
  • 网络Spa;Spa-Francorchamps;spark
  1. 现在同样也是法拉利的F60在赛道上开始取得进步的时候,并且他的Kers能够帮助他在接下来的瓦伦西亚,斯帕,蒙扎和新加坡获得优势。

    It also comes at a time when Ferrari 's F60 appears to have made good progress on the track , and its KERS could prove to be an advantage in the forthcoming races at Valencia , Spa , Monza and Singapore .

  2. 你怎么看印度力量在斯帕的速度?

    Como voc ê avalia o ritmo da Force India em Spa ?

  3. MeetFactory(KeSklarne3213/15;420-251-551-796;meetfactory.cz/en)2001年由艺术家大卫·塞尔尼创立,是一个提供现场音乐会和艺术展览的综合区。塞尔尼创作的卡夫卡艺术装置位于乐购超市后面,民族大街和斯帕乐那大街交叉处。

    Founded in 2001 by artist David Cerny , the MeetFactory ( Ke Sklarne 3213 / 15 ; 420-251-551-796 ; meetfactory . cz / en ) is a complex that puts on live concerts and art exhibitions . Mr. Cerny 's Kafka art installation is behind the Tesco department store at the intersection of Narodni Trida and Spalena streets .

  4. 外斯帕显死时还说笑话;

    Vespasian in a jest ;

  5. 费尔南多-阿隆索:是的,这条赛道有一部分很像诸如斯帕这样的经典赛道。

    Fa : yes , and parts of it are like a classic circuit such as spa .

  6. 在两站背靠背的比赛和斯帕测试之后,有段短暂的休息真不错。

    It was nice to have a short break after two back-to-back races and the test in Spa .

  7. 自舒马赫在斯帕初次亮相后,他的职业生涯就一直充满成功、精彩和争议。

    Since making his debut at Spa , Schumacher 's career has been successful , colourful and controversial .

  8. 在接下来的两场比赛中法拉利和在斯帕一样包揽1、2的情况现实吗?

    Q.Is it realistic to have Ferrari win the next two races , like in Spa with a1-2 ?

  9. 我是说——你怎能想象,一辈子顶着“斯帕盖蒂”这样的名字?

    I mean - just think of it . Imagine going through life with a name like Patrick McDevitt ?

  10. 法拉利的费尔南多·阿隆索和费利佩·马萨在斯帕使用了不同的尾翼总成。

    Ferrari 's Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa ran different rear aero packages on their cars at the last round in Spa .

  11. 在斯帕汉密尔顿和阿隆索发生那样的事之后,你觉得他们之间激烈的竞争对于你来说有帮助吗?

    Q.After what happened in Spa between Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso , do you think this close fight can be helpful for you ?

  12. 上周在斯帕,我们有着很不错的反弹势头,而且我们也拿到了还算不错的积分。

    We made a good recovery from a difficult start to the weekend in Spa and it was nice to come away with some points .

  13. 斯帕是所有赛道中最好的,希望我们的赛车能如我们所愿。

    Spa is the best of all the circuits and hopefully we can finally get the car working to the way I want it to work .

  14. 比利时大奖赛的斯帕赛道上举行的,为数不多的世界上哪一个司机都喜欢比赛。

    The Belgian Grand Prix is held on the Spa-Francorchamps circuit , one of the few in the world which EVERY driver loves to race at .

  15. 你只能说:充满信心,车还很有竞争力,等待下一站斯帕的表现。

    You can only say : Be full of confidence , vehicle having competitive power very much , behaviour waiting for time as soon as station Sipa .

  16. 你认为在斯帕赛道第一个弯角中,迈凯轮车队两位车手之间发生的事情,是不是世界冠军争夺的重要因素?

    Q.do you think what happened between the two McLaren drivers at the first corner at Spa could prove to be an important factor in the world championship ?

  17. 卢卡的祖父(但愿他叫作诺诺——斯帕)在卢卡还小的时候,就给了他第一件天蓝色的拉齐奥球衣。

    Luca 's grandfather ( who I hope is known as Nonno Spaghetti ) gave him his first sky-blue Lazio jersey when the boy was just a toddler .

  18. 本文选取盐酸倍他洛尔、克林霉素磷酸酯和斯帕沙星三种疗效好、副作用小的含氮药物为代表,研究了高效液相色谱分析方法在药物分析以及药物合成路线优化中的应用。

    In this thesis , we studied the applying of High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) in the field of drug analysis and the optimization of drug synthetic routes for Betaxolol Hydrochloride , Clindamycin Phosphate and Sparfloxacin .