
  • 网络Public health system
  1. 构建强大公共卫生体系,广泛开展全民健身运动,人均预期寿命再提高1岁。

    We will develop a strong public health system , carry out extensive public fitness activities , and raise the average life expectancy by one year .

  2. 我们要加快补齐治理体系的短板弱项,要构筑强大的公共卫生体系,提升国家生物安全防御能力。

    We should fix weak links in the governance system , and a strong public health system must be built and biosecurity defense6 capabilities7 must be enhanced .

  3. 她说,H1N1流感病毒的大规模流行对公共卫生体系的可获得性提出了更高的要求,尤其是贫困国家。

    She says the H1N1 pandemic s the need for greater access to public health systems , especially in poorer nations .

  4. 但事实是在墨西哥出现了一种H1N1病毒。墨西哥是个相对富裕的国家,其公共卫生体系有能力识别传染病原并做出反应。

    Instead , it was a type of H1N1 in Mexico , a relatively rich country with a public health system that was able to identify the infection and respond .

  5. 从SRAS到禽流感看政府在公共卫生体系建设上的主导作用

    The government 's role in the construction of public health system from SARS to avian influenza

  6. 公共卫生体系绩效评估的概念性框架

    A Conceptual Framework of Performance Assessment for Public Health System

  7. 农村公共卫生体系的现状分析及对策构想

    Analysis of Situation of Rural Public Health System and Idea of Countermeasure

  8. 论卫生部门在构建公共卫生体系中的责任

    On Responsibility of the Hygiene Department in Constructing the Public Health System

  9. 从韦伯的官僚组织结构看我国公共卫生体系建设

    Weber 's Bureaucracy Theory View on the Construction of Public Health System in China

  10. 对加强农村公共卫生体系建设的思考

    Reflection on reinforcing the construction of the public health system in the rural areas

  11. 社区卫生服务机构是公共卫生体系的网底,大量的基本公共卫生功能靠社区卫生服务中心来完成,因此政府应该对社区卫生服务的基本公共卫生进行补偿。

    Community Health Service institutions form the basis of the Public Health system network .

  12. 以生态学的观点建设现代公共卫生体系

    Reconstruct modern public health system with ecological perspectives

  13. 构建农村公共卫生体系绩效简化评价指标体系

    A study on construction of the simple performance evaluation indicators among rural public health system

  14. 深圳市宝安区新型公共卫生体系运行机制和效果分析

    An Analysis of Operational Mechanism and Effectiveness of New Public Health System in Shenzhen Bao'an District

  15. 因为现在白宫有了新主人,而且很关心公共卫生体系。

    because there is a new leader in Washington who is really concerned about the health system .

  16. 紧急医学救援体系是公共卫生体系与城市安全保障体系的重要组成部分。

    Emergency medical rescue system was the important part of public health system and city security system .

  17. 目的:初步构建我国农村公共卫生体系绩效评价指标。

    Objective : To construct performance evaluation indicators for public health system in rural area of China .

  18. 在卫生方面,着力加强公共卫生体系建设和农村卫生工作。

    In health , we put great effort into improving the public health system and rural health care work .

  19. 我帮克拉拉邦找到一生意,就是去帮美国建设他们的公共卫生体系。

    I can see a business opportunity for Kerala , helping fix the health system in the United States .

  20. 作为服务于全体社会公众的公共卫生体系,当前的安全监督与控制工作所面临着的内、外环境已经发生了巨大的变化。

    The internal and external environment of the current security surveillance and control work of public health has enormously changed .

  21. 库区公共卫生体系薄弱,有出现公共卫生突发事件的可能性。

    The public health system in reservoirs is very weak , which may result in possible emergent public health events .

  22. 对于样本地区公共卫生体系只是进行了描述性分析,没有对体系绩效进行分析,这也是需要进一步研究的重点。

    And yet there is only descriptive analysis of public health system and no performance analysis . These are emphases to further study .

  23. 结论:应加强对现有公共卫生体系相对薄弱环节和潜在各种疾病流行和突发公共卫生事件发生的认识。

    CONCLUSION : We should strengthen current public health system , and cognition to the possible threat on disease epidemic and public health .

  24. 目前我国正加快公共卫生体系的改革与建设,以提高社会应急反应能力。

    At present , China is accelerating the reform of the public health system and construction of the community to improve emergency response capabilities .

  25. 社区健康教育是公共卫生体系的有机组成成分,是贯彻我国卫生工作方针的重要工具。

    Community health education is a component of public health system , and an important tool of implementing the health policy made by Chinese government .

  26. 目的了解农村基层防保机构的现状,为农村公共卫生体系建设提供指导。

    Objective To understand the current situation of prevention and health care organizations and to guide the construction of public health system in rural areas .

  27. 因此,发展社区卫生服务,首先需要明确社区卫生服务的性质,将其纳入公共卫生体系。

    So to development CHS , the most important thing is to make the CHS character clear , and put it into public health system .

  28. 通过采取措施,减少灾难与危机对良好公共卫生体系的影响,以缓解危机的冲击;

    Mitigate against the effects of crises by taking measures to reduce the effects of disasters and crises on systems that support good public health ;

  29. 因为大多数人都在瑞典接受卫生保健通过公共卫生体系,该研究已获得几十年的医疗记录。

    Because most people in Sweden receive their health care through a public health system , the study had access to decades of medical records .

  30. 覆盖城乡的公共卫生体系和基本医疗服务体系初步建立。

    The basic frameworks for a public health system and a system of basic medical services covering both urban and rural areas have been put in place .