
  • 网络animal cloning;animal clone
  1. 今年皮尔研究增加了动物克隆的问题。

    This year the Pew research added questions about animal cloning .

  2. 但他从那时开始,他就专注于动物克隆。

    But he has since focused his attention on animal cloning .

  3. 如果一个动物克隆自另一个,那么它们两者就拥有相同的dna。

    If one animal is cloned from another , they both have the same DNA .

  4. 电穿孔技术在转基因及动物克隆中的应用

    Application of Electroporation in Gene Transfer and Animal Embryo Cloning

  5. 基因组印记对个体发育及动物克隆的影响

    The Effects of Genomic Imprinting on Animal Development and Cloning

  6. 供体细胞的选择与动物克隆效率研究进展

    Advances in Donor Cell Selection and Efficiency of Animal Cloning

  7. 动物克隆技术研究的历史、现状与展望

    Animal Cloning : Retrospects , Current Aspects and Prospects

  8. 动物克隆的机理与研究进展

    Animal cloning : the possible mechanisms and research achievements

  9. 后生遗传修饰及其对动物克隆的影响

    Epigenetic Modifications and Its Impact on Animal Cloning

  10. 动物克隆技术及其发展新趋势

    Animal Cloning Technology and Its New Developmental Trend

  11. 动物克隆核再程序化有关机理的研究进展

    Application of Nuclear Reprogramming Techniques in Animal Cloning

  12. 动物克隆技术应用及新发展

    The development and applications of animals cloning technology

  13. 动物克隆四次浪潮及展望

    Four Tides of Animal Cloning and Its Prospects

  14. 动物克隆技术的研究进展及其发展趋势

    Progress in animal cloning and its developmental trend

  15. 高等动物克隆成功及其意义

    Cloning of Higher Mammal and Its Significance

  16. 中国动物克隆技术点评

    Review on China 's Animal Clone Technology

  17. 此项研究对于标记基因、核移植及转基因动物克隆等研究具有重要的参考价值。

    The research is important to genetic mark , nuclear transplantation and transgenic animal clone etc.

  18. 他说他的组织拥有高于30%的动物克隆的成功率。

    He said his organization has had an animal-cloning success rate of more than 30 percent .

  19. 胚胎冷冻保存已广泛用于胚胎移植、动物克隆以及动物资源保护。

    Cryopreservation of embryos has widely used in embryo transfer , animal cloning and animal genetic resource protection .

  20. 哺乳动物克隆效率低下,克隆后代发育异常已成为目前制约动物克隆技术发展和应用的瓶颈。

    The low efficiency and developing abnormally of cloning mammalian become a bottle-neck affected the development of animal cloning technology .

  21. 作者介绍了克隆的概念和目前动物克隆技术的现状、研究进展及与其有关的社会问题。

    This article introduces the conception of Clone and the animals Clone technique situation , the study progresses and problems .

  22. 从一开始就反对经营动物克隆业务的美国人道促进会对这家宠物克隆公司关张的消息表示欢迎。

    The Humane Society of the United States , which campaigned against the business from the start , celebrated the news .

  23. 与早期胚胎发育相关的一些重要基因异常表达致使克隆胚细胞核的再程序化过程受阻,是导致动物克隆失败的重要原因。

    Abnormal expression of developmentally important genes leads to inadequate reprogramming development of NT embryo which subsequently causes failure in animal cloning .

  24. 因此,将动物克隆和转基因动物乳腺生物发生器用于生物制药,具有广阔的发展前景,必将产生巨大的经济效应和社会效益。

    Therefore , using this technique in biological pharmacy has a broad development prospect , and will bring great economical and social efficiency .

  25. 但动物克隆效率仍然很低,供体细胞的选择是动物克隆中的重要步骤。

    Donor cell selection is critical for the success of cloning animal , and it is also an important factor affecting the cloning efficiency .

  26. 比林斯说,“任何灵长类动物克隆都未曾完成,而在已经克隆的种类中,已出现了许多异常现象。”

    " Cloning has not been accomplished in any primate ," said Billings , " In species where it has taken place , there were a lot of abnormalities . "

  27. 当人们将外源基因转染入哺乳动物细胞以后,总是希望外源基因能高效表达,并通过转基因动物克隆技术制作转基因动物,使其要求导入的外源基因在动物个体高水平表达所需要的新性状。

    We always hope that the foreign genes could be highly expressed in mammalian cells and individuals when foreign genes are transfected into mammalian cells and the transgenic animals are made .

  28. 但与体内胚胎相比,体外胚胎质量一直是困扰胚胎体外生产的主要问题,这严重影响了体外受精和动物克隆技术的实际应用。

    However , compared with in vivo , the quality of embryo in vitro was very unstable in vitro embryo production and affected the practice of fertilization in vitro and animal cloning .

  29. 如果一切按计划进行,世界上最大的动物克隆中心将于明年在中国北方的港口城市天津开业,将工厂化农业提升到一个新水平。

    If all proceeds as planned , the world 's biggest animal cloning center will open next year in the northeastern Chinese port city of Tianjin , taking factory farming to a new level .

  30. 随着近年来生物技术的快速发展,动物克隆研究的重点已经从单纯的体细胞克隆向体细胞转基因与核移植技术相结合转移。

    Along with the speedy development of biological technology these years , the emphasis of animal clone research has been transferred to combination of somatic cell transgene and nuclear transfer from traditional somatic cell clone .