
  • 网络metagenomics;Environmental Genomics;environmental genome
  1. 海洋环境基因组学在海洋生态研究中的应用

    Application of marine environmental genomics in marine ecology

  2. 如海洋环境基因组学通过测定基因表达谱的变化,研究海洋生物对环境温度的生理响应,绘制出生物地理图谱;

    With regard to the ecological role of environmental temperature , marine environmental genomics studies have the potential to reveal changes in gene expression that map onto biogeographical distribution .

  3. 而分子生物学在环境基因组学中的应用首先要求得到有广泛代表性的高质量的DNA样品。

    In this respect , high quality DNA sample need to be recovered from environmental samples without culturing microorganisms first .

  4. 在水生物疾病的研究方面,海洋环境基因组学用DNA微阵列技术分析染病生物的基因表达谱,筛选出发生变化的基因表达,为理解病毒感染机制提供了大量信息。

    The application of DNA microarray technology can analyze gene expression profiling to pick out gene expressions that are generally altered or compromised that might then link to reduced resistance of organisms to disease , providing information for viral infection mechanisms .

  5. 环境基因组计划(EGP)对预防医学发展的影响

    The Effect of EGP on Preventive Medicine

  6. 人类基因组多样性研究和环境基因组、药物基因组研究的结合,呈现出复杂性和伦理价值倾向;

    The complexity and tendency of ethical value have been reflected in co researching between Human Genome Diversity and Environmental Genome , Pharmacogenmics .

  7. 可见,FastPrep○R核酸提取系统同样适用于重金属污染农田土壤环境中微生物基因组DNA的快速分离和纯化,得到的DNA可直接用于PCRDGGE分析。

    The FastPrep ○ R system is also suitable for rapid efficient extraction and purification of soil total community DNA from farmland soils polluted with mixed heavy metals and in turn the DNA can be used directly for PCR-DGGE analysis .

  8. 空间环境引起水稻基因组多态性变化的特征分析

    Analysis of Change of Polymorphism of Genome of Space-treated Rice

  9. 因此,环境、人类基因组及肿瘤三者之间有密不可分的关系。

    So , environment , human genome and cancer have much to do with each other .

  10. 研究拟南芥受刺激后基因组表达的改变,对于理解植物在受到外界环境刺激后基因组应对刺激作出反应的生物学机理具有重要意义。

    It is important to understand the physiological mechanism of genome response to external stimulus by studying the change of Arabidopsis genome expression under stimulus .

  11. 由于线粒体基因组缺乏组蛋白的保护和有效的DNA修复系统以及长期处于氧化磷酸化产生的氧自由基的环境中,线粒体基因组具有较高的突变率,大概是核基因组的10倍。

    Furthermore , mtDNA is known for having high acquired mutation rates . The mutation rate for mtDNA is around 10 times higher than that of nuclear genomic DNA .

  12. 目前,快速发展中的环境DNA测序学科(简称环境基因组学),为这一难题的解决提供了帮助。

    The rapidly growing field of environmental DNA sequencing , called metagenomics , now helps to overcome this problem .

  13. 随着分子生物学的快速发展及其在微生物研究中的广泛运用,促进了以环境中未培养微生物为研究对象的新兴学科&环境基因组学的产生和发展。

    With the development of molecular biology and its application in microbiology , a new research field , namely environmental genomics , has been developed .