
rén lún
  • human relations;every person
人伦 [rén lún]
  • (1) [human relations]∶封建社会中人与人礼教所规定的君臣、父子、夫妇、兄弟、朋友及各种尊卑长幼关系

  • 使契为司徒,教以人伦:父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有叙,朋友有信。--《孟子.滕文公上》

  • (2) [every person]∶各类人

  • 人伦并处。--《荀子.富国》

人伦[rén lún]
  1. 中国古代非常注重人伦。

    The ancient Chinese people paid great attention to human relations .

  2. 正义与人伦

    Justice and Human Relations

  3. 传统人伦文化中的父子关系之现代扬弃

    The Modern Developing of the Traditional Relationship between Fathers and Sons

  4. 人伦背景下的交往伦理研究

    A Research on Communication Ethics under the Background of Human Relations

  5. 人伦至上,使社会能够得到最大程度的幸福快乐。

    The supremacy of relationship-defined obligations maximizes a society 's happiness .

  6. 自然之道、人伦之理&画梅的意趣

    Natural Law and Human Ethic & Interest of Painting Chinese mei

  7. 儒学人伦原则的现代开展

    The Modern Development of Confucian Ethical Principle of Human Relations

  8. 华族的传统节日都离不开维系人伦与增进人际关系这个基本主题。韩国人在本届奥运会中突出了和平的主题,提出了人类和谐的口号。

    Traditional Chinese festivals invariably centre on maintaining and improving human relations .

  9. 人伦之和的主调与变奏&近年中国都市家庭伦理电视剧的审美文化批评

    On the Recent Chinese TV Plays of the Family Ethic

  10. 中国有着深厚的人伦关系政治传统。

    China has a long political tradition of human relationship .

  11. 其三,分与人伦关系。

    Thirdly , it studies on fen and human relations .

  12. 最后,生物进化论对于哈代写作中关于人伦道德观的影响。

    Lastly , other impacts of evolutionary theory on Hardy 's writing .

  13. 中国传统人伦思想与五伦的道德观

    Chinese Traditional Human Relationships and Moral Views of Five Ethics

  14. 可见,在二程的哲学体系中,理具有宇宙本体、儒家人伦道德和事物规律等多种涵义,是一个内涵广泛,具有多重属性的范畴,这也是二程哲学的核心和最高范畴。

    It was the core and the highest category of their theoretical system .

  15. 尊重生命,包括尊重有尊严的死亡,才是符合人伦道德的。

    It is moral to respect life , including respecting a dignified death .

  16. 精神提升与人伦教化等。注重人伦道德重构人文精神

    Advancing spirit and moralizing ethics , etc. Enhance Moral Virtues and Revive Humanitarianism

  17. 中国传统社会畸形的人伦秩序

    The Abnormality Humanities Relation of China Traditional Society

  18. 人伦传统与伦理实体的建构

    Constrction of Traditional Human Relations and Ethics Entity

  19. 伦理责任中,以人伦之大&父子关系为中心。

    In ethics responsibility , its core is the relationship between father and son .

  20. 从自然、人伦、国家三个角度解析古诗文中蕴含的丰富情感。

    Interpretation From natural yangqi , national three Angle analytical looked contains rich emotions .

  21. 人伦至上只不过就是互相帮助至上。

    The supremacy of relationship-defined obligations is the supremacy of mutual help , nothing more .

  22. 这个人伦思想怎样跟现代社会兼容,不,怎样有利于现代社会呢?

    How is this compatible with , nay , conducive to , a modern society ?

  23. 精神提升与人伦教化等。

    Advancing spirit and moralizing ethics , etc.

  24. 孝是人伦之本,道德之源。

    The filial piety is foundation of the human relations , source of the moral .

  25. 以此言之,理学的兴起亦可谓是儒家人伦道德学说的重建与振兴。

    In this sense , Lixue is nothing but the reconstruction and revival of Confucian ethics .

  26. 那是一种诗意化的、哲理化的、情感化的、人伦化的时间意识和生命情怀。

    Those are poetry , philosophical , emotional and blood-tied consciousness of time and life feelings .

  27. 一书一世界艺海塑人伦&论书法教学与思想品德教育的契合

    Developing Ethics in Calligraphy Art : On Integration of Calligraphy Teaching with Ideological and Moral Education

  28. 温厚、宽广的人伦关怀&试论萧红小说的审美价值取向

    The Warm - wide Human Concern : Esthetic Appreciation Value Approach in Xiao Hong 's Fictional Writings

  29. 其他人伦关系都是同样的道理,都是互相帮助。

    All other relations and relationship-defined obligations follow the same logic : they all involve mutual help .

  30. 轴心时代东西方人伦关系的特点及现代启示

    Features and Inspiration of the Human Relations in the Axis Time ; Look on the Brighter Side