
  • 网络Xikang Road;Xi Kang Road;EPSON
  1. 北面:从山西路交叉路口至西康路;

    North Side : from Shanxi Road to Xikang Road ;

  2. 到哪里去寻:我们喜欢在路边摊吃这种牛肉拉面,地点在西康路和新丰路路口。

    Where to get it : We like to slurp at the open-air stall on the corner of Xikang Lu and Xinfeng Lu .

  3. 西康路与南阳路路口有几家没有招牌的小店,那边卖的南瓜饼最好吃。

    We think some of the best are offered at a little unmarked stand on the corner of Xikang Lu and Nanyang Lu .