
  • 网络destiny;providentialism;the Manifest Destiny;decree
  1. 前诸子时代的政治合法性论证采取神话叙述方式,随着天命论的崩溃,这一方式迅速贬值不再为人信服。

    Political legitimacy of pre-schools era is myth-of-origin , but with the collapse of the theory of Destiny , this approach quickly devaluation and no longer convinced by people .

  2. 孔子强调随机的天命论,突显了命运的一次成型、不可更改,否定了人的后天作为,但有一定的心理平衡和警世作用。

    Confucius stressed on the stochastic destiny , highlighted the unchangeable feature of fate , and negated people 's deeds , but in a sense this theory could help people to get psychological balance , and made them alert .

  3. 天命论与中国古代哲学

    The theory of the mandate of heaven and the Chinese ancient philosophy

  4. 从孔子与墨子的天命论看儒家与墨家的不同命运

    The Different Fate of Confucianism and Mohism Viewed from Kismet Theory of Confucius and Mo-zi

  5. 道家天命论的精神追求

    Taoist Theory of Fate

  6. 他接受天命论,承认天有意志,并用来解释一些重大的历史变局。

    He believed the mandate of Heaven and admitted that it is God 's will that contributes to major historical changes .

  7. 心灵的自由与宁静,既是道家所追求的精神生活,也是道家天命论的立论基础和出发点。

    The spiritual quietness and freedom is the ideal life for Taoists and the foundation and starting point for the Taoist theory of fate .

  8. 麻风恐怖观念形成的社会根源主要有:1.迷信鬼神和天命论:认为人患麻风是因得罪了鬼神而受到惩罚。

    The author describes the historic and social sources of leprophobia as follows : 1.Superstition and the believing of God ′ s will : People believe that God makes one suffering from leprosy for punishing one ′ s offensive utterings and behavior .

  9. 人地关系随着社会和生成力的发展而发展,先后经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、协调论等认识阶段。

    Human-environment relationship develops along with society and the productive forces development and had experienced several different phases such as " mandate of heaven "," geographic environmental determinism "," the law of probability " and " the coordination principle " and so on .

  10. 王充天体论、人性论和性命论中的伦理思想探析郭店楚简《性自命出》的天命观与心性论

    Ethical Thoughts of Wang Chong 's Theory on Celestial Body , Human Nature and Individual Personality

  11. 孔子是相信天命还是否定天命,论者意见不一,最明显者莫过于郭沫若与冯友兰两先生,根据大致相同的材料,得出的却是截然相反的结论。

    Whether Confucius believed in Fatality or not , among many scholars , Mr Guo Moruo and Feng Youlan had contrary conclusions according to almost same materials .

  12. 从知天命到制天命&论原始儒家生之伦理的实现方式生命看来似乎起源于40亿年前覆盖着地球的原始海洋。

    On the Mode of Practice of Confucian Ethical Thought of Sheng Life seems to have originated in the primordial oceans that covered the Earth four billion years ago .

  13. 通过以性善言天善、以心性的价值合理性印证天命的价值理性和德福合一的新解释,孟子重建了人的道德信仰,完成了对天命报应论的全新构想。

    Mencius verified destiny 's value reason and the new interpretation of ' morality and beatitude two in one ' through the value rationality of mentality , and thus rebuilt the moral belief of human being to complete the brand - new conception of the theory of destiny retribution .