学生社团开放的研究与实践

    Research and Practice about the Laboratory Opened to Student Associations

  2. 刍议新时期高校学生社团建设

    Construction of college students ' associations in the new era

  3. 她是「真爱革命」(TrueLoveRevolution)学生社团的创立者之一。这个组织在哈佛是一个跨宗派并致力于推动婚前守贞的社团。

    She is one of the founders of True Love Revolution , a nonsectarian Harvard group dedicated to the promotion of sexual abstinence before marriage .

  4. 高职院校学生社团活动现状及优化策略

    Activity actualities and optimization Strategies of student societies in vocational colleges

  5. 对当前高校学生社团工作的思考

    Reflections on the Current Work of Students ' Communities in Universities

  6. 隐性德育课程视角下的高校学生社团建设

    College Student Association Construction from the perspective of Hidden moral curriculum

  7. 高校学生社团的组织承诺及其影响因素分析

    Organizational Commitment to College Student Association : State and Influential Factors

  8. 愿景:学生社团管理的新理念

    Vision : The New Principle of the Student 's Association Management

  9. 论组织形态下的高校学生社团建设与管理

    Construction and Management of College Student Leagues in the Organizational Form

  10. 高等职业学院学生社团成员的组织承诺研究

    The Organizational Commitment of the Student Association Mumbers in Vocational Colleges

  11. 高校学生社团运作情况调查报告

    The Status Quo of College Student Mass Organizations : An Investigation Report

  12. 高校学生社团建设与个性化教育

    The Construction of Student Mass Organization and the Personality Education

  13. 高校学生社团在大学生素质教育中具有独特的地位和作用。

    College students ' association plays a unique role in quality education .

  14. 加强学生社团建设活跃校园文化

    Strengthen students ' Community League Construction and Enliven College Culture

  15. 高校学生社团活动是实施素质教育的重要途径

    College Students'Association is an Important Way to Implement Quality Education

  16. 高校学生社团建设与管理机制探讨

    Discussion on the Construction and Management of College Students Association

  17. 高校学生社团现状分析

    An Analysis of the Current Situation of University Students Communities

  18. 浅议我国高校的学生社团建设

    Construction of Student Associations at Colleges and Universities in China

  19. 支持和鼓励学生社团的活动。

    Supporting and encouraging the activities of students ' associations .

  20. 高校学生社团管理模式优化问题研究

    On the Optimization of the Student 's Association Management Mode in College

  21. 高校学生社团对大学生就业适应度的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Students ' Association on Graduate Employment Fitness

  22. 论高校学生社团的特点、作用及建设

    Characteristics , Function and Construction of the College Students Associations

  23. 组织承诺:一个高校学生社团的视角

    Organizational Commitment : One College Student Association 's View

  24. 试论学生社团在素质教育中的作用

    On Roles of College Student Society in Quality Education

  25. 攀枝花学院学生社团的现状分析与研究

    Analysis and Research in the Status Quo of student societies in Panzhihua University

  26. 浅谈当前高校学生社团的品牌化发展道路

    Talking about the Brand-based Development of University Student Society

  27. 学生社团种类繁多,社团成员几十人至上千人不等。

    Student community , phyletic , dozens of people foremost thousand community members .

  28. 对高校学生社团组织及活动问题的发散思考

    Divergent Thinking about College Students ′ Organizations and Activities

  29. 高校学生社团组织的潜在课程功能研究

    Study on Functions of Hidden Curriculum of Student League in Colleges and Universities

  30. 浅论学生社团的地位和作用

    Study on the Position and Role of Student Associations