- 网络Hadley cell

Q-vector frontogenesis function analysis indicated that such circulation cell generated energy transforming system between torrential rain area and the distant westerly to the northeast .
The strengths of hemispheric Hadley circulations are strong in winter and weak in summer , which have one-year oscillation period . 2 , It is basically equivalent of the strengths of the both hemispheric Hadley circulations in April and October .
A numerical experiment on monsoon circulation cell over East Asia during summer
On relationship between the structure of vertical circulation and the ocean heating scale in the tropics
Influence of the ocean heating scale on the structure of the vertical circulation cell in the tropical atmosphere
Its ascending branch in the shear line area is very strong and shows a pronounced mesoscale characteristic .
Xiamen 's visibility has distinctly daily variations , it is related with sea land breeze in summer .
In this case no closed inverse circulation cell is found to the north of the average monsoon circulation cell .
It is discovered that , the meridional cell is closely associated with the distribution of the heat sources and sinks .
The vertical flow over the urban generally consists of a close circulation characterized by strong daytime updrafts at the center city .
A perpendicular circulation cell about 1000 km in horizontal scale had developed between torrential rain area and the westerly trough to the northeast .
The maintenance and intensification of both the shear line and anticyclone on its north side are related to those of the vertical circulation cell .
The circulation cell is very clear on the average map of monsoon period . It 's meridional scale is about1500km with a top up to100 hPa .
For example , when the moisture content is reduced or when the cumulus convection or all the diabatic processes are neglected , both the extent and the intensity of the monsoon vertical cell decrease .
And it is found from the synoptic analysis of the diffusivity field and vertical motion field of the second vector that the correlation is due to the vertical circulation cells over the region between the Plateau and its neighbourhood , and the low latitudes .
The responses of the atmospheric vertical circulations to the anomalies of the sea surface temperatures in the tropical regions are computed numerically with two-level primitive equation model in the tropical regions for two cases : ( 1 ) anomalous warming and ( 2 ) anomalous cooling .
Observational study on the two & cell structure of tropical meridional circulation in summer
Subtropical monsoon circulation ( STMC ) which is accompanying around ridge line of subtropical high and upper convergent departure are both helpful for subtropical high to be stronger .
In strong summer monsoon cases , January Hadley circulation and July walker circulation as well as monsoon meridional circulation are stronger than that of weak monsoon cases .
Numerical simulation shows that the meridional circulation induced by the wind QBO includes three pairs of cells in the stratosphere , which have hemispheric symmetry .