
  • 网络Successful treatment;Treatment success
  1. 治疗成功率为87.5%。

    The treatment success rate was 87.5 % .

  2. 术中需仔细探查,选择简单、有效的手术方式,保证引流通畅是治疗成功的关键。

    Careful pancreatic exploration is mandatory and simple and effective surgical procedures with effective drainage is important for treatment success .

  3. 结果:A组治疗成功率为78.6%,B组成功率为83.3%(P>0.05);

    Results : 78.6 % in Group A and 83.3 % in Group B were successfully treated .

  4. 方法将AMI再灌注治疗成功者49例随机分为2组。

    Methods 49 patients of AMI after successful reperfusion treatment were random divided into 2 groups .

  5. 结果ADO介入组与开胸组治疗成功率均达100%。

    Results The success rate of the ADO group and the surgical group was100 % .

  6. 基因治疗成功的关键是需要高效、安全和靶向的载体系统,将DNA转移至靶细胞核内进行表达。

    It is a key factor for successful gene therapy to develop efficient and safe gene delivery carriers that can transfer DNA into the nuclei of the target cells .

  7. 输卵管局部注射MTX可提高异位妊娠保守治疗成功率。

    Fallopian local injection of MTX may develop the successful rate of conservative treatment for ectopic pregnancy .

  8. 结论CT定位使卵园孔穿刺技术不单纯依赖经验,能极大提高治疗成功率,从而提高疼痛缓解率,降低术后并发症发生率本系统的经验可以在开发设计其他相关系统时所借鉴。

    Conclusion Under CT-guide positioning , the puncture technique through the foramen ovale needs no only depend on experience . CT can greatly increase the successful rate and decrease the incidence of postoperative complications .

  9. A、B两组均无大出血、食管穿孔发生,治疗成功者基本解除了梗阻,吞咽困难症状得到了明显改善。

    In between group A and group B , the massive hemorrhage and the esophageal perforation did not occur ; the obstruction of the successful treatment patients was basically relieved and their dysphagia symptoms were obviously improved .

  10. 两组病例血β-hCG下降速度、治疗成功率及药物毒副反应比较,同样差异有统计学意义,P<0.01。结论对于未破裂型输卵管妊娠,B超引导下MTX局部注射治疗效果优于全身用药。

    Conclusions Local MTX injection under B ultrasound guidance is more effective than systematic therapy in unruptured tubal pregnancy .

  11. 结论:完善的器械、娴熟的操作技巧、预防性止血是中央型腰椎间盘突出症行MED治疗成功的关键。

    Conclusion : Perfect apparatus , experienced operative skill of MEDII are the key to success and effective treatment .

  12. 结论MTA盖髓治疗成功率高,是理想的盖髓剂。

    Conclusion MTA should be considered as an ideal pulp-capping agent due to its highly success rate .

  13. 结果:7例患者均一次性运用UAE治疗成功,平均手术时间(42.3±5.3)min;

    Results : 7 cervical pregnancy patients were all successfully cured by one time of UAE . The duration of operation was 35 ~ 50 ( 42.3 ± 5.3 ) min.

  14. 结果:本组48例患者,47例患者一次治疗成功,血βhCG逐渐下降,8~28天降至正常,平均15天;

    Results : 47 cases out of 48 patients were treated successfully one time ,β - hCG decreased gradually in blood and reached the normal level 8-28 days later ( mean 15 days ) .

  15. 结论:用rootzx测量老年人的后牙根管长度,符合解剖生理情况,可以提高测量的准确性,提高治疗成功率。

    Conclusion : Using Root ZX to measure elderly patients ' root canal length complies with physiological conditions , which can in turn improve the accuracy of measuring root canal working length and improve success rate .

  16. 所有经保守治疗成功病例治疗后FBM角平均84.4°,基本接近正常婴幼儿FBM值;

    After surgical treatment , the FBM angle reached to average 84.4 in cases receiving successful conventional treatment , which was quite close to the normal value ;

  17. 结果全组总的治疗成功率为983%(113/115),PTA后内支架置入率为198%(16/81),并发症发生率为17%(2/115)。

    Results Total success rate was 98.3 % ( 113 / 115 ), the rate of stent implantation after PTA was 19.8 % ( 16 / 81 ) and complication rate was 1.7 % ( 2 / 115 ) .

  18. 结果NPPV治疗成功率为556%(10/18),8例NPPV治疗失败患者中7例改用气管插管有创通气,总死亡率为333%(6/18)。

    Seven of eight patients due to NPPV failure received endotracheal intubation . Overall mortality rate for the ALI / ARDS patients was 33.3 % ( 6 / 18 ) .

  19. 未建立人工气道率为61.7%,NIPV治疗成功率为55.3%,生存率为76.6%。

    Ratio of non-placing artificial trachea was 61.7 % , successful ratio was 55.3 % , survival ratio was 76.6 % .

  20. 结果:18例31个椎体PVP治疗成功,按病例数成功率为85.7%(18/21),按椎体数成功率为83.8%(31/37)。

    Results The procedure was successful in 18 cases with 31 lesions , and the success rate according to the number of cases and vertebral lesions was 85.7 % ( 18 / 21 ) and ( 83.8 % )( 31 / 37 ), respectively .

  21. 结果溶栓治疗成功7例,占78%(7/9),复查血管造影显示肝固有动脉有血流通过,肝内动脉分支显影,肝功能明显改善,肝动脉内留置导管时间为12h~9d(平均4.8d)。

    Results HA flow was established in 7 of the 9 patients ( 78 % ) 12 hours to 9 days ( on average 4.8 days ) after the IA thrombolysis with significant improvement of liver functions .

  22. 结果:30例一次插管治疗成功,血清绒毛膜促性腺素术后第5天开始下降,21~28d降至正常水平,妊娠囊块2~25个月吸收。

    Results : On the 5th day after operation , the level of serum HCG began to decline reaching the normal value of the 21th ~ 28th day . The gestation sac was absorbed after 2 ~ 2 5 months .

  23. 除4例外全部病人均经盲袢用Dormia取石篮或其他器械治疗成功,成功率90%。

    The patients were all treated successfully by a Dormia basket or other instruments through this conduit with exception of four failures , the overall success rate was 90 % .

  24. 其中非手术治疗成功34例(91.9%),住院时间为12~23d;另3例因在非手术治疗期间由于延迟性出血引起血液动力学不稳定而中转手术治愈。

    Among them , 34 cases ( 91 9 % ) were cured by nonoperative management , 3 cases were cured by operation the because of unstable hemodynamics or delayed hemorrhage of patients during the period of nonoperative management .

  25. 下颌前磨牙根管解剖形态有多种变异,而对其根管解剖结构的了解是治疗成功的关键。

    Mandibular premolars may show wide variations in root canal morphology .

  26. 术后稳定性是衡量正颌外科治疗成功与否的关键。

    Postoperative stability is the key measure of orthognathic surgery success .

  27. 结果7例均治疗成功。

    Results The procedure was successful in all the 7 patients .

  28. 输尿管下段结石1942例,治疗成功率为98.6%;

    The pulverizing rate of lower ureteral stone was 98.6 % .

  29. 期待治疗成功率低不宜推广应用。

    Expectant management should not be used in clinical practice .

  30. 结论良好的封闭是治疗成功的关键。

    Conclusion Good closing is the successful key of treatment .