
  1. 王室身份:未来西班牙王后

    Royal Life : Future Queen of Spain

  2. 至于玛莉娅·芭芭拉呢,她将在马德里宫廷里发挥重大影响&她做了西班牙王后。

    As for Maria Barbara , she will later have great influence in the Court at Madrid & as the Queen of Spain .

  3. 迎接西班牙国王及王后访问的计划在进行中。

    Plans were afoot for a royal visit from the king and queen of spain .

  4. 第一间雷文卡拉斯酒店是在1992年由西班牙国王和王后主持揭幕的。

    The Raewon Callas the1st was opened in1992 , by the King and Queen of Spain .

  5. 主要作品是与西班牙马德里的索菲亚王后国家艺术中心博物馆密切合作挑选的,还有一些作品来自佛罗里达州圣彼德斯堡的萨尔瓦多达利博物馆等机构。

    The fine selection of the major works was done in close collaboration with the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid , Spain , and with contributions from other institutions like the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg , Florida .

  6. 西班牙新国王和王后于去年夏天登基,在哥伦布日这天首次出席阅兵式。

    Spain 's new King and Queen crowned last summer , presided over their first military parade for the holiday .

  7. 日前,西班牙王室正式宣布,未来的西班牙王后&莱蒂齐娅王妃已有三个月身孕,这是她怀的第一个孩子。

    Princess Letizia , the future Queen of Spain , is three months pregnant with her first child , the Royal Palace has announced .

  8. 哥伦布是一名意大利探险家,但是他率领的探险团队的大多数成员均来自西班牙,这个团队在西班牙国王和王后的赞助下从西班牙启程出海远航。

    Columbus was an Italian but the explorer 's crew were mostly from Spain and they set off from here on the journey sponsored by Spain 's King and Queen .