
tì dài nénɡ yuán
  • alternative energy;alternative source-of energy
  1. 新能源融资(NewEnergyFinance)的分析师表示,2006年,全球在替代能源技术方面的投资达到大约740亿美元。

    Global investment in alternative energy technologies reached some $ 74bn last year , according to New Energy Finance analysts .

  2. 她现在能成为沃尔顿家族最富有的人,要感谢丈夫约翰早年押宝的可替代能源公司FirstSolar。

    She is the richest of the Waltons thanks to John 's early bet on alternative energy firm First Solar .

  3. 我们使用可替代能源。

    We use energy from alternative sources .

  4. 高辛烷值气体燃料LPG作为替代能源被广泛地加以应用。

    LPG as a new alternative fuel with high octane is being used broadly .

  5. 但如果成功,通用汽车就可能超越丰田(toyota),成为替代能源汽车领域的先锋。

    But success could propel GM past Toyota as a pioneer in alternative energy vehicles .

  6. 文章探讨了DME作为替代能源的前景。

    The article describes the perspective of DME being substitute energy source .

  7. 今年,一些产业特别受欢迎,尤其是能源行业,MBA毕业生们非常渴望在替代能源领域工作。

    Certain industries are proving particularly popular this year , notably the energy sector , where MBAs aspire to work in alternative energy .

  8. 通用汽车(GM)计划在中国建立一个可替代能源汽车的研发中心。这一最新迹象表明,中国被视为新一代汽车的关键战场。

    General Motors is to build a research centre in China for alternative energy vehicles , the latest sign that China is seen as a vital battleground for a new generation of cars .

  9. 通用汽车(GM)将于2008年开始在迅速增长的中国市场销售混合动力车,此举使它成为最新一家计划在中国推出替代能源汽车的跨国汽车公司。

    General Motors will begin selling hybrid cars in China from 2008 – making it the latest multinational automotive company to plan the launch of alternative energy vehicles for the fast-growing Chinese market .

  10. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)具有高能量转化效率、零污染、零噪声等优点,因此是一种十分理想的可替代能源。

    SOFC have the advantages of high energy conversion , zero pollution and zero noise , and is a kind of perfect alternative energy .

  11. 首先,能源将更加被视作一个国家安全问题,有助于推动替代能源运动及麦凯恩(mccain)竞选美国总统。

    First , energy will be seen even more as a national security issue , providing a boost for the alternative energy movement and the McCain campaign for us president .

  12. JIC为科技表示,它计划投资在三个不同的替代能源项目在中国。

    JIC Technology says it plans to invest in three separate alternative energy projects in China .

  13. 欧佩克(Opec)昨日警告西方国家,它们为对抗气候变化而开发生物燃料作为替代能源的努力,可能会推动油价暴涨。

    Opec yesterday warned western countries ' that their efforts to develop biofuels as an alternative energy source to combat climate change risked driving the price of oil through the roof .

  14. 咨询机构PFCEnergy的董事长罗宾韦斯特(RobinWest)表示:非化石燃料受到两记重击:这场核灾难和天然气的价格。天然气正彻底削弱替代能源的经济竞争力。

    Non-fossil fuels have been hit with two body blows : this nuclear disaster and the price of natural gas , which is completely eroding the economic competitiveness of alternatives , says Robin West , chairman of PFC Energy , a consultancy .

  15. 低价的可替代能源和巨大的前期成本(更不必说最近的福岛(Fukushima)核事故暴露出的对公众健康的危害),使得近年来核能的推广举步维艰。

    The low prices of alternative energy sources and significant upfront costs not to mention the public health hazards most recently illustrated by the Fukushima incident have made nuclear power a tough sell in recent years .

  16. 经合组织(OECD)今日将发出警告称,各国政府必须停止对生物燃料进行补贴,因为目前它们争相支持替代能源将导致食品价格大幅上涨,并可能破坏自然环境。

    Governments need to scrap subsidies for biofuels as the current rush to support alternative energy sources will lead to surging food prices and the potential destruction of natural habitats , the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development will warn today .

  17. Stonefly酒店三面被国家公园包围,全部使用替代能源。

    Surrounded by three national parks , the Stonefly is completely powered by alternative energy sources .

  18. 通过对CREED项目模式分析,本文得出CREED项目模式不仅有利于替代能源市场发育或拓展,还有利于老君山地区替代能源企业发展。

    Basing on the analysis of CREED project model , the paper concluded that it was not only favorable for growth and expansion of alternative energy market , but also helpful for the development of alternative energy enterprise .

  19. 以能源环境污染、清洁替代能源等为主的环境保护角度。

    Environment protect , including environmental pollution and clean energy substituting .

  20. 开拓包括替代能源和清洁能源在内的新兴业务;

    Development of new businesses including substitute energy and clean energy .

  21. 投资替代能源也可能是不错的作法。

    They might also do well to invest in alternative energy .

  22. 现在,我们必需对开发可行的替代能源予以认真思考。

    Serious thought needs to be given now to creating viable alternatives .

  23. 雷诺卡车:在替代能源领域开创新的局面

    RENAULT TRUCKS : Creating a New Path toward Substitutable Energy

  24. 从可替代能源看天然气价格

    Research on Price of Natural Gas via Alternative Energy Sources

  25. 1.哪些替代能源项目最让你感到兴奋?

    Which alternative energy projects are you most excited about ?

  26. 乙醇并不是最好的可替代能源的原材料。

    Ethanol is not a perfect source for alternative energy .

  27. 能源消费弹性系数与国内替代能源预期

    Energy Resource Consumption Elasticity Coefficient and Domestic Substitution Energy Prediction

  28. 中国21世纪可替代能源和可再生能源

    Alternative and renewable energies of China in the 21st century

  29. 二甲醚&替代能源中的新军

    Dimethyl Ether & the New Way in Substitute Energy Sources

  30. 替代能源生产技术评价

    Evaluation on the Technology of Alternative Energy Source Production