
  • 网络Cecily
  1. 在周六晚间直播里,塞西莉假扮CNN主播布鲁克·鲍德温,这十分令人惊讶,

    On Saturday Night Live , Cecily impersonates CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin , which is surprising ,

  2. 他们为这孩子取了她姑婆塞西莉的名字。

    They named the child for her great aunt cecily .

  3. 我想塞西莉正单恋着昆廷。

    I think Cecily is carrying a torch for Quentin .

  4. 安迪不敢对塞西莉谈关于冰冻火鸡之事。

    Andy does not dare ( to ) talk cold turkey to Cecily .