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  • Smallpox virus;Variola virus
  1. 重申应当销毁剩余的天花病毒储存

    Reaffirmed that the remaining stock of smallpox virus should be destroyed

  2. 真正的天花病毒正送往疾管局。

    The real smallpox virus is on its way to cdc .

  3. 猴痘、天花病毒感染快速分子诊断荧光定量实时PCR方法的建立

    Rapid Detection and Differentiation of Smallpox or Monkeypox Virus Infection by Real-Time PCR Assay

  4. 卫生大会重申了销毁天花病毒储存是一项商定目标。

    The destruction of variola virus stocks was reaffirmed as the agreed goal .

  5. 据贝克介绍,疫苗用天花病毒作艾滋病病毒免疫原载体。

    According to Baker , the vaccine for smallpox virus vector HIV immunogen .

  6. 与天花病毒关系密切的瘤病毒,会导致人类凝胶状的粘液瘤。

    A poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus ; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans .

  7. 消灭储存的天花病毒;

    Destruction of variola virus stocks ;

  8. 世卫组织天花病毒研究咨询委员会一直在监督和报告研究计划的情况。

    The WHO Advisory Committee on Variola Virus research has continued to oversee and report on the research plan .

  9. 世界卫生大会还注意到一份报告详细叙述了有关天花病毒研究的若干建议。

    The World Health Assembly also noted a report which detailed several recommendations for research on the smallpox virus .

  10. 1996年,世界卫生大会建议销毁所有剩余的天花病毒储存。

    In1996 , the World Health Assembly recommended that all remaining stocks of smallpox ( variola ) virus be destroyed .

  11. 在十七世纪晚期,历史性的天花病毒事件迫使人们进入隔离医院。

    In the late 1800s , this startling historic illustration shows how a small pox outbreak forces people into isolation hospitals .

  12. 人在接过种后产生的抗体可以同时对牛痘病毒感染及其密切相关的天花病毒感染起到保护作用。

    The vaccinated person developed antibodies which protected both against the cowpox infection and against the closely related virus that caused smallpox .

  13. 现在天花病毒只存在于实验室,一些小国可能为发展细菌战生物战而发展这种病毒。

    The virus now exists only in laboratories ; in some countries it may be under development for purposes of Biological warfare .

  14. 建议在天花病毒中嵌入一种绿色萤光标记蛋白,确保更迅速地筛选抗病毒药物,以确定它们是否有效。

    The recommendation to insert a green florescent marker protein in variola virus helps to ensure more rapid screening of antiviral drugs to determine whether they are effective .

  15. 1999年5月,世界卫生大会重申了销毁所有天花病毒储存的决定,但授权为研究目的暂时保留储存。

    In May1999 , the World Health Assembly reaffirmed the decision to destroy all stocks of variola virus , but authorized temporary retention of stocks for research purposes .

  16. 它属于一个包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。

    It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus ( variola ), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine ( vaccinia ), and the cowpox virus .

  17. 多亏痘苗病毒跟天花病毒有相似之处,研究人员能够利用痘苗病毒作为疫苗来预防天花,最终在20世纪70年代末期彻底消灭了天花病毒。

    Thanks to its resemblance to the smallpox virus , researchers were able to use vaccinia as a vaccine for the disease , eventually leading to its eradication in the late1970s .

  18. 将于2014年在第六十七届世界卫生大会上审查天花病毒的研究现状,并将根据审查结果,讨论和确定销毁剩余的天花病毒储存的日期。

    The state of variola virus research will be reviewed at the67th World Health Assembly in2014 and in light of that , determining a date for destruction of the remaining virus stocks will be discussed .

  19. 据说它由印加人在15世纪修建,并于不到100年后被抛弃,可能是从欧洲带来的天花病毒导致了人口锐减。

    It is said to have been built in the 1400s by the Incas and abandoned less than 100 years later , most likely when its population was wiped out by smallpox brought over from Europe .

  20. 感染一周后患者的白细胞会分泌出抗体,它们会在病情蔓延之前攻击并且消灭天花病毒,但这是一场与时间的赛跑,生死攸关。

    A week after exposure , the victim 's white blood cells create antibodies . These attack and kill the virus that causes smallpox before the disease can spread . But it 's a dangerous race against time .

  21. 引起人类天花的病毒。

    The virus that causes smallpox in humans .

  22. 所建立的痘苗病毒系列检测方法,为天花相关病毒的实验室诊断奠定了基础。

    The detection methods for vaccinia virus were developed and provide a base for laboratory diagnosis of variola - related viruses .

  23. 我谨提及其中一些:艾滋病、大流行性流感、严重急性呼吸道综合征这样的新疾病,或者利用天花等病毒的生物恐怖主义。

    Let me mention some : AIDS , pandemic influenza , a new disease like SARS , or bioterrorism using a virus like smallpox .

  24. 中国人可能早在10世纪已懂得利用天花患者的病毒来接种的人痘接种法。

    Inoculation against smallpox using material from small-pox patients was probably first practiced by the Chinese in the 10th century .

  25. 公元165年,从近东回来的罗马士兵携带着天花或麻疹病毒回到了罗马帝国,由此在不知情的情况下引发了安东尼瘟疫。

    Roman soldiers unknowingly started the Antonine Plague in AD 165 when they returned from the Near East carrying either smallpox or measles .

  26. 为了与麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、小儿麻痹、天花、风疹等病毒疾病战斗,人类已经发展出成功的疫苗。【医】荨麻疹,风疹块

    " Successful vaccines have been developed to combat such viral diseases as measles , mumps , poliomyelitis , smallpox , and rubella . "

  27. 痘苗病毒使用在牛痘苗时是无害的,因为它与作为传播天花媒介物的天花病毒相关。

    The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus , which is the agent of smallpox .

  28. 1959年,世界卫生组织决定隔离天花病人,并给所有感染天花地区的居民接种,以此来彻底消除天花病毒。

    In 1959 , the World Health Organization decided to eradicate the disease from the planet by isolating smallpox patients and vaccinating everyone in an area where smallpox was detected .