- Smallpox virus;Variola virus

Reaffirmed that the remaining stock of smallpox virus should be destroyed
The real smallpox virus is on its way to cdc .
Rapid Detection and Differentiation of Smallpox or Monkeypox Virus Infection by Real-Time PCR Assay
The destruction of variola virus stocks was reaffirmed as the agreed goal .
According to Baker , the vaccine for smallpox virus vector HIV immunogen .
A poxvirus closely related to smallpox virus ; causes benign gelatinous tumors in humans .
Destruction of variola virus stocks ;
The WHO Advisory Committee on Variola Virus research has continued to oversee and report on the research plan .
The World Health Assembly also noted a report which detailed several recommendations for research on the smallpox virus .
In1996 , the World Health Assembly recommended that all remaining stocks of smallpox ( variola ) virus be destroyed .
In the late 1800s , this startling historic illustration shows how a small pox outbreak forces people into isolation hospitals .
The vaccinated person developed antibodies which protected both against the cowpox infection and against the closely related virus that caused smallpox .
The virus now exists only in laboratories ; in some countries it may be under development for purposes of Biological warfare .
The recommendation to insert a green florescent marker protein in variola virus helps to ensure more rapid screening of antiviral drugs to determine whether they are effective .
In May1999 , the World Health Assembly reaffirmed the decision to destroy all stocks of variola virus , but authorized temporary retention of stocks for research purposes .
It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus ( variola ), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine ( vaccinia ), and the cowpox virus .
Thanks to its resemblance to the smallpox virus , researchers were able to use vaccinia as a vaccine for the disease , eventually leading to its eradication in the late1970s .
The state of variola virus research will be reviewed at the67th World Health Assembly in2014 and in light of that , determining a date for destruction of the remaining virus stocks will be discussed .
It is said to have been built in the 1400s by the Incas and abandoned less than 100 years later , most likely when its population was wiped out by smallpox brought over from Europe .
A week after exposure , the victim 's white blood cells create antibodies . These attack and kill the virus that causes smallpox before the disease can spread . But it 's a dangerous race against time .
The virus that causes smallpox in humans .
The detection methods for vaccinia virus were developed and provide a base for laboratory diagnosis of variola - related viruses .
Let me mention some : AIDS , pandemic influenza , a new disease like SARS , or bioterrorism using a virus like smallpox .
Inoculation against smallpox using material from small-pox patients was probably first practiced by the Chinese in the 10th century .
Roman soldiers unknowingly started the Antonine Plague in AD 165 when they returned from the Near East carrying either smallpox or measles .
" Successful vaccines have been developed to combat such viral diseases as measles , mumps , poliomyelitis , smallpox , and rubella . "
The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus , which is the agent of smallpox .
In 1959 , the World Health Organization decided to eradicate the disease from the planet by isolating smallpox patients and vaccinating everyone in an area where smallpox was detected .