
  1. 其他扰乱治安秩序的行为。

    Engaging in other acts of disturbing the public security order .

  2. 试论社会转型及现代化治安秩序的重建

    Discussion on Social Transformation and the Re-establishing of Modernized Public Order

  3. 法律乃是建立在公平基础上的一种治安秩序。

    Law was an order of peace founded on fairness .

  4. 公众安全感指标体系的构建与评价方法研究&以社会治安秩序为视角

    The Construction of Index System of Public Sense of Security and Evaluation Methods

  5. 高校治安秩序和环境的好与坏,关系着人才培养的质量。

    College public order and atmosphere has the connection with its education quality .

  6. 试论治安秩序的特性

    Study On the Characteristics of Order of Public Security

  7. 若要重建社会秩序,必须首先建立良好的社会治安秩序。

    To re-establish social order , we must first establish a good social order .

  8. 严重扰乱了社会治安秩序。

    These disturb the social order seriously .

  9. 论治安秩序的内部结构

    On the Inner Structure of Public Security

  10. 维护治安秩序的关键是要了解治安秩序的特性。

    Understanding the characteristics of public order is a key to maintain peace and public security .

  11. 社会治安秩序的稳定又为构建社会主义和谐社会提供强有力的保障。

    The steadiness of public order will provide guarantee for the construction of a harmonious society .

  12. 治安秩序层次结构的分析&治安秩序论之二

    Analysis of the level structure of public security order & No.2 of public security order research series

  13. 赌博活动在我国渐呈蔓延趋势,而且花样繁多,规模增大,严重扰乱了社会治安秩序,败坏了社会风气。

    Gambling is mushrooming in China with greater diversity and scale , which seriously disturbed social order and ethos .

  14. 传统观念认为,政府警察机构是维护社会治安秩序的主体。

    Traditional belief holds that police organizations of a government are the main body that maintains public security and order .

  15. 科教文卫体等社会事业全面进步,治安秩序良好,人民安居乐业。

    Science , education and other social undertakings have made comprehensive progress , and good public order and people 's happiness .

  16. 杀人案件对社会治安秩序和人民生命安全危害极大,而无名尸体案件更增加了案件的恶性程度和侦破难度。

    Murder cases do severe harm to the security , order of the society and to the safety of people 's lives .

  17. 城市社区侵财型案件呈现出多发态势,成为影响社会治安秩序的一个突出问题。

    The invaded wealth type cases grow more in the urban community , become an outstanding problem of influencing the public order .

  18. 对治安秩序进行横向解剖,它是由治安秩序的观念层面、规范层面、组织层面和行为层面等四个方面构成的。

    The lateral analysis of public security order can be divided into such four scopes as concept 、 norms 、 organization and behavior .

  19. 第一条为了加强枪支管理,维护社会治安秩序,保障公共安全,制定本法。

    This law is enacted for the purpose of tightening control over guns , preserving public security and order and ensuring public safety .

  20. 油气地缘经济与中国油气安全关于油气田及输油气管道治安秩序综合治理的思考

    Geo-economy of oil and gas and security of oil and gas in China comprehensive administration on public security of oil field and pipeline

  21. 运用犯罪指标对治安秩序状况进行评判,以综合值为标准最为科学合理。

    The most scientific and reasonable way should be an evaluation based on the comprehensive value by means of the " crime index " .

  22. 当前,家庭暴力已经严重危害到家庭幸福和社会稳定,成为影响家庭生活质量和社会治安秩序的一个重大社会问题。

    Family violence which has endangered family happiness and social stability now becomes a major social problem that affects family life quality and public security order .

  23. 警察职业是在社会分工出国家这一组织形式的时候,为适应维护国家安全和社会治安秩序的需要而产生的。但有了警察职业,并不意味着职业警察就产生了。

    The vocation of police , in order to safeguard national security and maintain social orders , emerged as the result of social division of labor .

  24. 自觉维护酒店治安秩序,做好防火防盗,防破坏等安全防范工作,发现有可疑情况及时报告酒店保卫部门。

    Consciously maintaining hotel public order , to prevent fire , theft , anti-sabotage security preparedness , timely reporting of suspicious circumstances to Hotel security departments .

  25. 科技、卫生等社会事业协调推进,社会治安秩序稳定,人民安居乐业。

    Science and technology , health and other social undertakings , to promote co-ordination , social order and stability , and the people live and work in peace .

  26. 一定时空点是治安秩序的载体,破坏力是治安秩序构成要素中最活跃的因素,控制力是治安秩序构成要素中决定性因素。

    The specified time and space point is the carrier of public security order , the damage is the most active factor , the control strength is decisive factor .

  27. 外来流动人口对上海的建设和繁荣作出了贡献,但也对社会治安秩序带来了负面影响。

    Although the exotic shifting population have made a contribution to the construction and prosperity of Shanghai , they 've brought about a negative effect on the peace order .

  28. 强制医疗是一项重要的社会防卫措施,涉及到公民人身自由权和社会安全及治安秩序。

    Compulsive medical treatment is an important social security measure that relates to the right of personal liberties of the citizen , and the security of society and public order .

  29. 精神病患者的医疗行政强制措施是一项重要的社会防卫措施,既涉及到精神病患者的人身自由和健康权利,又涉及到社会安全和治安秩序。

    Psychiatric patients ' medical compulsory administrative measures is an important social defense measures , which involves psychotic personal freedom and health right , and related to social security and public order .

  30. 由于扒窃案件发案数多,破案率低,严重侵犯了广大人民群众的财产安全,破坏了社会治安秩序,影响了社会稳定。

    Because of its high rate of exposed cases and low rate of solved criminal cases , it encroaches severely on people 's property security , disrupts public order and social stability .