
qì ɡuān fā shēnɡ
  • organogenesis
  1. 以矮牵牛TidalWave品种无菌苗叶片为外植体,在附加不同质量浓度激素的MS基本培养基上诱导培养,通过器官发生途径获得再生植株。

    Regeneration plantlets were obtained from young leaf explants of the petunia'tidal wave ' induced on MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of antibiotics by organogenesis .

  2. 石斛(Dendrobiumnobile)离体再生及其器官发生的解剖学观察

    In Vitro Regeneration of Dendrobium nobile and Anatomic Observation of Its Organogenesis

  3. 本文研究了该科植物的生活习性、外部形态、花粉形态和外壁超微结构以及花器官发生,并根据多个DNA区段的序列探讨了科的系统位置和属下关系。

    The present study examined its habits , morphology , pollen morphology including exine ultrastructure , floral organogenesis , and molecular phylogeny based on multiple regions of DNA sequences .

  4. 侵袭性感染导致MODS有几个特点:①MODS发病率高,达到81.6%,每例有平均2.73个器官发生功能不全。

    The characteristics in MODS following invasive infection are presented . ① Morbidity of MODS is high , it reaches 81.6 % .

  5. 毛地黄(Digitalispurpurea)叶离体培养过程中光质与培养基对器官发生的交互作用

    The coaction of light quality and medium composition in organogenesis of leaf-cultures of Digitalis purpurea

  6. 2~3龄幼虫,蜡蚧轮枝菌菌丝24h就可穿透体壁进入血腔,48h可见脂肪体等器官发生病变;

    The hyphae penetrated the cuticle of the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae in 24 h and pathogenesis started on their fat body in 48 h.

  7. 不同种源毛脉酸模根中主要次生代谢产物动态积累的研究滇黄芩器官发生与不同继代次数遗传稳定性的RAPD分析

    Study on the Dynamic Accumulation of Main Secondary Metabolites in Roots of Rumex gmelini from Different Provenances Organogenesis of Scutellaria amoena and Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plantlet Analyzed by RAPD

  8. 内源GA3含量增加伴随着不定芽发生,而JA含量增加伴随着拟球茎发生,内源激素平衡是器官发生方式的关键调空因素。

    Endogenous GA3 content increased with bud formation whilst JA increased with corm development , indicating balance of endogenous hormones a key factor influencing organogenesis pathways .

  9. 以重庆市主栽和自育的甘薯优良品种为试材,比较了植物生长调节物质萘乙酸(NAA)和6苄基腺嘌呤(BA)对甘薯离体器官发生的影响。

    Effects of plant growth substances NAA and BA on in vitro organogenesis of sweetpotato were studied in this paper , and the test materials were the cultivars mainly cultivated or bred in Chongqing .

  10. 为探讨MEE细胞与腭裂发生的关系,对184例NIH胎鼠腭器官发生期不同阶段的头颅标本进行了组织胚胎学研究。

    Craniofacial specimen of NIH mouse palatal organs in different fetal stages had been studied embryologically for exploring relationship between medial edge epithelium cells and palatal cleft formation .

  11. 本研究设计了15种不同配比的激素组合研究2,4-D和6-BA对百合鳞片叶器官发生和体细胞胚胎发生的影响。

    Somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis of scale leaf of lily on medium containing 15 kinds of different combination of BA and 2,4-D were obtained to study the effect of hormone on plant regeneration .

  12. 诱导器官发生的适宜幼胚长度为5~6mm。

    The best length of immature embryo for organogenesis was 5-6 mm . Genotypic variation in the frequency of organogenesis was noted . However , organogenesis was induced from all tested genotypes .

  13. 0157:H7另外一个毒力因子是由插入到染色体上的原噬菌体编码的志贺毒素(Stx),它能使感染的病人器官发生病理变化,或者继发其它的临床症状而引起死亡。

    Another important virulence factor of EHEC O157 : H7 was Shiga-toxin ( Stx ), which was encoded by a bacteriophage inserted into the chromosome of O157 : H7 . This potent cytotoxin is the factor that leads to death and many other symptoms in patients infected with EHEC .

  14. 为了研究非折叠蛋白质应答对器官发生的影响,应用衣霉素诱导非折叠蛋白质应答并观察其对人胚肾细胞系293A迁移特性的影响。

    To investigate the influence of the unfolded protein response ( UPR ) on cell migration in organogenesis , we induced UPR with tunicamycin and observed the effects in vitro of UPR on the migration behaviors of human embryonic kidney cell line 293A .

  15. 以阔叶猕猴桃叶片和叶柄为外植体,通过器官发生途径诱导形成不定芽,建立了高效的再生体系。

    Latifolia was achieved via organogenesis from leaf and petiole explants .

  16. 哲罗鱼消化系统器官发生发育的组织学观察

    Histological Observation on the Development of Digestive System in Hucho taimen

  17. 凤尾丝兰子房离体培养的器官发生及植株再生

    Organogeny and Plantlet in ovaries in vitro culture of Yucca gloriosa

  18. 再生植株的产生主要是通过直接器官发生途径。

    The plant regeneration occured mainly by means of direct organogenesis .

  19. 植物离体器官发生是一个受多种因素调节的过程。

    Organogenesis in vitro of plant is regulated by multiple factors .

  20. 杉木成熟合子胚器官发生和体胚发生

    Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis from Mature Zygotic Embryos of Cunninghamia lanceolata

  21. 通过器官发生途径和胚状体发生途径,获得抗性再生葡萄植株。

    Transgenic grape were obtained from shoot organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis .

  22. 结球生菜叶片组织培养与器官发生的研究

    A study of leat tissue culture and organogenesis of head lettuce

  23. 植物体细胞胚状体与器官发生的激素调节

    On the phytohormone regulation of plant somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis

  24. 植物离体培养中器官发生调控机制的研究进展

    Advances in the studies on the mechanism of plant organogenesis in vitro

  25. 葡萄器官发生途径再生不定芽的遗传稳定性

    Genetic Fidelity of Regeneration Adventitious Shoots in Grape through Organogenesis

  26. 几种影响库拉索芦荟芽器官发生和植株再生的因素

    Some influential factors for shoots organogenesis and plant regeneration in Aloe vera

  27. 火炬松成熟合子胚培养直接器官发生和植株再生

    Direct organogenesis and plant regeneration from mature zygotic embryos of loblolly pine

  28. 观察了愈伤组织中器官发生的部位和方式。

    Sometimes the roots formation from peripheral layer of callus were also observed .

  29. 讨论了掌叶木花器官发生和发育的系统学意义。

    The systematic implications of floral organogenesis and development of H.bodinieri are discussed .

  30. 2种发生方式均为直接器官发生途径。

    Both of the two ways were direct organogenesis .