
  • 网络alternative medicine
  1. 在替代医疗中,它以健齿和修复骨骼而闻名。

    In the alternate medicine field it is known for its teeth and bone building properties .

  2. 因此任何你听到的废除或者替代平价医疗法案的言论,

    So any partisan talk you hear about repealing or replacing the Affordable Care Act ,

  3. 因此全球数以百万的人转向补充和替代形式的医疗,这种医疗倾向于使用比较慢一些,柔和一些,更全面的治疗形式。

    And millions of them around the world are turning to complementary and alternative forms of medicine , which tend to tap into sort of slower , gentler , more holistic19 forms of healing .

  4. 替代医学&健康医疗的新理念

    Alternative Medicine : A New Idea of Medical Care

  5. 细菌内毒素检查法替代生物材料和医疗器械热原检查的近况

    Recent Status on Replacement of Routine Thermogen Assay of Biological Materials and Medical Instruments by Bacterial Endotoxin Test

  6. 由医疗行为引起的医疗损害,应当由作为用人单位的医疗机构承担替代责任。即医疗损害的赔偿责任应当由医疗机构承担。

    The medical behavior of the damage caused by medical treatment , by the employing unit shall be as the medical institution shall bear responsibility alternative .