
  • 网络Environmental Energy;Ambient energy
  1. 所设计的室内太阳能产品将通过基于光伏电池的AES系统(环境能源系统)为大功率电器所使用。

    Designing Indoor Solar Products bridges this gap by showing where AES ( Ambient Energy Systems ) based on photovoltaic cells may be used for higher power devices .

  2. 以循环经济的理念对老工业基地进行改造,是迅速推进工业化进程,缓解环境能源短缺压力,实现经济持续稳定增长的必由之路。

    To reform the Old Industrial Base with the idea of recycling economy is the only way to accelerate the progress of the industrialization , reduce the pressure caused by the lack of the environmental energy , and keep the sustainable growth of economy .

  3. 本文分析了建筑节能的现状,阐述了基于BAS的环境能源管理控制系统的构成、硬件结构和软件功能,并给出了其节能要点。

    This essay analyzes the present condition of the building saving energy , illustrates the composition , hardware structure and software functions of the management and control system of the environment and energy source based on the building automatic system , and gives the key points of saving energy .

  4. 车的方面主要是从出行的机动车辆所造成的交通拥挤、出行成本和环境能源方面进行分析,提出了效用函数模型。

    The vehicle influence to traffic crowing 、 cost 、 environment and resource is analyzed and the model of utility-function is put forward .

  5. 由于太阳能具有较高的能量密度和均匀的资源分布,特别是它永不枯竭和方便预测的特点,使其较其它环境能源更加适用于分布随机,无人值守的传感器网络节点。

    Solar energy has many advantages such as high energy density , uniform distribution , inexhaustible and predictable , so it is more suitable for the distributed unattended sensor nodes .

  6. 清华大学张宇峰△(译)摘要列出了丹麦技术大学国际室内环境能源中心用于研究室内环境中人的健康、舒适与生产率关系的25个基本选择,以及这些选择所基于的原理。

    Sets out twenty-five basic choices that have come to characterize the research on human health , comfort and productivity in indoor environment at the International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy , Technical University of Denmark , and the rationale behind these choices .

  7. 他于3月份在20国集团(G20)环境和能源部长圆桌会议上发表的讲话的根源可以追溯到1972年,以及在斯德哥尔摩召开的联合国人类环境会议。

    The roots of his speech , given in March at the roundtable meeting of environment and energy ministers from the G20 group of nations , stretch back to 1972 , and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm .

  8. 随着当今社会对环境和能源的日益重视以及传统化石能源的消耗,质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)作为一种高效、清洁、环境友好的发电装置得到了广泛的关注。

    As a highly effective and clean power generating device , proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) has obtained more and more support , with the emphasis on the environment and the consumption of the traditional fossil fuels .

  9. 哥斯达黎加的环境和能源部长RobertoDobles说,他们希望这笔投资将改善当地居民的生活质量,让他们从旅游业中受益。

    Costa Rica 's environment and energy minister , Roberto Dobles , says that they hoped the investment would improve indigenous people 's quality of life , allowing them to benefit from tourism .

  10. 世行首次在东亚地区通过ECO2城市模式采用了一个新的方法。该方法把环境和能源效率问题都纳入了市政设计。

    The Bank is pioneering a new approach in East Asia in the ECO2 Cities Model , which incorporates both environmental and energy efficiency considerations into urban design .

  11. 面向环境、能源和材料的绿色制造方法实施

    Implementing Method of Green Manufacture Oriented Material , Energy and Environment

  12. 影响汽车技术发展的两大因素&环境与能源

    Two Factors Affecting Development of Automobile Technology ── Environment and Energy

  13. 舰船设备冲击环境的能源研究

    Study of Power Source for Shock Environment of Ship Equipment

  14. 开发其在吸附剂和膜分离材料的应用,对环境和能源工程具有非常重要的实际意义。

    It is very important to environmental and energy engineering .

  15. 环境和能源约束下的内生经济增长模型

    An endogenous economic growth model with the restraints of environment and energy

  16. 城镇地区、环境与能源专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on Urban Areas , Environment and Energy

  17. 全球的生态环境和能源问题正面临着前所未有的危机和挑战。

    Current global environment and energy issues are facing unprecedented crises and challenges .

  18. 但鉴于环境和能源安全方面的好处,多数国家提供补贴。

    But given the environmental and energy security benefits , most countries provide subsidies .

  19. 伍珀塔尔气候、环境和能源研究所

    Wuppertal Institute for Climate , Environment and Energy

  20. 环境、能源和工业统计处

    Environment , Energy and Industry Statistics Branch

  21. 面向21世纪农业建筑环境与能源工程专业教学改革探讨

    Study on the Teaching Reform Facing 21st Century for Agricultural Architectural Environment and Energy Engineering Major

  22. 该评价涵盖了经济、环境、能源、社会、技术等五个方面。

    This evaluation model includes economic , environmental , energy , social , technological five aspects .

  23. 但同时,这也与我们的环境和能源政策息息相关,这点是很重要的。

    But it 's also about the environmental and energy policies that we have put in place .

  24. 环境和能源次级方案

    Sub-programme on Environment and Energy

  25. 车用替代燃料的发展是为解决环境和能源问题而提出的。

    The development of alternative automobile fuels is put forward for solving problems of environment and energy .

  26. 随着全球经济的发展,环境和能源成为人类关注的主要问题。

    With the global economy developing , environment and energy have become the main issues of human concern .

  27. 最重要的是,钢铁热在环境与能源方面的影响令政府官员感到担心。

    Most of all , officials are concerned about the environmental and energy aspects of the steel boom .

  28. 环境和能源等问题给电力电子学科提出了高效率发电、高效率电力变换和控制的要求。

    Environment and energy problems issues power electronics discipline for the efficient power generation , conversion and control requirements .

  29. 本文首先运用生命周期评价理论构建出对一般产品或活动进行经济、环境、能源评价的理论模型;

    The paper constructs a theory model , which is used for EEE Assessment on common product or activities .

  30. 特别是石墨烯基半导体光催化材料在环境和能源方面的快速发展和广泛应用,引起了人们越来越多的关注。

    Especially , graphene-based semiconductor photocatalysts have attracted extensive attention because of their usefulness in environmental and energy applications .