
  1. 这充分表明考克斯等人过低估计了中国人民和中国科学家的创造能力。

    This suffices to show Cox and others have underestimated the creativity of the Chinese people and Chinese scientists .

  2. 这是毫无根据的恶意中伤,是对中国人民和中国科学家的极大诬蔑。

    This is a groundless , vicious slander and a grave calumny on the Chinese people and Chinese scientists .

  3. 鼓吹和平的回教被恶意诬蔑,让新加坡回教徒感到非常悲哀。这是毫无根据的恶意中伤,是对中国人民和中国科学家的极大诬蔑。

    " Singaporean Muslims find themselves much saddened that their beloved religion , which stands for peace , has been maligned . " This is a groundless , vicious slander and a grave calumny on the Chinese people and Chinese scientists .