
  1. 论孔子的仁学孔子仁学思想与师生关系

    Confucian Thought of Benevolence and the Relation between Teacher and Student

  2. 孔子是从仁学出发去考察审美和文艺问题的。

    Confucius approached aesthetic appreciation , literature and art from humanity .

  3. 楚简所见儒家仁学思想研究

    Research of the Confucian Thought of Ren in the Chu Slips

  4. 论罗近溪仁学思想与道德修养论

    On ren thought of Luo Jinxi and moral culture theory

  5. 弘扬仁学精神构建和谐社会

    Carry forward the spirit of benevolence and construct a harmonious

  6. 孔子美育思想的基础&仁学分析。

    The basis of Confucian aesthetic education is the analysis of benevolence .

  7. 《仁学》与中国伦理的近代转换

    On Humanity and its Transformation with Chinese Ethics in Contemporary

  8. 孟子对孔子仁学的捍卫与发扬

    Mencius ' safeguarding and Developing Confucius ' Doctrine of Benevolence

  9. 孔子仁学思想对现代生态伦理的建构及其意义

    Confucius 's " Ren " to Modern Ecology Ethics Construction and Significance

  10. 二是对孔子仁学思想传承的研究存在一个盲区。

    Secondly , there is a scotoma on spreading them .

  11. 如何对待孔子仁学伦理思想?

    How to treat the ethical idea of Confucius ' Ren Xue ?

  12. 作者认为,这种重要地位主要表现在两个方面,其一:教育是孟子仁学理论体系在理论上的必然延伸。

    Education is the necessary stretch of Mencius ' benevolent study system in theory .

  13. 孔子仁学思想与可持续发展

    Confucius ' thought on humanity & sustainable development

  14. 儒家仁学与普遍伦理

    The Confucian Doctrine of Ren and Universal Ethic

  15. 孔子仁学管理思想的传统意义与现代价值

    On Confucian Idea of Benevolence & its Traditional Significance and Modern Value in Management

  16. 《论语》首句学诠释中的仁学分化

    Two Humanity Doctrines and Annotations of First " To Learn " of Confucian Analects

  17. 这在某种程度上意味着孔子之仁学思想欲开心性学之源的倾向。

    It somehow means of Confucius benevolence to happy thoughts source of sexuality preference .

  18. 情感是孔子仁学的第一原则。

    The passions is the first principle in the Confucius 's theory on Benevolence .

  19. 孔子仁学思想与当代体育教学人文精神研究

    On the Benevolence Theory of Confucius and the Humanistic Spirit of Contemporary Sports Teaching

  20. 孔子的仁学中,氤氲着丰厚的敬畏伦理思想。

    It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness .

  21. 简论儒家仁学思想对构建和谐社会的当代价值

    Thoughts on the contemporary value of Confucian Humanity thoughts to build a harmonious society

  22. 论董仲舒对先秦仁学的继承和改造&孔、孟、董论仁比较

    On Dong Zhongshu 's Theory of Benevolence ── Comparision between Kong , Meng and Dong

  23. 具体而言,孔子仁学思想当中的修己思想具有一定的现实意义。

    In particular , the thought of Confucius-Cultivating himself thinking of a certain practical significance .

  24. 孔子仁学思想对秘书人员处理人际关系的影响

    The Influence of the Ideology of Confucian Humanity on Secretaries in Dealing with Public Relations

  25. 儒家仁学、礼学及人生哲学所隐含的类意识论马克思哲学在具体境域上的开新:实践人类学哲学

    The Implied Category Consciousness in the Benevolence , Propriety and Life Philosophy Doctrines of Confucianism

  26. 孔子仁学及其道德教育原则

    Confucian Benevolence and Moral Education Principle

  27. 儒家道德治化的基本经验儒家仁学与普遍伦理

    Confucian Ethic - ruled Basic Experience

  28. 理性和情感的关系是孔子仁学的主要课题。

    The relationship between reason and passions is the main topic of the theory on Benevolence .

  29. 谭嗣同《仁学》与中国近代政治思维

    Tan Ci tong 's Treatise on Benevolence and the Political Mode of Thinking of Chinese Modern Times

  30. 了解和掌握这两个标准体系,对于正确理解孔子的仁学观点至为重要。

    To comprehend these standards is important for a correct understanding to the doctrine of Confuciuss benevolence .