
dònɡ wù qū xì
  • fauna
  1. 这本书被设置在雨林的ObiObiCreek附近,并作为当地植物群和动物区系充分的参考。

    This book is set in the rainforest near Obi Obi Creek and is full of references to native flora and fauna .

  2. 葫芦岛市鸟类动物区系构成特点分析与研究

    Analysis and research on birds fauna composition characters in Huludao city

  3. 群落动物区系的样本采集采用0·5mm的滤网,同时测定盐度、水温和岩石粒度这几项参数。

    Quantitative samples have been collected of the macrofauna retained by a 0.5 mm sieve , together with measurements of salinity , water temperature and granulometry .

  4. 大陈岛蔓足类动物区系和生态分布的研究

    Studies on the Cirriped Faunal and Ecological Distribution in Dachen Islands

  5. 长江下游地区若干动物区系的发现及其在动物地理学上的意义

    Some Faunal Discoveries in the Lower Yangtze Basin and their Zoogeographical Significance

  6. 贵州两栖动物区系及地理区划的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on geographical distribution and faunal regions of amphibians of Guizhou Province

  7. 野生动物区系属于青藏区羌塘高原亚区。

    Wild animal fauna belongs to Qiangtang inferior .

  8. 中国近海糠虾类动物区系

    Studies on Mysidacea fauna of the China Seas

  9. 这是美国公园植物和动物区系数据库的网站。

    This is the website of Species in Parks : Flora and Fauna Databases .

  10. 红树林在热带区域取代了盐水沼泽,并且支持了丰富的动物区系。

    Mangrove forests replace salt marsh in tropical regions and support a rich fauna .

  11. 东北高寒地区麦田生态系统中土壤动物区系的研究

    Study of Soil Animal Fauna in Wheat Field Ecosystem of Northeast Heavy Frigid Region

  12. 第八部分根据物种分布信息,分析了大轴甲的中国及世界动物区系中的分布特点。

    Part 8 analyzed the geographical distribution features of the world and distribution patters of China .

  13. 在针叶林群落中,东洋界和古北界的动物区系几乎各占半。

    In the coniferous forests , the oriental and the palearctic almost accounted for a half .

  14. 中国海软体动物区系区划的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the demarcation of Marine Molluscan faunal regions of China and its adjacent waters

  15. 介绍了岛屿生物地理学理论。华夏动物区系之初探

    The biological and geographic island theory is introduced . A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE CATHAYSIA FAUNAL PROVINCE

  16. 第四纪期间中国南北两大动物区系之间的过渡地带动物群

    The transitional area between the South China and North China provinces of zoographical division of Quaternary mammalian faunas

  17. 未经海图测定的浅水海域关于临近海岸的浅海地带或区域的,如浅海动物区系。

    Relating to the belt or region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast , as in neritic fauna .

  18. 由此,我们开展了不同条件下我国稻田生态系统与岩溶生态系统土壤动物区系的动态变化研究。

    So , changes of soil fauna and its ecological significance in the Paddy and Karst Ecosystems were studied .

  19. 文中讨论了盐水动物区系的相似性、内陆水各种浮游动物的耐盐性和盐度与群落多样性指数的关系等问题。

    Faunal similarities , the salinity tolerance of inland water zooplanktons and relationship between salinity and species diversity were discussed .

  20. 目前,在埃及有关不同腐败阶段的动物区系演替实验和他们在法律上应用报道还很少。

    There are few available Egyptian studies on the faunal succession related to stages of decomposition and their application in legal medicine .

  21. 其物种的组成与中国及贵州的两栖动物区系特点一致。

    74 % of the total in the reserve , which species composition is identical with the fauna of the Guizhou and China .

  22. 野生动物区系方面,有昆虫14目、100科、340属、437种;

    In the aspect of fauna , there is 437 species of insects , belonged to 14 orders , 100 families and 340 genera ;

  23. 然而,随着现代农业技术的应用,尤其是化学品,如杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂和化肥等的大量使用,给土壤动物区系造成了灾难性的后果,可能毁掉这一宝贵的自然财富。

    However , application of modern agrotechnology , especially using of chemicals such as pesticide , bactericide , herbicide and fertilizer have brought enormous catastrophy to earthworms .

  24. 土壤动物区系在有机态养分矿化为无机态养分的过程有着独特的功能,能显著增加土壤碳矿化。

    The fauna of wetland soil has special function in the decomposition , nutrient mineralization and other ecological processes of soil , which can increase soil carbon mineralization .

  25. 动物区系方面,有昆虫223种、两栖类9种、爬行类15种、鸟类53种、兽类10种。

    In the aspect of fauna , there are 223 species of insects , 9 species of amphibian , 15 species of reptilia , 53 species of birds and 10 species of beasts .

  26. 动物区系的动物地理分布的或与动物地理分布有关的五个景区,即动物园区、物园观赏区、武湖区、乐区和山林区。

    Of or relating to the geographic distribution of animals . Five view Districts , namely the zoo area , botanical garden appreciate the area , view wu lake District , entertainment zone and forest area .

  27. 以往,关于四川熊蜂动物区系的调查工作虽然做的较多,但关于熊蜂的地理分布规律及其与重要环境因素之间的关系涉及的较少。

    In the past , though the investigation about Sichuan bumblebee 's fauna has been done a lot , the geographical distribution laws of Bumblebee and the relationship to the important environmental factors is less involved .

  28. 其原因可能是由植被流入土壤的物质和能量的多样性和数量的增加,也可能是由土壤动物区系起作用的土壤微生境的多样性的增加造成的。

    These effects may have been caused by an increased diversity and quantity of material and energy flows to the soil . They may also have been mediated by increased diversity of soil microhabitats via a stimulation of the soil fauna .

  29. 分布于该区的爬行动物共15种,属于中亚型的种类占73.3%,北方型和东北型合占26.7%,充分显示出中亚荒漠动物区系的面貌。

    There are fifteen species of reptiles , 73 . 3 % of them belonging to Central-Asia type , while 26 . 7 % the North type and North-East type , which fully demonstrates the feature of the reptilian fauna in Central Asian Desert .

  30. 安阳市国家重点保护野生动物的区系研究

    Fauna Study on Wild Animals under Special State Protection of Anyang City