
  • 网络substituted industry
  1. 近年来,东北老工业基地面临着资源濒临枯竭,下岗失业严重,替代产业发展缓慢,生态环境恶化等严峻形势。

    In recent years , this old industrial base faced a severe situation as resource close to exhaustedly , the serious laid-off unemployment , the substituted industry bogged down , the ecological environment worsens and so on .

  2. 实现资源型城市替代产业的接续发展;

    Achieving continuous development of replacing industries in cities with resource-based economies ;

  3. 城市木材综合加工企业发展替代产业的新思路

    New Thoughts about Urban Wood Processing Factories Developing " Substitute Industry "

  4. 发展替代产业推进澜沧江&湄公河次区域合作

    Develop the Substitute Industries and Promote the Subregional Cooperation along Lancang River-Mekong River

  5. 长江中游湿地生态替代产业开发模式与对策研究

    Wetland utilization in the middle reach of Yangtze river : developing ecological substitutive industry

  6. 因此,通过产业结构调整,发展替代产业,才是煤炭衰退矿区获得再生发展的必由之路。

    Decaying coal mining areas must adjust industrial structure and develop substitutable industry to regenerate .

  7. 这对整个洞庭湖区的替代产业的发展具有重要的意义。

    This is of great importance to the replacement industry research in the whole Dongting Lake area .

  8. 其二,优化产业结构,发展替代产业,促进产业结构升级;

    Optimizing industrial structure and developing substitute industries so as to bring about the upgrading of industrial structure ;

  9. 支持以资源开采为主的城市和老矿区发展接续和替代产业。

    We will help the cities and old mining areas that mainly exploit resources to develop new industries .

  10. 根据耗散结构理论恢复湿地生态、发展替代产业,应遵循以下五条原则:物种优化原则、循环经济原则、高质高效原则、典型模式原则、安全引进原则。

    Recycling economic principle ? high quality and high efficiency principle ? typical model principle and safety introducing principle .

  11. 延长矿区的产业链,发展替代产业,使资源型矿区产业向多元化方向发展,是矿区实现可持续发展的根本出路。

    Therefore , the fundamental way out to achieve sustainable development is to extend industrial chain and develop substitute industries .

  12. 第一章论述了替代产业&黄河三角洲文化产业发展的研究背景。

    Chapter one illustrates the background of the development of cultural industry as a substitutable industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  13. 实践证明,要有效地提高资源型城市的综合竞争力,实现其经济的持续发展,加速培育和发展新的替代产业或接续产业,优化其单一的产业结构是最关键。

    It is proved that resources-based cities must optimize their industrial structure and cultivate new industry in order to achieve sustainable development .

  14. 振兴东北老工业基地改造,为东北国有企业的振兴带来了有利时机,大庆市属于资源性城市,随着资源的枯竭,迫切需要替代产业的快速发展。

    Develop the old industry base of northeast reform , developing to bring the beneficial opportune moment for the state-owned business enterprise of northeast .

  15. 以产业集群理论为依据提出资源枯竭型城市以建立大型农业基地、工业基地、流通、旅游基地的思路,培育替代产业集群。

    The basis of the industrial cluster theory proposed resource-exhausted cities to establish large agricultural base , industrial base , distribution , tourism base ideas , cultivate alternative industrial clusters .

  16. 为了协调防洪与发展经济之间的矛盾,必须建立具有防洪减灾、高效的生态经济功能的替代产业。

    In order to bring flood control into line with economic development , a flood - control , disaster reducing , high - efficiency eco-economy replacement industry has to be established .

  17. 发展替代产业的途径一是政策引导和推动,二是从国内外引进和吸纳,三是自行研制和开发。

    Developing the way that replaces an industry is policy guide and drive , 2 be from be introduced domestic and internationally and induct , 3 it is proper motion development and development .

  18. 为此,对矿业城市实施产业结构的调整及选择矿业产业的接续替代产业就成为矿业城市产业转型的主要内容。

    Therefore , the mining city implementation industrial structure adjustment and the choice of the connection substitution industry for the mining industry have become the primary content of the mining city industry reforming .

  19. 东营市目前处于石油产业发展兴盛的时期,是选择与培植替代产业的最佳时期。

    Whereas it will plunge the condition of " city decline while oil exhausted " Dongying is in the period of oil industry thriving , which is the best time of implanting substitute industry .

  20. 资源枯竭型城市的出路在于:立足自身特点,发挥比较优势,选择和培育替代产业,以市场为出发点,实现产业结构的多元化。

    The outlet of the resource-exhausted type cities included some aspects : the development of relative advantages , the selection and breeding of the new industry , and the formation of new industry structure .

  21. 摘要德国在四个拉丁美洲经济体海外投资中,反应了当区域进口替代产业策略普遍实施时,德国多国企业面临严格出口限制的情境因素。

    The determinants of German FDI to four main Latin American economies reflect the stringent limitations German MNCs had to export their products when the import substitution industrialization strategy was implemented throughout the region .

  22. 走“开发油气资源→发展石油化工→建立多元经济→形成替代产业→走向持久繁荣”的发展道路。

    To go to the development road of " to develop oil gas resource → to develop petroleum chemical industry → to establish diversified economy → to form substitution industry → to walk to lasting prosperity " .

  23. 以替代产业选择的理论为依据,探讨了太原市替代产业选择的合理性,对太原市产业结构调整及转型以来的综合效果进行了评价与分析。

    Based on the theory of alternative industrial selection , this paper probes into the rationality of the selection of alternative industries in Taiyuan City , and makes evaluation and analysis of the comprehensive results of industrial structure adjustment and transition of Taiyuan City .

  24. 促进东北地区资源型城市产业转型和可持续发展的对策是适时选择和发展替代产业,多渠道解决就业问题,治理和保护环境以及争取政府的支持与援助等。

    The corresponding countermeasure on propelling the transition and sustainable development , suggested in this paper , covers selecting and developing new substitute industries properly , finding solutions for employment , improving and protecting environment , and looking for the supports and aids from government .

  25. 在此过程中,应注意产业政策与区域政策的综合运用、财政政策的扶持、人力资源的开发以及替代产业的选择与培育。

    During this transformation process , special attention should be paid to the comprehensive implementation of the industrial and regional policies , to the support of the finance policy , to the development of the human resources , and to the selection and breeding of the new industry .

  26. 试论石油替代燃料产业开发的特征要求

    Discussion on Characteristic Requirements of the Development of Oil Alternative Fuel Industry

  27. 海岛资源的独特性决定了海岛旅游不可替代的产业地位。

    Island tourism industry irreplaceable status is decided by the uniqueness of island resources .

  28. 论现代炼油工业石油替代燃料产业的开发

    A Discussion on the Development of Petroleum Substitute Fuel Industry in Modern Oil Refining Industry

  29. 在全球范围内,替代医学产业的年产值估计在600亿美元左右。

    Globally , the industry is estimated to be worth some $ 60 billion a year .

  30. 西部开发中的环境产业&破坏性开发的可替代性产业发展战略

    The environmental industry under the Western Chinas development & The replaceable strategic disposition for the development with some destructiveness