
  • 网络non-profit cultural undertaking;the cause of public culture
  1. 研究公益性文化事业的发展便于为公益性文化事业发展创造良好的社会环境。

    Researching on the development of the non-profit cultural undertakings can create a good social environment for the development of it .

  2. 作为文化产业发展的基础,公益性文化事业需要政府的大力投入和积极扶持。

    As a basis for the development of cultural industry , vigorously investment and actively support are needed for the non-profit cultural undertakings .

  3. 发展公益性文化事业成为共同关注的问题。

    Develop public cultural facilities becoming the problem paying close attention to commonly .

  4. 本文对我国公益性文化事业改革这一问题进行了认真的思考。

    In this paper , the issue of the reform of our public cultural undertakings serious thinking .

  5. 公益性文化事业和经营性文化产业是我国文化体制改革的两项重要内容,也是当前文化建设的两个重要支柱。

    Cultural commonweal undertaking and cultural industry are two important supports for the culture construction of our country .

  6. 因此,需要对公益性文化事业进行改革,才能解决这些问题。

    Therefore , there is a need for reform of the cultural industry , in order to solve these problems .

  7. 公益性文化事业不仅能为文化产业培养消费群体,还能引导文化消费。

    Public cultural undertakings can not only cultivate the cultural industry consumer groups , but also can guide the cultural consumption .

  8. 国有经营性文化单位转企改制任务基本完成,公益性文化事业单位内部机制改革不断深化。

    We basically transformed state-owned for-profit cultural institutions into business enterprises , and deepened reform of internal operating mechanisms of non-profit cultural institutions .

  9. 中央财政加大对文化惠民工程的支持,各地对公益性文化事业投入显著增加。

    The central government increased financial support for cultural programs that benefit the people , and local governments significantly increased spending on nonprofit cultural programs .

  10. 大力发展公益性文化事业。以农村和中西部地区为重点,加强基层文化设施建设。

    We will vigorously promote nonprofit cultural services and strengthen cultural infrastructure in communities , particularly in rural areas and the central and western regions .

  11. 本文通过对公益性文化事业历史发展脉络的回顾,充分肯定了其在我国各个历史发展阶段所取得的成就。

    The paper firmly affirms the achievements that the cultural commonweal undertaking brings to the development of our country , and research it 's basic theory .

  12. 但作为国家公益性文化事业单位,文化馆又不能被彻底淘汰,他仍有服务区域弱势群体的文化职能。

    But as a national public welfare culture cause , cultural centers cannot be completely eliminated , they still have cultural service functions for the comparatively weaker region .

  13. 政府要履行好发展公益性文化事业的责任,加快推进重点文化惠民工程,完善公共文化服务体系。

    The government needs to fulfill its responsibility to develop nonprofit cultural programs , accelerate key cultural projects for the people , and improve the system of public cultural services .

  14. 公益性文化事业的发展是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务,是促进政治文明进步的重要力量。

    The development of non-profit cultural undertakings is an important task of building a harmonious socialist society , and is an important force for promoting the progress of political civilization .

  15. 博物馆作为为社会及其发展服务的非营利的永久机构,是社会公益性文化事业的重要组成部分。

    Museums , as a permanent non-profitable institution serving the society and its development , are a significant component of the social and cultural businesses in the nature of public warfare .

  16. 政府要更好地履行发展公益性文化事业的责任,保障人民群众的基本需求和权益。

    Our government needs to better carry out its responsibility for developing non-profit cultural programs and ensure that the people 's basic demands are met and that their rights and interests are protected .

  17. 本文主要讨论的狭义的文化行政管理范围即通常所说的国家文化事业,包括文化产业、公益性文化事业和基础性文化领域。

    This article mainly discusses narrow sense of administrative extension of cultural administration and management , namely , national culture cause , including cultural industry , common cultural cause and fundamental cultural domain .

  18. 另一方面,随着经济的发展,国家对于提高文化软实力的要求和人民群众对于精神文化的需要,推动了我国公益性文化事业的发展。

    The other hand , with the economic development , enhance cultural soft power requirements and the masses of the people for the spiritual and cultural needs , to promote the development of public cultural undertakings .

  19. 当前,如何使公益性文化事业面对市场,处理好其与文化产业的关系,并建立起富有生机和活力的制度模式,是其面临的重要任务。

    In the new days , the most important mission for the cultural commonweal undertaking is to how to cope with the relationship of the cultural industry , and how to set up a new reasonable system .

  20. 然而,当前我国公益性文化事业在发展过程中,也面临许多问题,例如事业产业混淆不清,传统文化体制的负面影响,发展不平衡等。

    However , the current nonprofit cultural institutions in the development process , is also facing many problems , such as the cause of industry confusion , the negative impact of the traditional cultural system , and unbalanced development .

  21. 要继续推进文化体制改革,扶持公益性文化事业,发展文化产业,鼓励文化创新,培育骨干文化企业,生产更多健康向上的文化产品,满足人民群众多样化的文化需求。

    We will continue to reform the cultural management system , support non-profit cultural programs , develop the culture industry , encourage cultural innovation , foster leading cultural enterprises , and produce more healthy and inspirational cultural works to meet the diverse cultural needs of our people .

  22. 公共图书馆作为社会公益性文化事业和终身教育的场所,作为各类型图书馆中与社会联系最为密切的类型,担负着提高全民族思想道德素质和科学文化素质的重任。

    As a place for the social public welfare undertaking and lifelong education , and the one the most closely related to society among all kinds of libraries , the public library bears the responsibility of raising the ideological , ethical , and cultural quality of the entire nation .

  23. 第一部分:对文化这个范畴给予明晰的界定,并弄清文化与文化事业、公益性文化事业与经营性文化产业等几对重要范畴的内涵和相互关系,阐明公益性文化事业的特殊规律。

    Part I : give a clear definition of this category of " culture " and to clarify the meaning of a few important areas of culture and cultural undertakings , public cultural undertakings and cultural industries of operating and relationships to clarify the special laws of the nonprofit cultural .

  24. 一年来,我们大力发展公益性文化事业,加快推进文化体制改革,加强公共文化服务体系建设,促进文化产业快速成长,繁荣文化市场,有效扩大了内需。

    Over the past year , we vigorously developed non-profit cultural programs , sped up the reform of the cultural management system , improved the system of public cultural services , stimulated the rapid growth of our culture industry , brought prosperity to the culture market , and effectively expanded domestic demand .