
  • 网络Substitutes;Substitution Goods;substitute good
  1. 交易相对人能够以合理的价格从其他经营者获得同种商品或者替代商品的,不适用本条规定。

    This article is not applicable if transacting parties are able to acquire the same kind of commodities or substitutes from other business operators at a reasonable price .

  2. 动物试验采用单因子试验设计,比较了常规粉碎、细粉碎、磷酸+酶水解副产物复合蛋白替代商品仔猪料中50%蛋白的饲喂效果。

    Feeding effects were detected by substituting 50 % protein in commercial piglet forage with byproduct compound protein after routine smashing , fine smashing and phosphorus plus enzyme hydrolyzing .

  3. 根据森林生态效益和它的替代商品效能的相似性和价格的可替代度等,采用数值逼近的方法,确定森林生态效益市场逼近系数的基本法则和数学模型。

    According to the similarity and replaceable of forest ecological benefits with its replaced merchandise , basic principle of the approaching market coefficient and mathematics model were built by means of digital approaching .

  4. 用户浏览和搜索内部网商店查找替代商品(或许通过与客户沟通确定),可以修改订单,以替代缺货物品或删除此类物品。

    The user can browse and search the intranet shop for alternative products ( perhaps while in contact with the customer ), and can modify the order to replace or remove the unavailable items .

  5. 求解过程经过可替代商品分类、节点最大容量计算和可行组合及容量过滤步骤,最后用分段线性化的启发式算法进行求解。

    The solving process includes goods classed , nodes maximum calculated , feasible nodes combined and capacity filtrated . Lastly , the mode is solved by means of heuristic arithmetic that linearized step by step .

  6. 电子标签是21世纪最具有发展潜力的技术领域之一,不但可以替代商品条码应用于零售业中,而且在物流跟踪,交通运输等许多行业都能够得到广泛应用。

    Electronic tag is one of the industries with great developmental potential in this century . It has been widely used in logistics and transportation and especially it is to replace the bar code in the retail field hopefully , with its greater efficient function .

  7. 用H2O2还原法合成了Pt&Ru/C,以期替代已商品化的JohnsonMatthey同类催化剂;

    Pt-Ru / C catalyst was prepared by H_2O_2 reduction in order to replace the commercial catalysts from Johnson Matthey Co.

  8. 有哪些可替代的商品和服务来源?

    What alternative sources of goods and services are there ?

  9. 在两家卖主竞争的市场中,企业可以生产相互替代的商品,运用广告促销吸引顾客,提高销量。

    In the duopoly market , goods produced by two companies are exchangeable , and so in order to increase sales they have to lend advertising to attract customers .

  10. 美元相对于其它货币必须下跌,以增强美国商品对外国购买者的吸引力,并刺激美国人以本国商品和服务替代进口商品。

    The dollar must decline relative to other currencies to make us products more attractive to foreign buyers and to cause Americans to substitute US goods and services for imports .

  11. 传统专业市场是一种以现货批发为主,集中交易某一类商品或者若干类具有较强互补性或替代性商品的场所,是一种大规模集中交易的坐商式的市场制度安排。

    Traditional specialized market is a place for trading one or more certain types of highly complementary or alternative goods , and a market system arrangement for large-scale centralized transactions .

  12. 作为地处中国华东地区小康农村的典型,扬中农村家庭生活用能正处于商品能加速替代非商品能的时期。

    Villages of Yangzhong County , typical of comparatively well off countrysides in Eastern China , are in period of rapid transformation of their energy consumption from noncommercial to commercial .

  13. 竞争性市场经济提供了一种就社会而言更为可取的替代方案:商品和服务的创造和生产。

    A competitive market economy offers a socially more desirable alternative : invention and production of goods and services .

  14. 石油是全球交易、完全可替代的大宗商品,产油国很难有效孤立某一家顾客。

    Oil is a globally traded and fully fungible commodity , making it difficult for a producer to reliably cut off a customer .

  15. 它具有产品形态无形性、客户购买非渴求性、社会需求潜在性、保障功能可替代性、商品等价交换的特殊性的特点。

    It has the form of desire , customer purchase invisibility , social demand potentiality , safeguard function alternative , commodity exchange characteristics of the particularity of equivalence .

  16. 分析人士指出,石油是一种可替代的大宗商品,中东一旦发生供应冲击,仍将影响美国经济,即使美国从沙特阿拉伯的进口量降低了。

    Analysts say oil is a fungible commodity and any supply shock in the Middle East will still affect the US economy in spite of lower imports from Saudi Arabia .

  17. 基于新生产要素对传统生产要素主导地位的替代,以商品形成过程的三个元素为逻辑起点,我们建构了一个基本的横向产业模型。

    On the instead of new factors to traditional factors and starting point of three elements in the process of forming commodities , we construct a basic model of horizontal industry .