
  • 网络Animal pole;animale pole
  1. 通过显微注射的方法,将外源基因注射入花鲈和斑马鱼单细胞期受精卵动物极细胞质内,使用的外源基因包括绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因、Nramp基因和抗菌肽Magainin基因。

    Nramp gene is driven by CMV promoter . And different Exogenous genes including GFP gene , Nramp gene and Magainin gene were injected into the cytoplasm of newly fertilized sea perch and zebrafish embryos at one cell stage .

  2. 根据结果表明,在上述孵化条件下,半滑舌鳎的卵子受精后,原生质向动物极集中,油球多分布于植物极。

    According to the experiment , the protoplasm centralized to the creatural pole , and the oil globules distributed to the plant pole after the fertilization .

  3. 应用直接显微注射的方法将全鱼融合基因导入鲤鱼受精卵的动物极,进行卵化,我们共注射1888粒鲤鱼受精卵,孵出鱼苗(平游期)1110尾,孵化率为58.8%;

    The all-fish gene aws directly introduced to Animal-Pole of common carp fertilized eggs to hatching , 1888 Fertilized eggs were microinjected and 1110 frys were hatched out ( swam steadily ), the incubation rate of fertilized eggs was 58 . 8 % .

  4. 那部影片中拍摄的极地野生动物好看极了。

    The photography in the film about arctic wildlife was superb .

  5. 众多的尖鼻子食虫小型有袋动物,极象老鼠。

    Any of numerous small sharp-nosed insectivorous marsupials superficially resembling mice or rats .

  6. 动物是极易相处的朋友,他们不提问,也不批评。

    Animals are such agreeable friend & they ask no questions , they pass no criticism .

  7. 这些雪暴以及长期的严寒对于不冬眠的野生动物是极为严酷的。

    These blizzards and long spells of extreme cold are very hard on any wildlife that isn 't hibernating .

  8. 动物性极:与包含细胞核和多数细胞质的植物性极相对的卵的部分。

    Animal pole : The portion of an egg opposite the vegetal pole that contains the nucleus and most of the cytoplasm .

  9. 动物是极容易相处的,它们从不提问,也从不会批评。——乔治.艾略特,英国小说家

    Animals are such agreeable friends . They ask no questions , they pass no criticisms . - George Eliot , English novelist

  10. 蓝色的物体有这种颜色的物体植物与动物中极不饱和的黄色到红色的色素。

    An object having this hue . any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals .

  11. 面对动物福利极有可能成为一道新的贸易壁垒的现实,我国如不及时采取应对措施,农场动物福利将会成为我国畜牧业发展和畜产品出口贸易中的一个桎梏。

    Facing the fact that the farm animal welfare will be a new trade barrier , if we do not take appropriate measures in time , farm animal welfare will be a shackle that preclude the development of stockbreeding and the export of animal product .

  12. 急性肝损伤是多种肝脏疾病的发生、发展及最终走向肝功能衰竭的始动环节和共同途径,建立与人类急性肝损伤发展病变过程相似的动物模型极为重要。

    Acute hepatic injury that cause the development of disease and developing into liver failure finally is the initiating factor and common pathway of numerous liver disease . It is extremely important to establish animal model which disease process is similar with human acute hepatic injury .

  13. 此外,汞中毒患者血液中GSH-Px活性明显低于正常对照组(P<0.01),CAT活性改变不显著,与动物实验结果极为一致。

    In addition , the GSH-px activity in the patients of occupational mercurialism was lower than normal subjects ( P 0 . 01 ) . The activity of CAT had no change .

  14. 大多数实验动物对肠毒素极不敏感。

    Most laboratory animals are quite insensitive to enterotoxin .

  15. 尽管考拉看上去很可爱,总是令人忍不住想抱一抱它,但是这种动物也因极强的攻击性而著称,尤其是在感觉自身受到威胁时。

    While the koalas appears cute and cuddly , they have been known to act aggressively , especially when feeling threatened .

  16. 昆虫是自然界中分布最广泛的动物类群,极易受到重金属等环境因子的胁迫。

    Insects are the most widely distributed species in the nature , so they are vulnerable to metal stress and other environmental stress .

  17. 人和动物的根本区别在于人具有远大的目标,动物只有极近期的目标。

    The difference between man and animals is that man has long-term goals while animals only have short-term goals .

  18. 一般情况下,动物之间只会为觅食而杀戮,同类动物之间自相残杀是极为少见的。

    Usually one animal will not kill another except for getting food for itself , and an animal seldom kill another one of the same species .

  19. 野生动物损害除了造成当地居民身体上的伤害和财产上的损失以外,更加重了人们对野生动物的厌恶感和排斥感,这对野生动物保护是极为不利的。

    The damage caused by wildlife leads to not only physical injuries and property losses to local residents , but also the animosity and rejection feeling of local people to the wildlife , it is extremely detrimental to the wildlife conservation .